Solar Glow Pack Icon
Solar Glow Pack

Armor Glows

Sunlit Arms Glow
This item applies an orange glow to all Solstice arms armor. Once you unlock it, it's available for all three classes.
This elemental armor glow shines brightest when your subclass element matches.
Category: Armor Glows
Sunlit Chest Glow
This item applies an orange glow to all Solstice chest armor. Once you unlock it, it's available for all three classes.
This elemental armor glow shines brightest when your subclass element matches.
Category: Armor Glows
Sunlit Class Item Glow
This item applies an orange glow to all Solstice class items. Once you unlock it, it's available for all three classes.
This elemental armor glow shines brightest when your subclass element matches.
Category: Armor Glows
Sunlit Helmet Glow
This item applies an orange glow to all Solstice head armor. Once you unlock it, it's available for all three classes.
This elemental armor glow shines brightest when your subclass element matches.
Category: Armor Glows
Sunlit Leg Glow
This item applies an orange glow to all Solstice leg armor. Once you unlock it, it's available for all three classes.
This elemental armor glow shines brightest when your subclass element matches.
Category: Armor Glows
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    "originalIcon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/8e58590e2b171e280034157815b93235.jpg",
    "requirementsDisplay": [],
    "description": "This package contains a random Solar glow you can use to adorn your Solstice armor. Once obtained, glows become permanently unlocked and can be reused as many times as desired.",
    "name": "Solar Glow Pack",
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