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Community Research

Kills with the weapon grant a Stack of Beacon Rounds for 6 seconds. Maximum of 4 Stacks.

Scoring futher Hits with the weapon can extend the buff duration up to the maximum of 4 seconds. Buff can be activated while stowed.

Each Stack grants increased projectile tracking. Projectile Tracking is only in effect while the Targeted Reticle is active.

Grants the following while you have active Stacks:
• 15 Reload Speed
• 0.9x Reload Duration Multiplier
• 45% increased Auto Aim Cone size
Last Updated 2024-11-07
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Season 23 Icon
I've just been trying it out on the new glaive, the range is kinda really not good. I expected the projectile fired to track the nearest enemy as it got nearer but that's not the case, it only enters "tracking mode" when you are close enough for your reticule to turn red, also indicated by the crosshair changing slightly.

Range of activation should be further for this perk to be worthwhile.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago