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Экзотический / Титан / Грудь / Chest Armor

«Даже великое чудо не устоит, если оно построено на лжи», – Алексей

Фокусировка: экзотическая броня

Exotic Perks

Ледяное укрепление

Ледяное укрепление

Когда у вас выбрана суперспособность Стазиса, ваша баррикада становится стеной из кристаллов Стазиса, которая замедляет цели поблизости. Укрывшись за этой баррикадой, вы и ваши союзники увеличите скорость перезарядки оружия, стабильность и дальность стрельбы.

Community Research

While a Stasis Super Ability is equipped:
Class Abilities are replaced by a Stasis Crystal formation.

When used with Rally or Towering Barricade:
• Spawns a Stasis Crystal Wall made of a Small Crystal in the middle and 2 Medium Crystals on either side of it
• Grants Rally Barricade benefits to players standing behind the middle Crystal for 14 seconds, even if destroyed.
• Overrides Class Ability cooldown with Towering Barricade's

When used with Thruster:
• Spawns 2 Medium Crystals diagonally forward to either side of you
Last Updated 2024-11-09

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Белый иней-зет

«Даже великое чудо не устоит, если оно построено на лжи», – Алексей

Последний город, Земля

Записи об эксперименте ПР-818:
Найденный призрак Улья не работает, но все еще реагирует на электрические импульсы. Мне удалось провести ряд тестов и добыть ценные данные.

Новый нагрудник мне очень пригодился для экспериментов и наблюдений: каждый раз когда призрак дергается, мне в два счета удается зафиксировать его. Этот метод нужно применить и в других исследованиях…

Анализ компонентов показал, что это древнее существо обладало гибкой структурой. Его создатели, определенно, не хотели придавать ему конкретную форму. Похоже, оно адаптировалось под своего Носителя Света. Может, это необходимо для установления связи с ним, для создания иллюзии товарищества? Может ли призрак установить связь с Носителем Света, не проходя реструктуризацию?

Предыдущие исследования поведения призраков показали, что они выбирают тех, с кем установить связь. Поскольку никаких программно заложенных инструкций в них нет, ясно, что решение о том, кого воскресить, призраки принимают сознательно. Учитывая гибкость их конструкции, очевидно, что призраки всегда могли воскрешать Улей и, возможно, всегда собирались это сделать.

Дополнение для Паука:
Ты спросил, почему я «ковыряюсь в твоих игрушках», прежде чем доставить их. Ну вот и объяснение. Доказательство того, о чем я всегда говорил.

Мы живем по прихоти бога, который благословляет избранных за счет многих. Мы подчиняемся лидерам, которые, по их словам, понимают, чего хочет эта безмолвная сфера. Они рассчитывают, что мы любой ценой исполним ее приказы.

Столько людей по-прежнему обречены умереть, а он подарил бессмертие культу смерти. Подал на серебряной тарелочке с помощью этих… машин. Ну а у меня тоже есть воля, и я не буду падать ниц перед тем, кто способен творить такое зло.

Твой вечно сомневающийся ссыльный из Häkke,

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Season 16 Icon
Really good exotic especially for stasis builds and benefitting from stasis fragments (such as Chains' resist), while having the perks of a Rally Barricade but the height of a Towering Barricade. However, there is one thing to keep note of with this exotic on - teammate awareness. I've had a number of times where someone has either shatterdived this, or destroyed my crystals with their own barricade or weapons.

If this exotic made them just a bit beefier in PvP it would be excellent. In PvE, it's fantastic - use it with elemental well mods and Tectonic Harvest and you'll have a lot of ability uptime while you mercilessly freeze everything around you.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Do you want Font of Might whenever you want? Done. Want Whisper of Chains WITH the benefits of Rally Barricade? Say no more!

For Stasis builds, Hoarfrost-Z enables you to benefit from Elemental Well mods whenever you want thanks to Tectonic Harvest aspect and the Elemental Shards well mod. On top of that, you can have close to 100% uptime on Whisper of Chains if you have 100 resilience.

Oh, and the Stasis wall COUNTS as a Rally Barricade. Just be near the crystals and you will receive the benefits of Rally!

With all the new Stasis weapons in the game with Witch Queen, Stasis builds got stronger. Hoarfrost-Z pushed them over the edge. More than anything, if you want an on-demand 25% damage buff that stacks with other damage buffs, give a Stasis build a shot with Hoarfrost-Z.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
My favourite exotic now - combine this with elemental well shards mod, and charged with light on elemental well, with better already mod to auto regen health on well pick up...

You'll never die.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Alright finally got this thing. Basically, in the right build, you can get some absolutely insane ability uptimes on stasis. What I think is a must when using the Hoarfrost is at least: Utility Kickstart (stasis class mod), T10 Resil, whisper of chains, conduction, shards, and rime. As for aspects, run glaical quake and either diamond lance (my preferred choice) or the one that turns your melee into crystals on slide. If you choose diamond lance youll be able to freeze more opponents mroe often, leading to more benefits. Additionally, that fifth slot for fragments is great, especially or something like a stat boost or whisper of torment. Have not tried in PvP yet, but seeing as it is a ralyl barricade with the deffense of a default barricade I imagine it'd be good. Also, if you have space I recommend doing elemental shards and experiemnting with some well stuff, like font of might with Ager's scepter.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This basically gives you a Glacier Grenade on a class ability cooldown. Use it with the actual Glacier Grenade and the Howl of the Storm Aspect and you can have a ton of Crystals on the field at the same time. Because of this, use Tectonic Harvest, Whisper of Shards, Whisper of Fissures and Whisper of Chains. Break all the crystals and you can have your melee back pretty much instantly because of Tectonic Harvest. Recommend using this with 100 Resilience and Discipline. It's capable of giving you as much ability spam as Heart of Inmost Light, but without, well, an ice wall for a barricade. In that case, it's just a matter of picking your poison, both are insane.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Like all stasis exotics, you have to dictate your entire build around it for it to be usable, but once you do it's pretty fun. I like that it's a combination of both types of shields, giving a small crystal in the middle for you to fire over and taller ones on the side to block shots. And afterwards you get to punch them to kill everything around you. It definitely makes the stasis titan feel more unique, and I give it extra points for that as well.

Would not recommend using it in PVP though. It not only blocks teammates moving through your barrier easily, but also the shorter crystal in the middle means people can continue to headshot you while you're placing the barricade and kill you as soon as your gun becomes ready. If you're mid-firefight and want to pop a barricade, this thing will kill you. You can still use it as a second panic-nade to get some kills though, if you're lucky.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
you haven't lived until you've gone into a trials math with a full team of behemoths wearing this with howl of the storm and glacier nade . . . permanent resist
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
very gud for stasis, its isn't underrated because I feel like once stasis titan gets new melees and grenades, this will shoot to the top
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 25 Icon
Well......Stasis only got Frost Armour as of now.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Nice exotic for extra stasis crystals and synergizes well with whisper of chains and tectonic harvest. Also basically a 2 in 1 barricade since it gives you the rally buff and is bigger and a towering barricade, only downside is you can't see through it but that's barely even a problem.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago