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Стандартный / Origin Trait

Если вы ведете прицельную стрельбу из этого оружия, когда рядом нет союзников, скорость прицеливания и перемещения повышаются.

Community Research

Grants the following if no allies are within 15 meters:
• 10% decreased ADS Movement Speed Penalty
• 0.85x ADS Animation Duration Multiplier
Last Updated 2024-04-01
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Season 18 Icon
TL;DR - If you play with a fireteam, this perk is useless. Only use if you either play solo content or can stay away from teammates in PvP.

- The perk adds about 10% movement speed and additional Snapshot to the weapon, at the cost of being 15 meters apart from another teammate (which is surprisingly far in close quarters) (Snipers, be wary).
- Snapshot added to any weapon with this is unnecessary, but might make the aim down 110% faster than naturally given in the game currently.
- Moving Target, however, benefits this greatly, as that gives a range of about 20% extra movement speed total when aimed down (and target acquisition), so pair that if you'd like to.

If any of the notes provided are false (and the community says otherwise), I'll remove this part of the comment. I don't want to spread misinformation!
These were testing's found from my fireteam.

In terms of PvP Crucible/Gambit, it's a great perk for those who excel in fighting other guardians and using Moving Target or No Distractions, as those synergize extremely well.

In terms of Solo PvE, it's pretty niche and unnecessary. Bonus movement and faster aim down sights are not as critical, no matter the PvE content.
It's not a bad thing to have, but I'd rather use other weapons with perks like Veist or Hakke origin traits, as those provide more beneficial survivability.

In terms of other, if you work with a team, then this perk won't activate, as you have to be 15 meters apart form one another (which is risky in high end content)

Even with this in mind, I hope you all get the rolls you want at least, whether you use the FotL weapons or not!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago