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異域 / 動能武器 / Linear Fusion Rifle



Exotic Perks







Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
充能時間 533
彈匣 6
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Season 24 Icon
Euphony, Noun. Pleasing or sweet sound; especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear. And man, does this thing please the ear.

You'd think, as a weapon that explicitly focuses on Threadlings, that this wouldn't be too great. Well you sir/madam/other, are dead wrong. Unwound spawns 3 Threadlings on the target every other burst, provided all hits land, and Spindle caps out at 25x for a whopping 50% damage buff. Based on Aztecross' damage testing video at Templar, the following is true:
- At base, only considering Well and Tether, Euphony outdamages both other Special Linears, unless you pair the current artifact mod Expanding Abyss with Lorentz.
- With Swarmers and Thread of Evolution, Euphony outdamages Cataclysm with Fourth Times the Charm/Bait and Switch.
- With Mindspun Invocation and Weavers Call in play, the only Linears outdamaging Euphony are Sleeper Simulant and Briars Contempt with Rewind Rounds/Surrounded.

And this is a SPECIAL weapon. Consider this the Kinetic slot extended damage counterpart to Still Hunt - the latter is better at rapid burst damage, especially as part of a damage rotation or on Celestial Nighthawk Hunter, but Euphony gradually does better sustain damage over time and fits right at home on a Swarmers Warlock. It also does better at ad clear, because you know, Threadlings.

Oh right PvP. Uh, burst fire linear, its not named Arbalest but it has like twice the aim assist oddly enough. Still, not sure how a Special burst-fire linear will fare in Crucible, but odds are it isnt as good as the one-and-done option of regular Arbalest, Lorentz, and Snipers.

And apparently this can get better, as it supposedly has the potential for more traits. We can only wait and see on that front, but for now? Disrupt the Witness' Concert of Finality for a chance to grab this sweet Symphony.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I am waiting for more thorough testing, but it seems like a natural fit for Apotheosis+Star-Eaters on an exotic warlock bond with Needlestorm and Threadling nades.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
im not understanding the immediate assumption that these have great synergy with swarmers just cause they both have threadlings in perk descriptions. is there some hidden interaction i'm unaware of? pretty sure apotheosis or an exotic bond would both be better. not sure why you got downvoted.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Euphony, the first ever heavy 3 bursts LFR as a special ammo weapon in the Kinetic slot. Due to it being a special weapon, you can easily replenish its ammo in between damage phases without having to rely on Aeon finisher, Cenotaph warlock, or pray for a heavy drop. Not only does this open up the heavy slot for you to run other damage-heavy options such as an ALH + Cascade Point GL for even more damage...or an ad clear LMG if you need to help take down the beefier targets.

Plus, this weapon is at its best when being used by a strand warlock. Not only do the threadlings spawned in by Euphony get the benefit from Thread of Evolution, warlock can throw their threadling grenade and cast super at the start of the damage phase to get ~ x13 Spindle stack to instantly get that damage buff for the weapon to work with. With a proper Apotheosis Veil strand warlock build, it's possible to get the max x25 Spindle stack at the start of the damage phase for maximum weapon damage buff. And it's possible to optimize the damage rotation even more when you add in an ALH + Cascade Point GL to fire in between reloading Euphony for even more dps and total damage.

As for PvP, I highly doubt it'll be able to compete against the likes of Conditional Finality and other main-stage stable PvP options.

In conclusion, Bungie cooked with the raid exotic, and good luck to everyone trying to beat The Witness to get the raid exotic.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Dropped it on my first clear. As others have said, it’s at its best on warlock, but I’m a titan main and it’s so much fun I’m using it anyway. It’s just nice to have an exotic strand special and it hits hard regardless. Great for single targets and even better if they’re surrounded by adds. Even with just a threadling grenade and thread of evolution you can get some decent spindle stacks going as long as there are targets around. And the damage competes with heavy linears.

Haven’t tried in PvP yet; I main Briar’s as my heavy so I’m comfortable with burst linears, but you need two crits to secure a kill and I’m willing to bet it doesn’t handle flinch well.

Also, some think that this will drop with extra perks once you unlock all weapon patterns, but Bungie confirmed in the 6/13 TWID that the text on that triumph is incorrect and that extra perks will drop on SE adept weapons instead. So it seems like what we have is what we get with Euphony. Just a PSA.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
its a gun that does gun things
10/10 would recommend
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 25 Icon
As someone who loves playing Broodweaver, it compliments the subclass like butter does to bread. Euphony is an insanely strong exotic on strand warlock, though prismatic warlock can also make it work at the expense of less spindle stacks. I've personally tested euphony for just about every activity beyond PvP, and while very powerful on Broodweaver, it's obviously very weak on anything else. Threadlings don't deal much damage, but without Thread of Evolution they may as well be wet napkins, and you would need to use all your ammo on Euphony to reach max spindle. I personally love using Euphony on strand warlock with Weavewalk and Weaver's Call, alongside a Bait and Switch Reconstruction Apex Predator and Sanguine Alchemy for high damage output; you can easily use the rift for boosting strand weapon damage to launch 8 threadlings, and when mixed with the grenade and super, thats a max of 19 stacks of spindle before you even shoot. Euphony is also quite powerful in activities such as strikes or onslaught for killing tougher enemies and bosses alike, although this does introduce my main criticism with the weapon; it feels as though DPS is most of what this weapon is good for.

Spindle is a fantastic perk, but it's main limitation is the pesky 10 second timer. I feel as though this makes it an extremely aggressive weapon, or at the very least requires an aggressive playstyle to make it work outside of boss damage. Euphony is a much more gradual and slow paced gun, so it feels odd to have the perk only reward ability spam, which Broodweaver does somewhat struggle with in comparison to, say, Prismatic or Void Warlock. Euphony could absolutely take off with Prismatic, but there is one MAJOR issue; while Transcendent, you are forced to use the Transcendent grenade. Although I understand why for a balancing purpose, the loss of spamming Threadling grenades does absolutely hurt any potential synergy with Euphony; it effectively forces you to NOT use Transcendence unless in an emergency.

As for exotic synergies, there are a few, but not many, which will be discussed below
-Swarmers: The obvious go-to. Although it may seem weak, Threadlings causing unravel does actually help the playstyle of Euphony quite well for any situation outside of DPS. The Threadlings being generated from Tangles isn't amazing, but it does allow for more preservation of Spindle which is always appreciated, and you will be generating A LOT of tangles thanks to the Unravel effect.

-Apotheosis: The former go-to for DPS. Where Swarmers was more focused on clearing adds, Apotheosis was the former focus for DPS, allowing the user to reach max stats of spindle very early. While this still is a good exotic, the recent buff to Sanguine Alchemy VASTLY outclasses it.

-Sanguine Alchemy: Sanguine helps Euphony to truly shine in DPS, though I already highlighted how. Even if you just sit in a Well of Radiance, this thing will destroy bosses, and although Spindle will have a much slower start than it would with Apotheosis, the sheer damage buff provided by Sanguine alone is more than enough to outplace it.

As for other weapons to run with Euphony, it actually took me a while to formulate what the best picks are, but generally speaking a good energy slot primary, rocket sidearm, or trace rifle works great for Euphony. I don't think Euphony is a very ammo friendly weapon, so you will likely want to avoid sharing it's ammo, but I could maybe see a breech GL working for this season in particular with it. As for heavy, I recommend Pro Memoria (Pale Heart LMG) or Apex Predator, both for different situations. Pro Memoria with Hatchling/Reconstruction and Desperate Measures/Bait and Switch has worked great for extra add clear in activities that don't require boss DPS, while Apex Predator with Reconstruction Bait and Switch is really good for extra boss damage, allowing you to swap to it occasionally.

Overall, my final thoughts on Euphony are that it requires a very specific build and playstyle to use for it to truly shine, but it does shine rather bright. It's not an exotic weapon such as, say, Microcosm, where you can throw it on any build and it will work, it requires a specific subclass and limited exotic to work. It still is a load of fun, and amazing at what it does, but I personally would be lying if I stated it was an exotic that I'd recommend to anyone unless they're huge on playing Broodweaver like myself.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Best review I’ve seen yet!!!
Reply      Report Posted a month ago
Season 24 Icon
amazing in pve, and burst linears are bad in pvp because the need to hit most of the burst
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Ngl first try got it but dmg is decent still cant see perks but overall /w swarmers and broodweaver super and thread of evolution does decent dmg for a special weapon cant wait to see what rolls we can get on this.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
u can just look at the weapon in ur inv to see the perks it has
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago