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Lendário / Arma potente / Machine Gun

Todas as portas se abrem diante de você.

Fonte: Recompensa do Passe de Temporada.


Armação de Tiros Rápidos

Armação de Tiros Rápidos

Maiores reservas de munição. Recarga levemente mais rápida quando o carregador estiver vazio.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidade de recarga
Reload Time  
Assistência de mira
Eficiência no ar
Direção do recuo
Disparos por minuto 900
Carregador 74
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

Popular Trait Combos

+ Chacina
10.42% of Rolls
Coldre Automático
+ Chacina
9.35% of Rolls
Visão Focada
+ Chacina
5.08% of Rolls
+ Injeção de Adrenalina
4.78% of Rolls
Preparação de Campo
+ Cercado
4.42% of Rolls
Preparação de Campo
+ Chacina
4.02% of Rolls
Coldre Automático
+ Cercado
3.94% of Rolls
Coldre Automático
+ Momento Zen
3.53% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 30.7K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
  • 16.3%
  • 14.7%
  • 14.2%
  • 11.8%
  • 11.5%
  • 8.4%
  • 8.3%
  • 7.4%
  • 6.9%
  • 27.1%
  • 20.9%
  • 16.4%
  • 12.8%
  • 9.9%
  • 7.9%
  • 4.7%
  • 25.7%
  • 23.9%
  • 14.9%
  • 13.1%
  • 12.7%
  • 9.3%
  • 34.7%
  • 15.8%
  • 15.1%
  • 13.0%
  • 11.2%
  • 10.1%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 31.2K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 31.2K+ copies, 10.3K+ (32.9%) were fully masterworked.
19.2% of Rolls
20.9% of Rolls
Velocidade de recarga
28.3% of Rolls
31.4% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 11.7K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Carregador de Emergência
69.2% of Rolls
Contrabalanço de Coronha
15.7% of Rolls
Ajustador de Mira
7.2% of Rolls
Bandoleira de Acesso Rápido
2.0% of Rolls
Cabo Livre
1.8% of Rolls
Cabo de Ícaro
1.5% of Rolls
Ativador de Radar
.9% of Rolls
Chuva de Confetti
.6% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

Learn More

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Cifra Estilhaçada

Todas as portas se abrem diante de você.

Helena espiou desconfiada as janelas quebradas no prédio abandonado e conferiu de novo as coordenadas no tablet. Ela nunca tinha visitado esse canto da Cidade antes.

"Mãe?", chamou ela duvidosa, ouvindo a própria voz ecoar no espaço vazio.

"Aqui atrás", respondeu a mãe, e o estômago de Helena deu um nó.

Ela abriu uma porta enferrujada e encontrou a mãe numa sala baixa de concreto, guardando freneticamente o conteúdo de uma longa mesa em bolsas cilíndricas. Ao longo da parede mais longa, outra mulher enrolava uma lona de plástico. O aposento fedia a produtos químicos.

Um homem com uma grande bola preta equilibrada no ombro passou por Helena numa nuvem de colônia, álcool e suor azedo.

Helena percebeu um pequeno bloqueador de sinais piscando laranja na mesa. Atrás dela, um Exo estava até a cintura dentro de um buraco no concreto do chão.

"Bem apertado", grunhiu ele ao rebolar para entrar mais na fenda. "Mas acho que ele não foi longe. Vou encontrá-lo." Ele sumiu no buraco.

"O que está acontecendo?", indagou Helena.

"Não faça perguntas", exigiu a mãe enquanto afastava uma mecha de cabelo loiro úmido do rosto. "Temos que andar logo." Ela indicou o canto oposto da sala. "Você cuida daquela pilha."

Helena cruzou os braços, desconfiada. "Mãe, o que você está fazendo aqui?"

"Não tenho tempo para falar agora", exclamou a mãe. "Você não sabe o que está acontecendo. Você não viu eles olhando pelas janelas, não escutou o que este aqui falou na barraca de pão de queijo."

Pela primeira vez, a mãe a fitou de volta. Intensidade perigosa lhe ardia nos olhos. "Estão usando a treva para nos cegar, e não vamos deixar isso acontecer. Agora me ajude."

Helena foi lentamente até a pilha de lixo no canto. Toalhas encharcadas de fluído azul. Tubos borrachudos, fragmentos estranhos de metal. Um cartão plastificado que dizia "TEMPORÁRIO".

Ela indagou com voz frágil: "Mamãe, o que você fez?"

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Season 14 Icon
Got chambered compensator, accurized rounds, heating up, and rampage. This is easily the best rapid fire machine gun in the game. That said, it can’t really compete with the adaptive frame machine guns, which are the best archetype.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Field prep rampage is violent in PvE. In pvp, snapshot and under pressure will serve you well, but not as well as a 450.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
its a rapid fire machine gun. rampage is nice, as is heating up or ALH, but its still a rapid fire frame
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I didn't get a lot of these that felt good in Season of the Cipher, but even with trash rolls this gun SLAPS. Auto-loading holster is a great time saver with what I use this gun for, and it isn't for mowing down a lot of enemies. That isn't what heavy ammo is usually best spent on. With an RPM faster than time itself, funny enough I've never used this for taking out lots of enemies. This isn't a god-tier gun, but it is very good for the Lightfall campaign because it's good at one thing: killing minibosses, especially fast moving ones like Tormentors. It also is very effective in Gambit for invades. It doesn't use up your exotic slot, and you get a ton of ammo per heavy brick pickup, which is plenty to use for bursting down guardians at medium range. But again, stellar gun against Tormentors on the Legendary campaign. Would heavily recommend using this gun if you've got an auto-loading holster or you're playing Hunter.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
A good replacement for 21% Delirium. 900 RPM Light machine guns aren't bad, but the ammo efficiency is rough on them compared to their lower fire rate counterparts.
Machine guns arent in a great place still in PvE, but the Heating up Rampage roll makes this weapon shred ads.
Overall its a gun that has a great roll, but it is held back by it being a machine gun.
Recommend you focus engrams now and get the 21% Delirium roll, and stash it until Machine guns get another boost.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
rampage and heating up with volatile rounds absolutely shreds ads and can do some pretty good dps.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Field prep rampage was my first roll and its my favourite since then and on top its a void weapon ;)
pvp i can`t give an honest opinion yet thats why no stars ;)
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Heating up is underrated.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago