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Exótico / Arma energética / Auto Rifle

"Está quente aqui."

Fonte: Arquivo Exótico na Torre

Exotic Perks

Gatilho de Ignição

Gatilho de Ignição

Fogo contínuo superaquece a arma, aumentando o dano, mas queimando o usuário.
Dissipador de Calor

Dissipador de Calor

O dano do superaquecimento é reduzido se você não estiver usando a mira.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidade de recarga
Reload Time  
Assistência de mira
Eficiência no ar
Direção do recuo
Disparos por minuto 720
Carregador 72
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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20 Bullets to activate. Damages shields but not health. Shields take 33% less damage when hip-firing.

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Fósforos de Tommy

"Está quente aqui."

A entrada para o covil de Caçadores na rua 7 levava imediatamente a uma escura escadaria de degraus sujos que desciam dois andares e vários lances. Um trem de levitação magnética rugiu acima quando Aunor chegou ao fundo. Ela tinha se teleportado pelo vácuo para evitar o máximo possível de degraus. Isso a deixava meio irritada. Os Caçadores que construíram o lugar devem ter achado que as escadas seriam dramáticas e intimidadoras em vez de uma perda de tempo completa.

Que nem essa viagem estava sendo. O lugar estava deserto. Ninguém tinha passado por ela na escadaria. Múltiplas mesas de carteado abaixo de uma única luminária enferrujada. Havia algumas pistolas no chão e fuzis encostados nas paredes, provavelmente carregados. Acompanhando as armas, várias embalagens de comida da lojinha no térreo, mas bem menos que armas.

Alguma coisa se mexeu no canto.

O canhão de mão Minueto-42 de Aunor surgiu no punho dela.

"Ei, relaxa. Ninguém saca no covil. Tá louca?" Um Caçador trajando equipamento completo de assalto saiu das sombras com o Fantasma, com mãos e pontas do porta-fantasmas no ar, em rendição. O Fantasma que tinha falado. "Ah, uma Arcana. Faz sentido."

O Caçador continuou olhando em silêncio.

Aunor mostrou o Selo Cormorão. "Aunor, Ordem dos Práxicos."

"O que a corregedoria quer com um covil de Caçadores?" A própria pergunta era uma mentira.

"Seus nomes."

"Eu sou Tommy", respondeu o Fantasma.

"Eu sou Fantasma", respondeu o Caçador.

Aunor guardou Minueto, fez outra varredura visual do salão. "Cadê todo mundo? Está difícil achar Caçadores na Torre. As missões de contratos e assaltos estão se acumulando."

Tommy inclinou a carapaça. "O Derivante deve ter colocado os Práxicos para fazer hora extra. Desde que Cayde morreu..."

Fantasma puxou uma longa faca pelo dorso do punho blindado. Ela silvou com frieza.

"— todos os Caçadores que valem alguma coisa estão em missão para salvar o mundo ou passando todo tempo possível fora da Cidade. Para evitar a Ousadia da Vanguarda."

Aunor olhou de Fantasma para Tommy e de volta.

"Escuta", sussurrou Tommy, enquanto Fantasma embainhava a faca e se adiantava. O Caçador ergueu um longo fuzil de corpo branco, com um tambor achatado em forma de disco em vez de um pente normal. "Essa é a coisa mais cara que a gente tem. Pode ficar com ela. Só, por favor, não conta pra ninguém que a gente estava aqui. E bota alguém naquela cadeira da Vanguarda. Os Caçadores tão ficando loucos lá fora."

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Season 10 Icon
Keep the change you filthy animal
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Is Tommy's Matchbook any good?
One word:
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 13 Icon
They never expect the mafia gun
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Season of the Deep weapon update: Tommy's Matchbook Catalyst: while overheated, every 5 shots applies 14 (+7 with the Ember of Ashes Fragment) scorch stacks.

I never used to use this weapon before this season, I thought it was really cool but too impractical to use. The first time I got it was in Beyond Light and there wasn't a ton of reliable self-healing options beyond rifts or well so I kind of just ignored it. Throughout the years and the reworking of multiple subclasses (mainly solar), tons of options have opened up for this gun. After hearing about the buff I decided to try it out, and while I think it's still not the greatest gun out there, it's one of the most fun primary exotics i've ever used and i'm considering leaving a build in my loadout slot dedicated to it.

Your initial thoughts might be to use it with warlock so you can stand in a rift and fire forever, but personally I think Titans are the true star of Tommy's synergy. Loreley Splendor Helm was basically made for this weapon. You shoot long enough, you get damaged down to red, suddenly a super-healing sunspot spawns right on top of you, you can continue shooting. Throw on Ember of Singeing and Ember of Char and bam, you can basically ignore the downsides of shooting for too long as long as you're not under extreme pressure. Actium War Rig is another good choice, while it doesn't directly give you any automatic healing options it allows you to fire way, way longer, which is pretty good for PVE situations if you have another way to avoid damage. As of writing this Mask of the Quiet One does not work like you'd think it would so don't even bother- if you're looking for other alternatives I'd say Precious Scars or Path of Burning Steps are your best bets. If Titan isn't your thing, Warlock is still a pretty solid second, they have a lot of good subclass synergy with Touch of Flame Healing Grenades and Ember of Empyrean. The main thing holding them back for me is that they don't have as good exotic build choices. Sanguine Alchemy or The Stag are probably your best bets if you like standing in rifts, Dawn Chorus if not.

In PVE Tommy's Matchbook is very satisfying for clearing waves of adds, it will cause a lot of explosions with ticking DoT numbers everywhere if you enjoy that kind of thing. You will probably want to avoid aiming down sights as much as possible for the overheat damage reduction, but if you're healing with restoration effects it's not that big of a difference and you'll be thirsting to hit those sweet precision spots. The problem I have with this gun is that you want to stay in overheat mode as much as possible, but reloading takes a PAINFULLY long time and it takes 20 shots just to rev the damn thing up. At 720RPM even 80 shots left of overheat (assuming you don't stop firing) don't really feel like enough to mow through the things you wanna kill. As a "scorch application cannon" it's quite effective, thus the high PVE score, but for actually killing a lot of mobs by itself it falls a bit short. Because of this, I'd say Ember of Ashes or Char is a must.

In PVP this gun is VERY fun in casuals, while revved up you kind of just shred anything in front of you which is really good in more chaotic 6v6 gamemodes where you can easily get the drop on people. Even if you just tag people and don't manage to finish them off, scorch stacks will continue to deny their health regen so you can swoop in for a kill. You could probably get some good plays in comp gamemodes by prefiring around corners and flanking, but the problem is that the second people know what you're up to Tommy's is easily hard countered. All you have to do is walk away and let the player eat away at their health enough or make them stop firing and they're pretty much helpless. Very fun gun for crucible, would highly recommend with the right build, but much higher skillfloor and there's much better options out there.

In short I think this is a extremely enjoyable exotic, a bit more fun to use in PVP than PVE but not as good as other weapons in crucible. Kind of requires a build specialized around scorch and spreading as much scorch as possible, and at least one form of self healing so you don't die in lots of embarrassing ways. Would definitely recommend as an off-meta fun pick or as somebody who wants to play a DoT mage in a first person shooter.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 10 Icon
PVP: it has crazy good accuracy on hipfire. Charged gun can kill rushers and supers. Don't charge the gun too long on ADS though.

In PVE it burns everything. Some people are saying that this is inferior to Recluse but the +100% damage boost Tommy gets says otherwise. It can melt meaty targets ez.

Catalyst is better suited for PVE in situations where you're pretty much firing the gun 24/7. It helps the gun to stand on its own without relying on subclass perks to keep you alive.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 14 Icon
This gun is criminally underused
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 10 Icon
This is a high risk/high reward weapon but you can reduce the risk by using the catalyst.For pve you can create some great builds with it and destroy anything that comes in front of you other than raid bosses.For pvp its great as well because auto rifles are meta weapons for pvp rn and If you're looking to take the risk of losing your health for firing this for too long you can use this great weapon but we currently have better alternatives in the energy slot right now.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 15 Icon
10/10 gun. Pair with OEM/Devour/Wormhusk and shred
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Gun’s completely cracked with bottom tree voidwalker for pve. I like using it with nothing manacles just so I always can refresh devour if shizz goes sideways, and having a second grenade is nice anyways

For pvp there’s better stuff to use but honestly it’s pretty good. I really like the feel of 720s for crucible. Just don’t rage if you lose duels because of the burn, you knew what you signed up for
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Very high risk high reward weapon. In PvE this weapon can absolutely melt both minors and majors alike with ignition trigger active, however you are putting yourself in a dangerous situation without a good form of healing/cover. In PvP it can be very risky putting your health low to use ignition trigger, but if you prefire and get the first shot with ignition trigger, that low TTK against opponents really starts to shine and you can easily melt through opponents.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This auto rifle gets the job done in pve, but is probably not worth taking into harder content (since you risk killing yourself). However, for crucible it is criminally underrated. It has perfect hip-fire accuracy which lets you keep your radar up and you take less self-burn damage. It has a competitive time to kill of .77 seconds with the exotic perk active. Try it out for yourself in 6v6 game modes.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
I'm thinking how this gun will work with another gun that have Pulse Monitor...
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Me and my buddy absolutely slamming in cruc with this gun. I'm walking ere.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
mafia gun shouldn't be legal
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
what if you took the sweet business but made it use incendiary rounds?

basically what tommy's matchbook is and im all for it, a heat based tommy gun

do wish however the overheat damage wasnt soo much of a crutch to use when outside of solar, sure on titan you got plenty of self sustain and survivability options to mitigate the overheat damage, mainly arc with knockout and heavy handed, void with echo of vigilance and bastion and controlled demolition, etc, but eh it still grinds down half of your health too quickly which can be risky, especially in PVP when anyone can sneeze on you after firing the weapon for a couple of seconds

now i know its got buffed on the catalyst giving you scorch very few shots but dang if the catalyst can just give you a small dose of health after defeating targets when overheated or just reduces overall the overheat damage by 20% i think it would make the weapon perfect
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 10 Icon
It could be great for PVP and PVE under the right circumstances, if you aren't running a subclass that has abilities that can heal you over time there is little reason to use this weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Absolutely shreds in PvP and PvE if you know how to manage the damage it does to you and are smart with when and how to engage with it. HIP FIRE ALWAYS
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Some people consider the end-all be-all of Dakka to be an Actium titan with Sweet Business, however there is another way
Enter Tommy's matchbook an auto with the ability to get a +99% DMG buff if you shoot it for long enough, and with a reload speed slow enough for D3 to release by the time you are finished, and even with Actium you only get a measly 225 expected consecutive shots before you have to reload! this will not do, so we add a twist
Instead of a walking titan, put this on a Wings of Sacred Dawn Warlock, usually a WoSD warlock will run a heavy weapon like Xenophage, running out of reserve ammo in a matter of moments before having to land the AC130 and restock but with this beauty, you don't reload until *everything* is dead thanks to a mix of double damage, Cure from Icarus dash for when resto x2 is down and Ignitions out the ARSE from the exotic catty.
So get out there, refit your AC130 into a floating wildfire capable of burning until the whole world is reduced to ash!
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 10 Icon
Absolutely amazing weapon. Super accurate.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 17 Icon
With Solar 3.0 now a thing, Tommy's Matchbook is something worth considering, especially with the Embers of Empyrean and Tempering. I'm not sure how big of a damage boost Radiant is, but if you keep it and Restoration up with Empyrean, Tommy's can decimate red bars with ease while your health barely drops.
There are also the synergies between it and Devour or Pulsewave, but I believe it will shine brighter with Solar 3.0.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 10 Icon
For my Titan mains, all I'm going to say is OEM and Tommy in PvP a lot of fun. (Yes I have the Catalyst fully unlocked.)
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Wouldnt reccomend it for Hunters.
Titan has overshield and Warlock has Devour so for PvP atleast these two can be more effective, for PvE doesnt matter as long as ure paying attention.
Its probably more useable with its catalyst.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
This gun is only good when you have some type of health booster weather that be shield on titans or healing on warlocks i would not recommend using this on a hunter
Titans: Bubble for shield (with helm of saint 14) and the melee.
Warlocks: Devour, Karnstien armlets, sanguine alchemy and rift, well of radiance, healing grenade all give health back so use them with this gun and find success with that
pvp has a lower rating because it actively damages you making you easier to kill
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
basically recluse but better imo. more damage I think, pairs with mountaintop which is basically king. every class is fine with it because it takes 60 heat rounds to get to red from hipfire which is easy to control and accurate. DO NOT ADS
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Touch of malice but you don't kill yourself. Super fun to use if you can put yourself in a position to not take much damage while firing. Excellent with Actium War Rig if you're a titan. Catalyst is hot garbage though.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
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