Weapons that Can Roll Dragonfly

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Red perks below are available on a static roll. Blue perks are part of the random roll pool.
Item Comparison
Infinite Paths 8
They sowed the First, now reap the Last; forever narrows to a line
Where Light will fade into the pa...
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Shape: Deception
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Insidious (Adept)
Shape: Deception
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Jian 7 Rifle
Come, brothers and sisters! Let us make way for the new ruler!
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Jurassic Green
"'Monster' is a relative term. Just look at the Drifter." —Glint
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Ogma PR6
All that power just jumps out of your hands. Hold on tight.
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No such word as extinction.
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"You walked through my dream, and in your wake, you left only death." —Eris Morn
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Stars in Shadow
Little is known about the early days of the Collapse. Signals vanished upon the arrival of the Darkn...
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The Third Axiom
Don't tell me the odds.
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"Best way to forgive is to forget." —The Drifter
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Black Scorpion-4sr
I attack from the shadows. I never miss.
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Calusea Noblesse
"A Reefborn long rifle, rewritten with Hive voices to arm Gahlran the failed. Now yours." —Emperor C...
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Did Ghaul always dream of a republic? What terrible worm burrowed into his heart that he would betra...
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Distant Relation
"I like to keep my enemies where they can't reach me. I can always find a way to get to them if I ha...
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Doom of Chelchis
"Where is the Great Machine? Where is the Great Machine?" —Chelchis, Kell of Stone
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Doom of Chelchis (Harrowed)
"All is silent. Nothing answers me. The hunger comes." —Chelchis, Kell of Stone
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Frostmire's Hex
"She loved nothing more than a good blizzard." —Lord Saladin
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Long Arm
Inescapable, from here to the Outer Rim.
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Pointed Inquiry
Aim for the heart of the matter.
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Royal Chase
"If anyone asks why you're out here, just reload." —Devrim Kay
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SUROS invites you to shorten their notes.
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Tango-45 XK5094
A Black Armory experimental prototype.
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Tarnished Mettle
Survival is the better part of valor.
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The Cut and Run
"How do you think we got here?" —Avrok, trans. from Eliksni
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Tone Patrol
We are listening and watching.
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Vacuna SR4
A toast to our love for danger. Fear makes victory ever sweeter.
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"We knew it would not be easy." —Paladin Hallam Fen
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"We knew it would not be easy." —Paladin Hallam Fen
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"It seeps under your skin; settles in your bones. Even outside of its presence, you can feel its chi...
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Nessa's Oblation
"His influence doesn't end at his Fourth Tomb. I will find the rest… by any means necessary." —Nessa...
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Nessa's Oblation (Adept)
"His influence doesn't end at his Fourth Tomb. I will find the rest… by any means necessary." —Nessa...
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Sojourner's Tale
Home is just over the horizon.
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Brass Attacks
"If looks could kill, you wouldn't even have to aim this thing." —Banshee-44
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Last Hope
Remember what you fight for.
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Seventh Seraph SI-2
Kept in holster as the last line. Known for its reliability.
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The Keening
"I heard a Ghost die once, in Twilight Gap. Still hear it sometimes, on dark nights…"
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The Last Dance
Save it for me.
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Traveler's Judgment 5
A visitor ignites the sky, and in the truth of light it dreams:
Above the dead and yet-to-die, a leg...
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Vestian Dynasty
"Long live the Queen." —Petra Venj
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1000 Yard Stare
You can see everything. You can unsee nothing.
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Distant Tumulus
"Who will speak for us when we are gone?" —Arach Jalaal
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SUROS invites you to bring about the end.
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Fate Cries Foul
So make your own.
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Frozen Orbit
Never out of sight.
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Gallu RR3
An inescapable pursuit.
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Gentleman Vagabond
Everyone loves a scoundrel.
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Omniscient Eye
"I have seen too much. No one else should bear these burdens." —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3
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Tatara Gaze
The fire in your eyes reveals all truths.
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The Long Goodbye
"Yeah… I lost a lot of these out on Nessus. Long story. Lots of dead Vex." —The Drifter
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