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Exotic / Kinetic Weapon / Sidearm

O bater de minúsculas asas; o pressionar de um gatilho.

Fonte: jornada exótica "Por Um Filamento"

Exotic Perks

Tudo de Uma Vez

Tudo de Uma Vez

Depois de manter o gatilho pressionado, você marca alvos ao alcance e carrega vários projéteis, que são disparados em uma rajada com maior estabilidade ao soltar o gatilho. Acertar alvos marcados com uma rajada totalmente carregada causa desatadura.
O Mal Maior

O Mal Maior

Tiros sem mira: os projéteis perseguem os alvos marcados, causando mais dano com acertos no corpo no momento do impacto.

Tiros com mira: os projéteis ganham muito mais velocidade e causam dano crítico adicional a alvos marcados.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidade de recarga
Reload Time  
Assistência de mira
Eficiência no ar
Direção do recuo
Disparos por minuto 450
Tempo de carga 1000
Carregador 21
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Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Último Aviso

O bater de minúsculas asas; o pressionar de um gatilho.

Estimados colegas,

Enquanto desfrutava da minha xícara vespertina de Psâmate Ponta de Prata (um presente do Dr. Dewan após seu período sabático. Obrigada novamente, querido amigo) e ruminava sobre as correções orbitais que nós mesmos fazemos ao longo de nossas vidas, uma revelação sem qualquer relação me ocorreu.

Me dei conta de que, nos meus momentos de descanso, enquanto minha cabeça vaga pelos confins mais distantes, frequentemente encontro as respostas para as perguntas mais incômodas que se apresentam sem nenhum alarde. (Este fenômeno por si só é digno de estudo por pessoas muito mais inteligentes do que eu, mas enfim.) Minha mais recente revelação tem relação com nossas empreitadas atuais com o Espectômetro Atmosférico #003a, também conhecido como Último Aviso, como o ouvi sendo chamado no laboratório.

A Dra. Sundaresh há muito suspeita que as estranhas capacidades desse "Último Aviso" são um subproduto do Véu, replicando assinaturas de energia que observamos com mais frequência na dinâmica dos fluidos. Com isso em mente, proponho começar a testar a capacidade de envolver a energia usando tanto o efeito Magnus quanto o giroscópico. Vamos tentar criar uma "pedra quicante paracausal", por assim dizer.

Ainda veremos como alcançar isso, mas aconselho não passar os próximos dias pensando nisso, já que podemos discutir tudo na próxima reunião da equipe.

Aproveitem o fim de semana,

Dra. Esi

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Season 21 Icon
Final warning is quite literally my favorite exotic weapon. I got it as soon as all the fragments were available to purchase and I absolutely love it. It functions like a combination of my two other favorite exotic weapons, ticuu's divination and devil's ruin. It's burst can do good single target damage and in close range, the unravel allows for easy tangle generation and ad clear potential. This little thing is never leaving my inventory

As for a review of what it does exactly, it allows you to lock onto multiple, or a single, target to fire a burst of up to 10 rounds, with hipfire getting bonus bodyshot damage to locked on targets in a burst. Using the burst while ADSed will double your crit damage (making this a 3 tap in pvp). Full charge of 10 rounds will make each bullet apply unravel regardless of fire mode. Additionally, hipfire projectiles are slow projectiles even outside of burst, and ADS projectiles just act like a pistol. The unravel allows you to easily create tangles in pve or pvp, possibly even more reliably than Quicksilver Storm, especially in pvp, though the 15 second cooldown for tangles gives Quicksilver users more than enough time to get grenades ready for more tangles.

As for how to use this thing, it may seem simple. You may think that you should charge up a full hipfire burst and just let it go, going behind cover and shooting it around a corner. Because of this, the full second of charge time may make this pistol seem unappealing to a lot of players who just want to get that kill right then and there. However, there are a few good ways to use this. Firstly, if you can get your headshots in ADS burst, you only need to charge until it's locked on and you have 3 rounds in the burst. That's all you need for a kill in pvp. Secondly, in hipfire burst, you only need 8 rounds for a kill in pvp, though this won't give you that tangle. As for when to use the burst, I would recommend only locking onto targets when you have a convenient piece of cover nearby to duck behind when you're done so that you can remain within safety with the hipfire burst. The ADS burst is a bit riskier because you need to stay in the open for it, but it is worth it as if you can pull it off, you can get a kill faster than they can react typically.

For use in pve, I would recommend primarily using the hipfire burst for ad clear, locking onto multiple targets and either firing as soon as you can to kill them quickly, or getting a full lock to unravel them, eat up the group, and spawn a tangle for you to use. In between those two options isn't really the best. For yellow bars and champions, use the ADS burst and get precision hits, it will take a few to get them, but it's worth it and does a lot of damage for a primary ammo weapon.


- Probably one of the easiest ways of getting truly tracking projectiles in the game, more than just the crazy bullet magnetism of Osteo Striga
- One of the two strand exotic weapons with strand weapons generally getting good bonuses particularly regarding their use on tangles in the seasonal artifact
- Easy tangle generation
- Can apply one of the best status effects in the game that can infect and shred through hordes of enemies quite easily
- Can eat yellow bars and red bars alike for breakfast

- Charge time may be unappealing to some people
- Short range due to being a sidearm
- Fire rate is not truly 450RPM especially in tap firing because tapping it instead of having it be full auto essentially reduces your fire rate a decent bit
- Is an archetype of sidearm that relies heavily on being fully automatic while not being able to be used full auto
- Kicks very hard in ADS burst, a bit hard to control, but it's possible to get used to it

Overall I'd give this gun a 10/10, and it is by far my favorite exotic in the game

Edit: Yeah, I'm not sure this will ever really be popular. Nobody is talking about it, nobody is really using it. I still love it, it's amazing, but you know, it's even more fun if the perfect exotic for me is something so niche and weird that nobody even considers using it
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
My mans really went "you want to know everything there is to know about this weapon and how to use it, I got you fam" Respect.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
I mean, we'd have insightful, comprehensive reviews for every gun there is, if people stopped trying to make jokes and memeing everywhere online.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 21 Icon
I just got it and I LOVE this weapon but another con is the reload. For hunters they could just make a Grappling build with Thread of Ascent and Generation with the helmet exotic that has a WAY too big of a name but frankly, I think it's good. I simply hate the reload on this thing but that's the only con of this weapon for me. I can't wait for the catalyst. I'm presuming either Tap the Trigger, One for All or Hip-Fire Grip and potentially a reload stat increase and if anyone thinks about strand reloader 1. it takes a mod slot and 2. it also takes 2 energy and I want that energy fore my build. 4.6/5, I love it.

Edit: Another con is the ammo size as a full burst is 10 bulets and there's only 20. Another thing for the catalyst could be an increase in mag by 10 (which would be 40).
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
In my opinion, the reload isn't all that slow. It's faster than devil's ruin, and unlike devil's ruin, you can do two full charges instead of one per magazine. I personally hope a catalyst would give some sort of synergy with threadlings, but I'm a bit biased towards that, and this weapon in general, since I'm a broodweaver main
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 20 Icon
Final Warning is an add clear demon in pve, if there is a group even remotely close to you fire this bad boy up and they gone. In pvp it can be very good close range as well if you charge up a short burst, but will get outranged by most sidearms.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
ok, so -- i have a condition that makes it hard to move my hands precisely and that makes aiming in games really hard. destiny is already much better than other games in that regard due to the aim assist, but i still struggle pretty often. and then this gun came out. you can't imagine how happy i was after i saw the perks and how good it felt to actually use it in the game. not only is it a beast in both PvE and PvP due to its innate unravel debuff and the high precision damage it does, it has tracking bullets AND a very forgiving area for marking enemies for them. it really made me feel like i'm actually doing well in crucible even though i was only firing from the hip which.. i can't remember if that ever happened before. thank you, bungie. really.

just please add a skin that makes it less ugly. that's the only gripe i have with it. well, that, and the only downside it really has as a primary weapon is that its effective range ends at 25 meters, which, i don't personally mind, but it does limit your options in some scenarios. also, in crucible, it can be hard to use it in engagements with more than one combatant, which, again, i don't personally find an issue with, but it does also limit your options.

i can't wait to see the catalyst for this thing.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Feels like Ticcu's had a sidearm baby, and I am absolutely here for it. Despite looking like a potato gun, this is quite possibly one of my favorite exotics in a long time, and as far as DPS goes this could very well be the best kinetic available.

Ad clear is absolutely insane, and the single target damage it can put out will make your jaw drop. Tag a major with hip-fire and then unload in ADS and you'll be hitting stupid good crit numbers. Pairs exceptionally well with any strand build, and I can only imagine what the catalyst (which exists, and hopefully will become available soon) will do - I don't know how this thing could get better!

Only two gripes are it doesn't seem to work with Strand Surge - when I'm charged and I'm on this weapon I just don't seem to get the damage boost buff showing up, whereas it does for other Strand weapons. Second being it looks kinda silly. For something that hits so hard I feel like it should have a bigger, more menacing weapon model. Nothing an ornament can't (hopefully) fix in the future though.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Things rips. Hopefully bungo doesn't ruin the fun anytime soon
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
They did not whatsoever. Actually got buffed
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 20 Icon
After throwing on mechaneers tricksleeves with this thing, its a monster in close quarters and being in that position is really easy with the use of grapples and dives. The tracking is a bit silly since you can shoot enemies that are behind cover, but thats the point of it. Stupid good, recommend if you haven't got it yet
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
It can apply Unravel when charged. 5/5 gun
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
God damn this weapon is good, it has got good mob clear, great damage against single target (while aiming) and it procs unravel + unraveling rounds for even more damage and piercing capabilities. Only real downside for me is that it looks kinda goofy, but that goes for most sidearms. In PvP it's really good in close quarters and that's it I think. (Using it with Strand Titan with Abeyant Leap - the CC master)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Insanely good ad clear AND single target with the two fire modes, great synergy with strand, can't really ask for anything better for a new subclass exotic
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Phenomenal weapon. Remember the days of pre-nerf Telesto? The ability to passively fight around corners while staving off the shotgun sprinter. The auto aimer to me is closest to Ticuu's bow but the greenies are doing way more damage than the flaming singe. Most of all I love the beauty of it. It is a space age 1980's hose nozzle shooting neon green ..
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Probably my favorite Strand gun right after Quicksilver Storm. An absolute monster at both single-target and multi-target DPS. The only real downside I find here is that the target marking (in hipfire) range is very low.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
In PVE it is INSANE. Ad clear is remarkable with unravel and auto tracking. Single target DPS is even more insane. It might be the highest DPS primary in the game.

Fun af in PVP too while being very potent.

High learning curve but its VERY VERY VERY worth it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
This might be my new favorite exotic. This thing has so many use cases, it literally feels like a multi-tool. Ad clear, single target damage, debuffing, it has it all.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I FREAKING LOVE THIS, want a auto pistol that locks on and fires at multiple targets? basically a mini missile launcher, this is the perfect weapon for you.

a perfect love letter to the anthem and titanfall fans, and its great, especially on hunter, you can get easy tangle on a charged shot for long range grapples or on arc to blink and get a perfect spot for a barrage, and its incredible on PVE and PVP

and its also fantastic for strand titans as you can get a full charge kill and get a strand tangle, which in PVP a easy way to get almost on demand woven mail
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
I love this gun! It’s great in pve because of the unraveling and good in pvp because of the tracking shots
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
comically small pistol that can suspend and shred entire rooms with 1 or 2 mags
it's really fun, takes some getting used to as it is quite unique but has excellent synergy with strand
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
This weapon is quite interesting for what it has going for it. As stated in several other comments, the gun is a PVE monster and surprisingly useable in PVP, hits like a truck, has very aggressive tracking, and unravels anything it touches with a fully charged burst (though you'll have to find something that survives more than one bullet for that to happen). But this gun is also canonically OUR gun too. We didn't steal this weapon off of something, or were given it as a gift, we built it ourselves with little help using Veil containment materials and our own weapon crafting skills. Similar to Bastion, this gun is a gun we fully made and own, and I find that really personal and cool considering how few weapons our character makes and truly owns.

In addition, one could think of the gun as a metaphor for us, the guardian. Final Warning is very, very small, even for Sidearm standards, and seemingly unthreatening because of its small stature and size. Yet despite that, the gun is extraordinarily powerful with proper use, capable of destroying most things despite its apparent shape as a minuscule pistol, similar to how we are capable of taking on any of Humanity's enemies regardless of their strength and size.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 21 Icon
Cannot imagine getting a kill with this in pvp. Sure the bullets track to targets but they are very slow and the gun has a charge-up time if you want the tracking and the exotic effect. In pve this is a monster however. Damage is great, the strand subclass synergy is obvious, I run it with swarmers on a threadling warlock and all I see is green. Definitely worth a try!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
People sleep on this sidearm, like crazy. Usually, whenever someone got this they would just dismantle it, missing out on its potential but seriously this thing can actually just tilt otherwise lost matches in your favour, however there is quite a high skill ceiling, but once you learn how to use it you are unstoppable. With this gun, you mainly want to focus on mobility, map knowledge and awareness. With the hipfire you just wanna stay as mobile as possible, the harder you are to hit, the better. I've mainly been using icarus dash and heat rises for this purpose. In addition to this, the hipfire is insanely good as you can fire it over / around walls and objects leaving your enemies confused on how they die, however you gotta have map knowledge for this, knowing which walls you can shoot around to get an easy kill. (Also keep in mind you dont gotta hold the charge fully down, just hold it until you lock on to somebody, then tap fire it and it let's you keep the auto tracking from hipfire). The ADS is also insanely strong, having, I believe the fastest TTK in the whole game, being able to 3 tap any resil, really good for punishing aggressive players if you can hit headshots
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Possibly the most frighteningly high damage I've ever from a PRIMARY. Skilled pvp users use this quite effectively, as well.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 20 Icon
PVE: By far my favorite exotic, and haven't taken it off since I got it. Damage against both red and gold bar enemies can be stupid at some times, and fully charging this up can double the damage it does. Boss viability is good, but you have to get up close and personal, as the damage fall off is quite a lot. It has a learning curve, but you will like it once you get it. Overall, I probably won't be taking this sidearm off for a while.
PVP: This has a hard learning curve for pvp, even more than pve. Aimbot might sound good on paper, but the charge time gives the enemy plenty of time to kill you. It's best used around corners, as the tracking keeps on as long as you saw them once. It's not bad, but you could find better weapons for pvp.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
infinite ammo gun that applies unravel (a rare and very strong debuff), not much else to say.
Hipfire for redbars and ADS for majors and elites to one burst the majorty of them.
Really great in PVE, can three-ish burst champs at -15 light and an ad clear monster.
PvP is good but it has a learning curve despite being Aimbot.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Insane DPS, Add clear is great, Big guys melting
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
I swear this weapon must be bugged right now. It deals MORE damage than 300rpm kinetic exotic sidearms per shot.
In most cases, the charged shots are bait, this is just a comepletely overpowered 450rpm semi auto if you don't mind breaking your fingers.
Hipfire charging gives a minor damage boost that will reduce your dps seignificantly and ADS charging does deal increased dps if you hit precision shots but not by a lot due to the charge time.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
It's the highest primary DPS in the game aside from lucky pants shenanigans. 401k at templar with 4 bursts per Aztecross testing
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
And thanks to social media, it will be nerfed to the ground since people can't shut up and enjoy it lol.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
hot garbage, it doesn't track teleporting enemies properly, i was farming catalyst on shuro chi and as soon as the thralls teleport, it loses track or shoots at a wall, which renders the weapon absolutely useless
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
That is kinda true for the gun, invisible enemies just fully counter it, teleporting enemies aren't too bad in crucible, most the time you can still kill them, cant speak for PvE tho
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
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