Weapons that Can Roll Pulse Monitor

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Red perks below are available on a static roll. Blue perks are part of the random roll pool.
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No one will escape my web.
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
A Fine Memorial
"Thousands of Guardians fell to Crota and the Hive. Thousands." —Eris Morn
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
Circular Logic
The past is set in stone, the future unknown. Only the present is truly our own.
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
Temporal Clause
the future narrows narrows narrows narrows
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
BrayTech Osprey
Expected Use Timeframe: UNKNOWN.
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
BrayTech Osprey (Adept)
Expected Use Timeframe: UNKNOWN.
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match
Trax Dynia
A modified weapon from the Last City.
    • No Match
    • No Match
    • No Match