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Legendary / 特殊武器 / Submachine Gun








Damage Falloff  
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每分鐘發射量 900
彈匣 37
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+ 狂熱
15.61% of Rolls
+ 日陵月替球體
8.51% of Rolls
+ 動態晃動抑制
6.46% of Rolls
+ 日陵月替球體
5.33% of Rolls
+ 狂熱
4.45% of Rolls
+ 動態晃動抑制
4.1% of Rolls
+ 狂熱
3.79% of Rolls
+ 慢板
3.69% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 94.0K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 20.2%
  • 17.0%
  • 14.8%
  • 11.6%
  • 10.8%
  • 8.1%
  • 8.0%
  • 5.1%
  • 3.8%
  • 26.0%
  • 20.4%
  • 19.7%
  • 10.5%
  • 10.0%
  • 7.4%
  • 5.6%
  • 36.1%
  • 20.3%
  • 12.7%
  • 11.3%
  • 10.0%
  • 9.4%
  • 27.8%
  • 19.4%
  • 15.7%
  • 13.3%
  • 12.1%
  • 10.8%
  • 0.6%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 94.5K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 94.5K+ copies, 8.7K+ (9.2%) were fully masterworked.
26.8% of Rolls
24.9% of Rolls
24.6% of Rolls
23.5% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 39.2K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
36.2% of Rolls
16.4% of Rolls
9.4% of Rolls
6.7% of Rolls
5.9% of Rolls
5.8% of Rolls
5.7% of Rolls
5.0% of Rolls

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Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Season 23 Icon
Rewind Rounds + Attrition Orbs and as much mag size as you can shove onto it turns this thing into an absolute orb printer. I'll get 1-2 small orbs per reload after rewind rounds runs out before any other orb generation armor mods. Absolute menace.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Since the Attrition Orbs perk works off your base magazine amount, it might be better to keep that mag size somewhat low. There's probably a perfect number where you can both benefit from extra rounds in the mag plus proccing AO more often but in general I think lower is better.

But I'm more than willing to be wrong about this.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
You don't want mag size.
Mag size increase amount of shots needed to hit to make an orb.
It's 67% rounded down+2 shots.

For regular, thats 24 shots, Tactical mag 25, Appended and Extended mag 26 shots.

With rewind, you'll get 65 shots and 2 orbs with 48 hits at base.
Tac is 69 shots and 2 orbs at 50 hits
App is 72 shots, Ext is 75 shots, and 2 orbs at 52 shots.

You can't get any more than 2 orbs per mag with rewind.

It is definitely an Orb printer with Rewind though.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
This also works with Reaper and Solar Siphon mods at the same time, so in theory you could get 4 orbs from 2 enemies if you time your kills correctly. Works very well in high end content when enemies have more health to rip into.

edit: missed a space.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Devrim Kay: "Hmm yes fighting war in the name of peace is ironic, I shall place this insightful thought into this gun"

And what a gun it is. A Solar 900rpm SMG, this thing has Heal Clip, Rewind Rounds, Enlightened Action, Permeability (just in case you wanted an all Strand/Stasis loadout), Shoot to Loot and Stats for All. All these perks can find uses, but Heal Clip and Rewind Rounds are the standouts, especially since this gun already has a respectable 54 reload speed. On the other side we have Attrition Orbs, Frenzy, Deconstruct and Under-Over. In particular, Heal Clip + Attrition Orbs promises some excellent sustain ability, while pairing Orbs with Rewind Rounds offers a possible fountain of spherical super-chargers, depending on how frequently they are generated.

As for PvP, Shoot to Loot, Heal Clip or Enlightened Action might be your best bets, unless you intend to outlast a foe with Rewind Rounds. Column 4 meanwhile offers the excellent Dynamic Sway Reduction, which will definitely benefit your neutral game. Whether you like this or not is up in the air - it isn't on the level of certain SMGs, but its good enough.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Got a Heal Clip + Frenzy and already have 6k kills on it definitly my favorite sub in the game right now the healing you get literally make you unkilable
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I like it quite a bit I got adagio stats for all . When everything is active along with the origin trate field tested this smg feels amazing . 900 rpm with 100 stability and 80 or more handing and reload. I was skeptical until I tried it and fell in love .
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I admit I underestimated this gun. I already have Calus Mini Tool crafted and a No Survivors with Demolitionist/Incandescent, and adaptives are kind of a meh archetype on SMGs, so why care about this? I got a roll early in the season with Rewind Rounds/Frenzy early in the season and just got around to trying it, and I’m ready to eat my words (at least for this season). RR on an SMG is amazing, it feels fantastic to spray when you can circumvent the common reloads you ordinarily have to endure when using an SMG. Frenzy to boost damage and reload, Field Tested to crank up your already great stats. Add in the artifact perks for constant radiant uptime and extra scorch/ignitions and you have a primary that does it all. I’ve even been using it on solar titan with Precious Scars to stack restoration and create sunspots along with all of the above. The best part: RR/Frenzy might make it the best SMG to take into high level content, due to no kill requirements on either perk. Attrition Orbs also looks interesting with RR. If you get a good roll, don’t sleep on it.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
This is my favorite weapon of the season, I'm running rewind/adagio with the new field tested perk seems to be unique? It procs radiant really fast with artifact perk and all stats get juiced with origin trait. Is swapped this for my 12 punch shotty on stand titan to give me radiant and I use navigator to buff alies and sever targets so good
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Got a Heal Clip + Attrition orb roll. It is a healing machine and the constant orbs will keep your surges top off since you will be in your face with this gun anyway.
Of course you won't have any damage perks, but that is fine. Most red bars still die to primary easily anyway.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
What a hell of a weapon.

World drop, multiple good rolls, and one of the only 4 modern adaptive frame SMGs in the game. The other 3 are Bug Out Bag, The Hero's Burden, and Pizzicato-22, and while they're great for PvP, they don't hold a candle to Parabellum in PvE.

It's one of four weapons that can roll Shoot to Loot + Attrition Orbs, making it an amazing fit into a hotswap build with autoloading weapons like Mountaintop & Apex (especially since it's guaranteed Explosive Light stacks for those weapons) and it guarantees the 100% uptime on surges and font mods. The others are Subjunctive (arc 900rpm lightweight craftable smg), Breakneck (450rpm auto rifle from gambit), and Waking Vigil (arc 140 rpm hc world drop from dreaming city). It's pretty fair to say that this will give you the most bang for your buck, especially since with field tested you *want* to shoot this gun a lot. Don't add mag size to Attrition Orbs, it makes them generate slower.

It has a nutty continual fire of Rewind+Deconstruct, with deconstruct seeming to activate the minor reload every 0.5s? needs more testing. Either way, deconstruct is bugged, and I was able to offload a solid 140+ rounds for no reason into a champion. Tried on larger bosses, I think you can go a bit further unless they hotfix it or nerf deconstruct.

And finally, the cherry on top. This is the only Heal Clip smg so far. And damn, if it isn't possibly one of the few best to get this perk. While it can drop with Frenzy for 100 reload, this actually *isn't* what you want to roll it with. Field Testedx5 will get you to 100 reload. Instead, you can push Parabellum to 90 range with Adagio and Field Testedx5 with Smallbore Rounds in the first column. No stacks give you a base of >50 in . Want to take it to 100? Put on accurized rounds in the 2nd column. I got lucky to get my Alloy Mag roll for the reload scalar to lower the reload speed of parabellum to 0.94s, which is blisteringly amazing with Heal Clip (best other weapons for this are Darkest Before from Prophecy and The Summoner from Trials, both will be enhanceable in TFS) but because it sets it to 750rpm with crits dealing 1370 compared to Calus Mini-Tool's 720rpm and 1300 a crit, Parabellum takes the cake and the platter too and just walks away from the party with it. It may not have incandescent, but who cares when you have some of the highest survivability in the game, all from a world drop?

Parabellum has stiff pvp competition against Hero's Burden and Pizzicato, but god damn if it doesn't just walk right into Bug Out's home, slam open the back door, and throw it out by it's boots in nearly every way possible in comparison. It has better stats in everything except Impact, Aim Assist, and Recoil, and with even a single stack of Field Tested already outcompeting Disaster Plan in the crucible. As for the perks, it doesn't exactly hold a candle to a Hero's Burden with KC active, but Adagio being a nearly effortless 0.72ttk as well as being a.67ttk with Frenzy make for stiff competition against the other adaptives. Add on Radiant for a 0.64 and 0.6 ttk respectively means that an Ember of Benevolence build in Crucible with Heal Clip isn't an impossible thing to set up, as well as being your best friend in PvE.

As for competition against Agressive frame SMGs, consider *only* using this for the heal clip solar benevolence build. You'll be easily outclassed by Hero's Burden with KC, and every active Frenzy 720rpm. God save you if you run into an Immortal with KC active.


PvE god , somewhat questionable in pvp but makes for an amazing Heal Clip/Benevolence build item.

Shoot to Loot + Attrition orbs = 100% uptime on buffs in PvE.
Rewind Rounds + Deconstruct = bullets
Heal Clip + Frenzy or Adagio = General go to for survivability, lower end content, and pvp. Frenzy is better in PvP, Adagio better in PvE. Consider another pvp weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Holy hell, those bastards did it, they made a world drop better than most raid/dungeon primaries!

Joking aside this gun is insanely good for a world drop, 900RPM Solar SMG with an already good stat package having IMO the best origin trait in the game with Field Tested. PvE-wise your absolute best roll is going to be Corkscrew Barrel/Accurized Rounds/Heal Clip/Frenzy. Stats for All + Adagio is a close second if you prefer raw damage and performance over sustain, or if for higher-end content when things don't die as fast you can bring Rewind Rounds + Attrition Orbs to spawn a bunch of mini-orbs for sustain and ability/super regen (the amount of sustained fire time required feels like 0.5 seconds? However I could be completely wrong). Shoot to Loot is fine but situational and robs you of Heal Clip and Rewind Rounds, and although I'm not a big fan of it, Permeability is something you can do for triple darkness element loadouts, but it being tied to class ability use makes it feel like a slightly worse Osmosis since class abilities are a lot more tactical-use than a grenade.

PvP-wise you're a lot more limited but you'd want the same barrel and mag choices as before. For perk selection your only real third column choice is Enlightened Action, and 4th column is a toss between the high damage and range Adagio, or the all-around-solid-for-PvP Dynamic Sway Reduction (the stability is quite good for a 900RPM SMG but more sticking power is always good). Alternatively for the 4th slot, Under-Over is situational but absolutely slaps void subclass and woven mail users across the face and can even the playing field against an overshield abuser.

Masterwork choice is always going to be range and as for mods: minor spec for PvE and counterbalance stock for PvP.

To be honest, whoever greenlit this weapon should keep cooking.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
rewind round + deconstruct = funny combo, not great but fun, these combo make this gun have more bullet than sweetbusiness if shooting into a major enemy.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
A lot of ppl just dont know how good adagio is. I finally got a decent roll and i do enjoy it. It doesn't roll with incandescent so its a bad pick for solar builds this season. It does feel good to use and still can do good dmg with perks like frenzy and adagio. Its 3rd column is nice as well with rewind, enlightened action, and heal clip. Only thing is... If youre going to use a close range solar world drop this season (23) youre better off using heliocentric sidearm cus that rolls with demo or heal clip combined with incandescent to go with antibarrier artifact. I wouldnt bad mouth anyone for using this weapon but theres better options. You want a 5/5 world drop energy primary this season use ros arago. That thing is the best primary ammo world drop this season by far.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I've been using an arrowhead brake, accurized rounds, enlightened action, adagio and it hits like a truck with instant reloads. Really stoked to put it in rotation when my tyranny of heaven needs a short range hot swap.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Heal clip frenzy looks really cool on this gun, sad about it being a world drop but I think this could be huge in certain builds for survivability
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Wow… I slept on this gun, thinking it was just another random world drop until now. There are a lot of fantastic combos to be had, but I ran across a weird one that is killing it on my strand warlock. Permeability/Attrition Orbs gives me nearly permanent uptime on woven mail and unraveling rounds, increases uptime on my abilities and keeps my armor charges topped off, not to mention it gens my super much faster than normal from the extra orbs… Switch to my strand special or heavy, still have unraveling rounds, kill a big boy or two, swap back to this baby, pop a rift, drop some threadlings to deal with any nearby ads and go back to town… Obviously, field tested is just an added bonus here… SWEET BABY JESUS I love this gun!!
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
People really should try this in PVP although there are other better perk combos on other guns I personally love the feel of this gun in PVP. For a 900 rpm it's a laser beam with Dynamic sway and Enlightened action, Field tested is just an added plus. My only wish was for a easier to use damage perks like kill clip or target lock.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Many fun rolls to look for but one that I've been enjoying especially with this current Solar focused season has been Heal Clip + Attrition Orbs. It's a healing machine! Plus with surge mods Attrition Orbs is constantly keeping up a 10%-20% damage bonus on top of being Radiant.

Heliocentric QSc is another great weapon especially if you want to lean more into the Solar synergy with Incandescent. But I have to say even after 15k PvE kills on my Helio so far (Heal Clip + Incandescent) I'm going to be using the Parrabellum with Heal Clip + Attrition Orbs. Especially now with orb generation being less frequent than it used to.

If the new support frame AR in TFS is anything close to as effective as this, I can see myself turning into a support Hunter with Mothkeepers in TFS.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Uso un Cazador tipo solar y estuve usando Drang Barroco como complemento de mi build, pistola que no me convencía mucho, todo hasta que esta arma apareció en mi vida... Fue amor inmediato, me hizo sentir en las nubes, intoxicado de su potencial. Me salió con "estadisticas para todos+orbes de atricion", y mi build se basa mucho en los orbes por lo que generó un match inmediato. Veré si me puedo pillar una con "cargador curativo" o "munición de retroceso". REALMENTE LA AMO 💗😍
Reply      Report Posted a year ago