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基本 / Origin Trait


Community Research

Scoring multiple Hits within ? seconds of each fires a Tracking Rocket that matches weapon's element.

Rockets deal 22.4 [PVP: 14] Impact and 24 [PVP: 15] Explosive damage on Hit and inherit the weapon's Combatant Damage Scaling . On non-primary weapons, the Rockets receive an additional damage increase.

% of magazine capacity as Hits required and the additional damage increase by weapon archetype:
• Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles, Submachine Guns: 45% Magazine Capacity \\ 0% increased damage (Baseline)
• Sniper Rifles: 50%? \\ 100%
• Grenade Launchers: 30% \\ 25%
• Machine Guns: 25% \\ 50%
• Fusion Rifles, Shotguns: ?% \\ 150%

1 second cooldown after activation before further Hits provide activation progress again.
Last Updated 2024-10-16
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Season 23 Icon
TL;DR - fizzles out at long range, tracks unreliably, procs unreliably, and the way it procs does not account for ammo needs, multi-hit trigger types, or damage scaling based on what weapon is proc'ing it.

I wanted to like this perk just based on the cool factor, but it is a broken, bewildering mess. It's a joke, to the extent that it's funnier when it DOES work correctly.

For Volta Bracket:
The rockets dud out at ~60M range if they don't find a target. So for any DPS phase that takes place beyond a stone's throw, this perk functionally does not exist, or at best gives you passive, theoretical, single-target ad damage while you do precision on the boss.

For Iterative Loop:
Rockets proc on trigger pull, not successive hits in a single volley. If you hit a whole crowd with one trigger pull, NTR sleeps. If you hit a yellow bar with every shot in the volley, it sleeps. You have to mag dump just to proc it, and even then I've found it sometimes doesn't trip, for no explainable reason. But let's say you do mag dump into an elite, and let's say the rocket miraculously does proc, and let's even be exceedingly generous here and say it actually hits the target. Does the damage scale to account for the fact that mag-dumping with a fusion rifle is far less sustainable than with an SMG? Nope! The perk's damage is flat across weapon types, so you exhaust 5-6 shots of fusion ammo to get a rocket that had to be balanced for an angry little bullet hose that can mag dump until the cows come home.

For Basso Ostinato:
Same problems as Iterative Loop. Not on pellet hits, but on successive hits from trigger pulls. I tested this exhaustively at the VoG entrance and found that while rockets claim to proc every 3 trigger pulls, realistically it might be only once every 5, because the time frame seems to be pretty unforgiving even for a 140RPM shotgun. So that's about 1 rocket per tube, 3 for your entire reserves unless you run reserve mods. The remaining shells in the tube won't be enough for a second proc, and naturally the lengthy reload time will wipe your progress due to the rapid hit requirement. Not that a second proc is worth chasing, but it's pretty disappointing that what is essentially a half-mag-expenditure perk can't trigger on BOTH halves of the mag.

For Dimensional Hypotrochoid:
The same problems as the shotgun and fusion rifle, only now you get to spend heavy ammo instead! But an extra fun thing about "upon scoring multiple HITS" is that, on a low velocity waveframe, there is a substantial window of time between trigger pull, the grenade hitting the floor, and the wave HITTING its targets. You can do a lot in that 0.2 second window, like be looking in another direction, or be looking at the cover you ducked back behind. Am I saying I've watched the rockets slam into the wall in front of me, repeatedly? I dunno, but what I'm definitely NOT saying is that I've watched it track and hit what I was shooting at.

Okay, let's set all those drawbacks aside. The common denominator you might notice in each complaint is how it behaves on restricted ammo weapons. So does it perform better on unlimited ammo guns like Spiral? Nope! This rocket's "tracking" ability is nothing short of flabbergasting. I've found that it works best when you have significant elevation, with no cover between you and your target. Which is to say that on flat terrain, I've watched it fly ten feet forward, vector up, and then slam into the ground. For reasons so unknowable they're downright Lovecraftian. I've watched it fly halfway to the target, do an actual, literal U-turn, and thud into the ground.

All in all, it's thoroughly unreliable. You have to jump through hoops of fire just to get it to work, and for what? To do less damage than even the most watered down of damage buffs, after accounting for ammo spent and result achieved. Guns like Volta and Dimensional were already struggling to perform in their respective roles without an origin perk that is arguably less helpful than One Quiet Moment.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
This trait is... Interesting. Obviously an origin trait can't be too desirable or contribut too much to damage or it will make other origin traits feel underwhelming (see the Veist Stinger nerf) here's a few thought on this trait that may influence which of the Neomuna weapons you want.

The Three primary weapons that seem to make the most use of this trait are Epochal Integration, Round Robin, and Phyllotactic Spiral. Since the trait activates based on total magazine used to hit a target, it feels like this is best used to clear adds.

The rockets can activate crowd control perks like Voltshot and Incandesent if they score a kill, and Round robin's strand rocket can spawn hatchlings based on your fragment. This makes the rockets valuable when facing groups of minors, as you can sometimes double proc your crowd controlling damage perks. The tracking leaves a lot to be desired, as sometimes it will just smash into cover, or fizzle out over long distances. This is why it feels like mid-range weapons like handcannons and pulse rifles make good use of this trait.

It should be noted that it also performs fairly well on heavy weapons too. Circular Logic's modest mag size means you'll get the ~4 procs reliably, which helps a bit if you use the machine gun for add clear. And Dimensional Hypotrochoid can trigger chain reaction off its rocket kills, which is at least novel.

What will be really interestingto see is whether or not we get an auto rifle with this trait. That will present an interesting contrast between this trait and it's predecessor, the rockets fired by Quicksilver Storm.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
literaly free damage a lot like explosive or timed payload not going to carry you by any stretch but just having that little bit of extra damage is really nice
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 25 Icon
Free damage doesn't hurt but if you're most people you wont be using these guns for the most part (The GL is really nice for the 1st boss of Vespers host)
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 20 Icon
It’s a mini quicksilver storm, nuff said
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Sniper Rifle hit require is 80%
When you take extended mag+backup mag, than magazine will be 5 and it active when hit 4 shot
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago