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effect? Or is the resonance amplified by the nearby presence of the other fragments?\n\nMore importantly, do the Scorn know what Immaru intends to do with the Osmic Fragments? They must. If they know the runes are for some kind of Lucent Brood defense, then the Osmic Fragments are undeniably part of that.\n\nIt would help if you knew the runes' specific purpose. You glance at the Hidden's open query. No progress yet. \n\nIn the meantime, there are other angles of this case to consider. Check the other Hidden reports for more leads.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: SCORN-ORDER", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 1, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "New intel awaits you on the Evidence Board. The report includes a note to Ikora:\n\n\"To IKO-006: Here's the AI-COM/RSPN protocol transcript we picked up from the wounds. According to this, before initiating YUGA SUNDOWN, Rasputin killed all protective measures in place for Human colonies and settlements. There's a big list of codenames for the Moon, Mars, Earth, the Exodus ships, et cetera… but Rasputin also refers to a place called NEFELE STRONGHOLD. No record of that in any of our databases. Forwarding to A.B. for a cross-ref.\"\n\nA follow-up message from Ana Bray brings up more questions than it answers:\n\n\"To CHA-319: No hit on 'NEFELE STRONGHOLD' in any of Rasputin's records. Can't even find the original transcript you're quoting. If it's real, someone removed all traces of it. And if they did, they did it so cleanly that I'd suspect Rasputin himself.\"\n\nNo action items on this case; just an unsatisfying label of \"UNSOLVED.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: TRANSCRIPT-WOUND", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 2, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 9, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Osmic Fragment gleams in the center of the board. Ghost's scan established that this is made of Fundamental Osmium, a super-dense transition metal found in the Throne World. \n\nHowever, it did not originate there. You spot a Hidden analysis on the material: \"This particular variant sources from the planet Fundament; aka the origin world of the proto-Hive, who lived on floating elemental continents. See: the Osmium Court, birthplace of the Hive gods.\" \n\nSo, Savathûn imbued her throne world with a little slice of home. But that still doesn't explain the paracausal trace lingering on these specific fragments. Nor does it account for the Lucent Brood's reaction. They definitely seemed more hostile than nostalgic… \n\nYou consider all this as you cast your eyes over the other Hidden reports, looking for more connections.\n\nSo far, nothing else stands out. Report back later for further developments.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Hard Evidence", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 3, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 16, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "While some questions still linger, Ikora and her Hidden are now armed with far more answers than when they first stepped foot on the returned Mars. \n\nThanks to you, the purpose of the Relic has been revealed and put to good use, Savathûn's throne world has been thoroughly investigated, and the schemes of the Lucent Brood have been officially foiled. \n\nAnd though Immaru may have escaped justice once again, the Lucent Brood won't be getting their claws on advanced weapons anytime soon. \n\nSpeaking of, there is one more mystery you can solve. You still don't know what weapon Immaru was so desperate for. What pattern lurks within the Osmic Fragments?\n\nGo to the Relic to shape your reward.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: REVERSE-LURE", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 4, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 10, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The complementary resonance led you to three resonant Hive runes, fiercely protected by the Lucent Brood. From there, Ghost was able to lock onto the signal of a nearby Osmic Fragment, which led directly to your prime suspect: Immaru, Savathûn's Ghost. \n\nWhat could he be planning with these Osmic Fragments? How do the resonant Hive runes fit in? Is this where the connection to the Relic lies? \n\nYou step back and stare at the empty space on the board. Soon, it'll be filled with evidence. \n\nReport back later for further developments.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: RESONANCE-COMP", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 5, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 11, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I make the weapon mine. But I do not keep it… I use it as a lure.\" \n\nSavathûn was talking about the Enigma. Which you shaped with the Relic, thanks to the fragment you found on her ship.\n\nYour mind whirrs through the logic of Savathûn's plan. By converting to the Light, she lost her memories and her Darkness-borne magic. Thus, she needed a Guardian who could harness the power of Deepsight via the Relic. \n\nAnd what better way to lure a Guardian than with the promise of a powerful weapon? \n\nThere's an addendum to the original report: \"Continued monitoring of emergent threshold (aka the Altar of Reflection) revealed previously unreported paracausal mutability, in external locational point, and presumably, internal context.\"\n\nIn other words, you can expect that the access point of the Altar will change—as will the tales you hear within. Still, if the Hive God of Cunning has more to say, it would be worth it to listen. \n\nVisit the Altar of Reflection regularly. See if you can glean the truth from Savathûn's lies.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: ALTAR-REFLECT", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 6, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 13, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You confirmed that the Relic, when paired with Weapon Patterns, allows the user to reach through time, rearranging memories into weaponry. There's no telling what else it can do in the hands of a powerful entity like the Witness.\n\nIkora posited before that the Relic caused the temporal wounds on Mars's surface. You believe she's right, and that the Witness used the device to learn about the planet's Golden Age and Collapse, leaving Mars irreversibly damaged.\n\nYour report states that the Weapon Patterns you used are essentially Darkness-infused \"memory road maps\" to the weapons the Relic creates. The Osmic Fragments are a weaker, incomplete road map—but with enough fragments, someone could build the equivalent of a Weapon Pattern.\n\nThe Relic is clearly capable of anything from creating weapons to tearing the fabric of reality. If Immaru gathers enough Osmic Fragments and finds a way to approximate the functions of the Relic—perhaps by using the runes you discovered in the Throne World—there's no telling what he might create.\n\nIn the meantime, there are other angles of investigation to consider. Check the other Hidden reports for more leads.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: RELIC-DATA", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 7, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 15, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "In your explorations of the Pyramid, you've learned that the Scorn were attempting to increase their power by using resonant runes stolen from the Lucent Brood in combination with worm larvae. \n\nBased on the reports from those who first entered to defeat Rhulk, it seems these ritualistic experiments were a holdover from the plans of the disciple himself. \n\nOne Hidden agent goes so far as to speculate that the Scorn Caretaker was itself the result of a successful worm-fusion.\n\nWhatever the Scorn know of Immaru's plans, it's enough to motivate them to enhance their power further in order to counter his moves. \n\nThe Pyramid should be continuously monitored, as the Scorn show no signs of slowing down. Visit the Pyramid regularly to clear the area.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: PYRAMID-INSPECT", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 8, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 14, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "By retracing your steps through the Throne World, you've picked up enough clues to form a theory about Immaru's motives, if not his entire plan. \n\nFrom the beginning, it was clear that the Throne World had—and still has—fierce protectors in the Lucent Brood. Their antagonism was an effective smokescreen for the fact that, behind the scenes, Savathûn actually wanted you there… \n\nUnlike the Scorn. You recall Immaru's voice, after you swiped the resonant runes from his squads: \"We got interlopers in the area…\" \n\nInterlopers. Not just Guardians, but any who trespass into the Throne World are the threat. \n\nAnd the defense against them lies in the Dark-tinged Osmic Fragments and the runes imbued with Hive magic. \n\nJust when you thought you had seen enough contradictions-in-terms in this investigation, up pops a Hive Ghost using tools of Darkness to protect a realm filled with Light. \n\nIn the meantime, there are other angles of the investigation to consider. Check the other Hidden reports for more leads.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: STEPS-RETRACED", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 9, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "A new report awaits you on the Evidence Board. The Hidden have all but confirmed the emergence of a new access point to the Altar of Reflection. \n\nWith Savathûn out of commission, this chance to delve into another of her memories is too good to pass up. \n\nIkora wants you to bring the Enigma to the Altar and see if you can uncover any remaining psychic traces. The Glaive is the investigation's strongest link between the Relic and the Witch Queen.\n\nIn fact, it's the only link you have. If you're looking for answers to Ikora's lingering questions—why Savathûn chose to reappear over Mars, what her Ghost is up to, what they know about the Witness and what's to come—then the Altar is your best shot.\n\nBring the Enigma to the new Altar access point in the Temple of the Wrathful and see what you can uncover.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: ALTAR-REFLECT", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 10, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "One of the files seems much denser than the others. A closer look reveals it's an abstract on Deepsight, written by Eris Morn.\n\n\"The nature of this power supports our hypothesis that Darkness is specially bound to the consciousness that stretches in webs across space and time. This makes it uniquely useful for an investigatory process. However, we have not yet fully explored its utility for reflection. \n\nSavathûn's Altar is one example of Deepsight's potency in this regard. The wounds spanning the desert suggest the Witness engaged in a similar process with Mars; retreading old ground to forge new paths in the future.\n\nOf course, as Ikora is quick to note, this is a logic well-known to Guardians already, thanks to the guided battle-meditations she put into practice after the Red War. \n\nBut now, with Deepsight… what might that practice become? What kind of insights could be mined from retracing our steps?\"\n\nYou look up from the file. If Deepsight can help you glean new clues from old cases, it would be worth it to put Eris's theory to the test.\n\nDiscover new Insights by retracing your steps in weekly missions.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: STEPS-RETRACED", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 11, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "As you stand before the Evidence Board, a file catches your eye. It's an assessment of the Scorn presence in the Throne World, with a particularly intriguing coda:\n\n\"Our undead friends have grown smarter under their new (or rather, very old) management. One troubling example: marching orders, exhumed from an ex-Major.\"\n\nYou peer at the burnt page. The Eliksni-adjacent scrawl is too charred to read, but at the bottom, you spot a crude, but unmistakable drawing of… the resonant Hive rune. \n\nNow, why are the Scorn hunting down Hive runes? And why the specific kind that Savathûn's Ghost cares so much about?\n\nYou need to see the marching orders in full. Target Scorn elites in the Throne World to intercept their orders.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: SCORN-ORDER", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 12, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "A Hidden report awaits you on the Evidence Board.\n\n\"New paracausal resonance detected in three key locations. Preliminary analysis suggests complementary match for Evidence A (aka Osmic Fragment). Telemetry linked for further analysis.\"\n\nYou examine the resonance comparison. The wavelengths complement each other perfectly. Where one signal dips into a valley, the other peaks, and vice versa. \n\nClearly, there's something (multiple somethings) out there meant to correspond with the Osmic Fragments. Puzzle pieces meant to fit together. More proof that the Lucent Brood are planning some kind of ritual. \n\nSearch all three areas in the Throne World for the sources of the resonance.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: RESONANCE-COMP", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 13, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You walk up to the Evidence Board and select a file. It contains a message, not from Ikora or the Hidden… but Mara Sov.\n\n\"While investigating the Sunken Pyramid, I encountered Scorn amassing in large numbers within. Regardless of how many of the wretches I slaughtered, more flooded in to take their place.\n\nWith Rhulk dead, we naturally assumed they would abandon the Pyramid, but clearly they have other plans. Furthermore, they appeared to be co-opting Hive magics for reasons I was unable to decipher. Perhaps this has something to do with your ongoing investigation.\n\nI have not the time to stay and fight; more urgent matters call my attention away. This situation, however, should be attended to promptly, as the Scorn show no signs of slowing their advance.\"\n\nThe Scorn using Hive magic, huh? That is curious. A lead from the Awoken Queen is certainly worth checking out.\n\nInvestigate the Sunken Pyramid in the Throne World to learn why the Scorn are rising up and how to put a stop to it.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: PYRAMID-INSPECT", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 14, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "This is the Evidence Board, the main hub of intel for the Hidden's investigations into Mars and Savathûn's throne world. \n\nYou scan the few reports posted around the edges of the board. Clearly, Ikora's agents have been working hard, but they haven't had much luck finding concrete evidence. \n\nFynch's mysterious fragment gleams darkly in your inventory. He was convinced it was linked to something shady with the Lucent Hive. And Ikora did say to log \"anything of relevance\" here… \n\nBut first, you should confirm just what this fragment is. \n\nYou've seen metallic ore similar to this in the Throne World. You should find a sample for comparison. Maybe there are others with the same paracausal resonance. \n\nSearch the Quagmire for a sample to match the Osmic Fragment.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Hard Evidence", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Thanks to the data you generated, the Hidden have found that resonant runes are essentially a Hive-magic imitation of the Relic. Which means the compatible resonance of the Osmic Fragments are actually an indication of a Weapon Pattern stored.\n\nOr rather, a piece of one. Hence, Immaru's determination to collect all the fragments. \n\nThen, as soon as he'd make the pattern whole, he could use the runes to shape as many specialized weapons the Lucent Brood could ever ask for. \n\nIf only you hadn't gotten your hands on the fragments first. Without those, Immaru will have to improvise.\n\nAnd he undoubtedly will. So, Ikora proposes a turning of the tables. According to the Hidden, the shaping ritual is meant to take place in Queen's Bailey. \n\nTake the Osmic Fragment and use it to lure in Immaru. If you play this right, you can grab your culprit and his remaining supplies in one fell swoop.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: REVERSE-LURE", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "[Confirm] Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "New intel awaits you on the Evidence Board:\n\n\"Paracausal energy signatures detected in Evidence A (aka Osmic Fragment) share indeterminate link with temporal 'patterns' consumed by Artifact X (aka the Relic). So far, Evidence A elicits no response from Artifact X, but more investigation is needed.\"\n\nIn other words, the Darkness energy infused in the Osmic Fragments from Fynch is compatible with the Relic. Those energy readings are strikingly similar to the Weapon Patterns used to operate the Relic. The Hidden think the fragments are essentially weak, incomplete Weapon Patterns, but they need more data to be certain.\n\nShape more weapons using the Relic to confirm this connection. By analyzing complete Patterns, you might be able to determine whether the Osmic Fragments are truly compatible with the Relic.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Report: RELIC-DATA", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } ], "inventoryFlyouts": [], "itemList": [ { "vendorItemIndex": 0, "itemHash": 354486426, "quantity": 1, "failureIndexes": [ 0, 1 ], "priceOverrideEnabled": false, "currencies": [], "refundPolicy": 0, "refundTimeLimit": 0, "rewardAdjustorPointerHash": 0, "creationLevels": [ { "level": 0 } ], "displayCategoryIndex": 0, "seedOverride": 0, "categoryIndex": 0, "originalCategoryIndex": 0, "weight": 0.0, "minimumLevel": 0, "maximumLevel": 0, "licenseUnlockHash": 0, "action": { "executeSeconds": 0.0, "isPositive": false }, "displayCategory": "Hidden Reports", "inventoryBucketHash": 1345459588, "visibilityScope": 6, "purchasableScope": 6, "exclusivity": -1, "sortValue": 0, "expirationTooltip": "", "redirectToSaleIndexes": [], 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