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Básico / Trait

Ao matar combatentes com esta arma, você gera uma pequena quantidade de energia de super.

Community Research

Weapon Kills grant an additional 1% Super Energy.

Kills with Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Glaives, and Fusion Rifles grant an additional 1.5% instead.
Last Updated 2024-06-27
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Season 13 Icon
THRESH HAS BEEN CHANGED TO WORK IN PVP! If you have any rolls with thresh sitting in the vault it is 100% worth using in PvP!
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
It's a boring perk. It does what it does well enough, but what it does isn't good enough to be a God roll on anything. If you have a build that is super dependent on you getting your super out as much as necessary it could be worth using. It's not really bad, just not good.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Nice perk, it works both in PVE and PVP, however it isn't miraculous.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
An acceptable perk. It won't blow your mind, nor is it something that is sought after. However there are worse perks in the game, so sometimes it can sit with the cool kids at the lunch table.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Power crept into oblivion. 1% of your super is next to nothing, especially since the TWQ-era super regen rework (or was that 30th anniversary? it blends together)

Let's say you are a T8 Intellect Warlock running Well of Radiance in Trials. Your super comes back in 363 seconds (6:03) from the passive regen. One kill with a Thresh weapon will reduce that time 3.6 seconds (more like 5 if it's one of the listed special weapons). If you get 5 kills, you'll get your super back 18 seconds faster than kills with an otherwise identical weapon. Seems good, right? Lots of rounds don't last that long.

1. Dealing and taking damage and getting kills also grants you super energy. These are also going to mitigate your super cooldown, and will be a much bigger portion of that than Thresh, so you're better off using perks that will actually help you win fights and reap the super energy rewards from doing that.
2. Upgrading to T10 Intellect is a 15 second faster regen. You'd sacrifice some other stats doing that, but if it means you can run a Real Perk(tm) on your gun, it seems pretty worth it. If you're using a slower super or if your INT is a little lower, the difference becomes even more dramatic.

And in the PVE case, with how fast you can get your super back in that context, you won't even notice it's on the gun.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 14 Icon
In PvE it will give you 100% extra super energy on kill and shave seconds off of super use in PvP, which is useful. So for activities that have a high amount of adds it is very noticeable. It isn't a perk that is exciting but thats because it's passive. Great for those falling star Titans or those that have super builds.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Has no function in PvP, combatants means PvE exclusive. In PvE gives decent gains especially on a primary, but if you're looking for an abundance of super energy Bad Juju is just better, but if you meed your exotic slot and still want faster supers, this
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Does not work in PvP and has mediocre gains in PvE
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago