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異域 / 特殊武器 / Grenade Launcher



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Direct hits do more damage to combatant shields. Dealing damage increases reload speed. Rapid final blows against grenade-damaged combatants refill the magazine.

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Season 10 Icon
I'm sure its a very good gun, I can't seem to kill anyone except myself with it
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
This is a incredibly fun weapon, and my favorite weapon is all of Destiny. It happens to be one of the few weapons I found that actually takes time to learn and use effectively, and that high skill ceiling makes it that much more fun. The ability to deal damage to enemies behind cover make it amazing when dealing with peakshooters in pvp. If you’re looking for a fun, challenging, and rewarding beast of a weapon, pick the Lion, she won’t disappoint.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
To initiate this review, I must first address the faithless among us in the crowd. To those who doubt the power and majesty of the Fighting Lion, to those who would look upon such a perfect and peerless weapon and look away with no regard, I bid you come. Return to the fold.

When wielded by a competent Guardian, who bears the right clean-up weapon and who has mastered the various magicks of Map Geometry, the Fighting Lion is a God-smasher like unto no other. It's pools of ammunition are an endless line of explosives eager to meet their targets, who accelerate their rate of launch when sufficiently satisfied with your ability to fire and hit your targets. When an opponent is tagged or killed, your reload speed increases, but lo and behold; when that opponent is cleaned up by your primary weapon, the launcher replenishes its holy ammunition as a reward for your obedience.

But, to those who took the time to sate the weapon's desires for Bounties and Kills, the Fighting Lion bestows upon them it's most powerful blessing: the Chimera buff. In exchange for making the right choice and unleashing holy void upon your enemies, any weapon you switch to will have its accuracy and handling buffed for a 2-3 second duration. Whether or not you strike the opponent with a round is of no concern to the Holy Beast; all that matters is that you have shown forth the respect it demands, and in return, you shall have your reward.

Its Holiness does not demand a specific cleanup weapon, but in PVP, the fighting style of the Fighting Lion lends itself best to Hand Cannons, Submachine Guns and Auto Rifles. The truly brave among us pair this weapon with another member of its kind, a shotgun, a sniper or a fusion, but the Lion does not care. It asks only for destruction and trusts you to provide.

In PVE, it's the ad clear that Guardians dream of. A weapon that can buff its own reload speed or even reload itself in exchange for obtaining a kill with it, able to do so in the form of relatively well sized explosions. It can do so forever with no end to its conquest, as it requires no ammunition.

For those who can master its ways, the Fighting Lion is a gift, a seeming impossibility. To those who cannot wield it or will themselves to shun it, it's an anomaly that's simply too weak to consider using.

Make no mistake. Particularity is not equivalent to weakness; the Fighting Lion does not work like a regular grenade launcher, but it's so much better when you can make it sing.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Haha you said among us haha
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Requires skill to use but rewards the loyal. The skill is all in the geometry and landing blind shots.

Lion does not one shot, so it needs a good cleanup gun to pair it with. 110 HandCannons (now 120RPM) will one tap. Sidearms and SMG's are exceedingly good as well.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the lion can be used as the cleanup tool for bows. Bow+lion has exceedingly low TTK's.

There is a huge rabbit hole. For more see r/fightinglion or
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Perhaps I don't know where to find the correct information, but as there is nowhere I've seen that mentions this:

As of Season 20 at least that I've been aware (as I started playing this season), the Catalyst is nowhere near the alleged 2500 bounties - rather feeling like it's closer to 500 bounties as of current.
Still a large chunk of bounties, but not as imposing as it had been portrayed as.

For how the weapon feels: It rewards skill, simple-as. Embracing the spirit of the Demoman in full makes this one of the only, if not THE only weapons that can be considered a Trickshot weapon, with a hefty burst of damage as the payoff.
Do good, and it does good by you. Do bad, and this weapon will not help you in the slightest.

Some people could consider weapons with homing, tracking, scatter bombs, bigger magazines etc "better" and to a certain degree they would be right - if that's what they consider better, that's fine.
But is it truly as satisfying as managing a weapon that doesn't hold your hand?

I reserve my opinion on PVP as that is not my cup of tea.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I'd consider deathbringer a trickshot weapon tbf
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 5 Icon
Great in PvP and PvE. "Threat Level" being a Kinetic "Trench Barrel" Shotgun and "Hammerhead" giving us an option for the Power Slot which isn't Exotic and usable helped it shine in PvE too. Hammerhead helps in PvP too. But being unable to use neither "Ace of Spades" nor "Not Forgotten" might be a problem for some people.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Good for adclear in PVE but not much ammo. Very hard to get used to but when you do, it can be pretty dangerous in Crucible. Bad in gambit.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
In PvE it's a good grenade launcher. Due to it using primary ammo along with thin the herd, ammo will almost never be an issue. However with special ammo scavenger/finder you can probably be better off using a special ammo grenade launcher and saving the exotic slot. In PvP it's great. You spawn with around 9 shots, giving you a good amount. While it won't one shot on direct hits, it will hurt and can lead to a cleanup kill by you or your teammates, especially with the catalyst.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 17 Icon
infinite ammo splash damage is very good. The idea of a weapon that synergizes with everything is so alluring, and pays off well as its good at ad clearance and can even do fun stuff with void 3.0. It's really only weakness is being a exotic, and there are better options for PvE especially in the ad clearing department. hot swapping between it and another gl (not mountaintop if your muscle memory is as broken as mine you'll miss everytime with it lol) is almost viable and is incredibly funny, landing a it feels something like a double donk in TF2. But pairing it with something more reasonable will get better results, a sidearm or handcannon could be fun to chip that last sliver of health away. a shotgun would work for cleanup to or run it and a sniper for good range coverage. CATALYST IS GOOD. It just gives your weapons quickdraw and reduces bloom which is fun but the handling buff is the real deal. Excellent multitool that just struggles to compete with such a packed house of exotics in pve and pvp.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
It use to be a "I use this because im a hipster in the crucible" and now its "I use this because im slightly less of a hipster and need to get kills for the witherhoard catalyst." very good, Gimme the prideglass ornament plz bungie ive used this dumb thing since launch.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 11 Icon
A very great and fun weapon to use once I learned how to shoot, how and when to detonate the grenades at will.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Was not sure at all about this gun, but now I love it. You can bounce shots off and prime people infinitely in PVP.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Perhaps the most skill-based weapon in the game, Fighting Lion demands the most out of players of any gun. And I mean that in more than one way. If you can hit consistent shots, Fighting Lion rewards you greatly. It's a grenade launcher that uses primary ammo, which means that you have infinite shots. You have to learn how to time active detonations, as well as juggle grenade damage, as killing enemies you damage with grenades reloads the weapon.

However, for the Fighting Lion to be genuinely great, you have to unlock the Catalyst, which is one of the best in the game. Unfortunately, it's also pure agony to obtain. 1000 kills, 2500 bounties. Yes, seriously. 2500 bounties. As someone who has the Catalyst completed, it's fucking miserable. You absolutely will not actively go after this. You get the catalyst to drop, and then watch the completion percentage slowly crawl up over months.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Don't let it's "meme" status fool you. Anyone who puts the time in to learn this beast with be rewarded with one of the best and most reliable weapons in the game.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Just completed the catalyst in a thrallway. The kills portion of the catalyst requires 1000 kills. not even kidding. For your sanity, don't complete this in a thrallway, just passively get progress through activities. Given how much time you'll spend with it if you actually *want* to get the catalyst done, you'll probably get pretty good using this thing, which can actually be fun. Havent used this in PVP, but apparently it can be good enough for people to use in trials. Your mileage may vary, I guess.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
In the span of a few days of me using this thing because it was funny, this weapon went from terrible, to funny, to amazing.
Seriously. This thing is insane if you put in the effort to learn how to use it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Un arma grandiosa, mi arma favorita de todo el juego, el aprender a usarla es muy desafiante y eso me gusta demasiado, su diseño "Semblante de Jade" lo hace ver espectacular. Los machos alfa pelo en pecho usamos este tipo de armas tan desafiantes.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Look how they massacred my boy

in all seriousness the nerfs it got hit with in season 15 make it a hard sell over any special GL let alone taking up your exotic slot
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Very solid weapon. Uses primary and solid for grenade launcers
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 20 Icon
nice nice nice nice nice nice
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
ever wanted a cheat code for 1v1s in comp?

shove this into your loadout and you got it. if your enemy is low and runs, bomb them.
lower hp than the guy you're about the engage? snake the corner and bomb them.
wanna 2 tap? snake the corner, bomb them, hide again, and peak back up with a hand cannon to headshot them.

silly weapon that's fun, especially with marksman dodge. only downside is the reload if you hit nothing, so hit every shot like it matters.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 12 Icon
Most fun weapon in the game, with good damage and basically infinite ammo economy.
Also rebounds and remote detonation
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 23 Icon
A friend of mine would refuse to play with me every time I used this because he thought it was so useless I was basically throwing games, never even played a match with me or gave me a chance, eventually we stopped talking (Unrelated, just grew apart) and the rest of my friends at the time and since exclusively trust me to use this weapon, it's one of my best, and I am TOTALLY not biased.

PvE is actually pretty nice, the only issue is the perks feel very inconsistent, sometimes you'll blow something up and get your shot back, sometimes you'll slaughter thousands and never once see it reload itself, but, when it works, oh you better believe it is satisfying, like raining hellfire from above, but it's from your hands and it's Void. Also Volatile Rounds, because who doesn't love explosions with their explosions?

If you have a good concept of when to release your shot and detonate it on unsuspecting victims and how bouncing grenade launcher rounds actually works (and understand Bungie makes crude surfaces that sometimes look flat but bounce things in random directions, looking at you 'flat' wall that ate my Spike Grenade so it's pointing inside you) this baby is for you, super fun, off-meta, and actually REALLY good, if you decide to give it a chance and learn it's mystical ways, definitely best with a close range weapon, and ideal for support (around walls, cleaning up that guy limping away from your teammate who thinks he's safe, holding down a lane so hard you begin to wonder what kind of hate mail you'll get) but in the end anything can be a violence machine with enough rage or determination, like a Unicorn... that became the Apex Predator.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 19 Icon
"If you use this gun, you throw enough grenades." --Lord Shaxx
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 6 Icon
Great in pvp with some practice, good in pve
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Here's a tip for having fun with this thing: Dawnblade warlock, Attunement of Sky. Go cruising around with this thing and any primary with a burst fire, and now you're a fighter jet. It's a bit tricky to get good with it, but well worth the effort. Haven't especially tested it in PvP, but I've been killed with it enough times to know it can work.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
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