Common / Currency

Strand Meditations can be spent at the Pouka Pond to unlock additional Strand grenades, Aspects, and Fragments.

Collect Strand Meditations by using Strand anywhere in the system and completing activities in Neomuna.

Additional Strand Meditations are earned from all sources while in the Vex Incursion Zone in Neomuna.

Weave a grappling hook, and quickly pull yourself forward. Grappling to a T...
Weave a grappling hook, and quickly pull yourself forward. Grappling to a T...
Weave a grappling hook, and quickly pull yourself forward. Grappling to a T...
Shackle Grenade
A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspend...
Shackle Grenade
A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspend...
Shackle Grenade
A thrown weapon of weighted Strand matter that detonates on impact, suspend...
Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.
Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.
Threadling Grenade
A woven projectile that reweaves itself into Threadlings while in flight.
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