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Lendário / Arma cinética / Combat Bow

Canta mágoas que ainda não passaram.

Fonte: evento público Contato


Armação Leve

Armação Leve

Arco recurvo. Puxe-o e mova-se rapidamente quando esta arma estiver equipada.
[Recarregar]: use quando puxado para cancelar o disparo.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidade de recarga
Reload Time  
Assistência de mira
Eficiência no ar
Direção do recuo
Tempo de puxada 580
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

Ritmo do Arqueiro
+ Arma Vorpal
12.92% of Rolls
Ventania Mortal
+ Arma Vorpal
7.1% of Rolls
Ritmo do Arqueiro
+ Demolicionista
6.72% of Rolls
Ritmo do Arqueiro
+ Tapa e Tiro
6.59% of Rolls
Ritmo do Arqueiro
+ Disparo Inicial
6.02% of Rolls
+ Arma Vorpal
3.63% of Rolls
Saque Rápido
+ Disparo Inicial
3.48% of Rolls
Ventania Mortal
+ Tapa e Tiro
3.24% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 22.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
  • 21.6%
  • 15.7%
  • 14.4%
  • 14.1%
  • 11.7%
  • 11.1%
  • 11.0%
  • 28.9%
  • 21.1%
  • 17.7%
  • 17.2%
  • 10.1%
  • 4.8%
  • 37.3%
  • 19.5%
  • 13.7%
  • 13.1%
  • 8.5%
  • 7.6%
  • 30.1%
  • 17.0%
  • 16.8%
  • 16.1%
  • 11.4%
  • 8.4%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 22.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 22.1K+ copies, 7.8K+ (35.5%) were fully masterworked.
Tempo de puxada
34.1% of Rolls
24.7% of Rolls
Velocidade de recarga
14.1% of Rolls
13.5% of Rolls
13.3% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 4.8K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Ajustador de Mira
41.5% of Rolls
Cabo Livre
16.8% of Rolls
Bandoleira de Acesso Rápido
14.0% of Rolls
Contrabalanço de Coronha
9.0% of Rolls
Cabo de Ícaro
8.6% of Rolls
Chuva de Confetti
3.3% of Rolls
Cabo Ágil
2.7% of Rolls
Ativador de Radar
2.6% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

Learn More

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Laje Sussurrante

Canta mágoas que ainda não passaram.

Eris Morn caminha silenciosamente até um Derivante exausto que soca sacos menores em sacos maiores. Fagulhas mortiças e gastas estão espalhadas pela Dilapidada, evaporando lentamente. Eris pega uma fagulha do chão e brilha a luz ardente pela superfície rachada. A luz tem dificuldade de escapar das rachaduras. Ela deixa a fagulha em desintegração cair, e esta se estilhaça em poeira nas grades do chão. Tiniu como vidro ressonante.

O Derivante gira para encarar o barulho, quase perdendo o equilíbrio, e tira a mão da Confiança no coldre ao reconhecer a visita. "Ninguém nunca te falou pra não se esgueirar? É falta de educação."

"Registrado. Você está de mudança?"

"Vou dar uma viajada. Como foi que você entrou aqui, aliás?"

"A escotilha estava aberta."


"Se eu dissesse que estou aqui para entrar no seu jogo, você mudaria de tom?"


Os ombros de Eris pendem de desânimo e ela se aproxima do Derivante. "Quero que você me ajude."

"Aham." Ele franze as sobrancelhas, desconfiado. "Por quê? Você ainda não salvou o universo?" O Derivante volta a socar sacos em sacos.

"Ele parece estar em perigo contínuo. Sinceramente, não sei se ajudei."

Eris entregou um saco ao Derivante. "Preciso do seu conhecimento."

"Você? Não."

"Tive experiências perturbadoras recentemente."

"É, chamam-se vida."

"Eu preciso aprender". Ela hesita, autocontrole nada convicto precedendo o sacrilégio. "Diga-me como interpretar a Treva."

"Como assim, eu virei um velho sábio cascudo? Cai fora, garota. Estou fazendo as malas."

"Não me ignore", retrucou Eris com voz calma e penetrante. "Nós dois já vimos sob a superfície."

O Derivante solta a mochila e pega uma moeda de jade na bancada.

"Asher é muito ortodoxo no pensamento dele", diz Eris pousando a mão gentilmente ao lado dos dois. "Ikora… ela até tenta. Escuta, mas não entende. Ninguém está prestando atenção."

O Derivante coloca a moeda no bolso e se vira para Eris, encarando-a. "Experiência. É uma coisa incrível". Ele fita o passadiço da Dilapidada e o portão que o levaria para o Carregamento. "Favores não saem de graça. Eu te ajudo, você me deve."

Eris concorda com a cabeça. O Derivante limpa o tampo da bancada e puxa um assento retrátil para si.

"Quanto tempo você tem?"

Os dois se sentam. Falam. Escutam. Elos forjados na Luz e Treva de segredos trocados na Dilapidada em órbita em volta da Terra. Pactos são feitos. Logo só resta o silêncio da compreensão mútua.

"Da próxima vez que você sobrevoar a Lua, limpe as botas. Tá enchendo meu piso de poeira."

Eris balança a cabeça e vai na direção da escotilha.

"E ME LIGA ANTES DE VIR! Eu poderia ter explodido esses seus olhos chiques."

"Tentarei me recordar de suas muitas excentricidades no futuro."

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Season 11 Icon
i use bows alot and compared to other bows this bow combined with hipfire grip has massive hipfire aim assist. so much that i hit hipfire shots BETTER than ADS'ing highly recommend whoever runs bow combos in pvp thsi bow is perfect for ya. it also has som nice pve perks.

wouldve loved to see som of the other erks be in the second collum. but this surely is one of the best Lightweight bows
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Do you wish every gun in your second and third slot had Auto Loading Holster? Get yourself this now with Sympathetic Arsenal and they pretty much do. A “reload” with a bow is just grabbing another arrow. Paired with Archer’s Tempo and you’ve got a better Hush. Or grab one with Vorpal and smack down gambit invaders. This thing is a blast. Looks like a cheese wire though.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
it also makes for a cool bow
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Feels extremely satisfying in PVE, and being a Kinetic is a big plus.

In PVP, its snappy. Higher accuracy is better for PVP when pairing with Archers Tempo as gives biggest improvement to drawtime. However, the sight can make this Bow feel like it has low Aim Assist. This may be a bug because it doesn't. Swashbuckler + Archers Tempo may be a sleeper as this bow cannot get Rampage.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
I am in love with this bow. Mine has archer's tempo with demolitionist and i cant describe what makes this bow feel so damn good. Good bow. Haven't used it in crucible.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 15 Icon
With now vorpal an the bows have 20% extra for damage this bow with archer's tempo and vorpal is insane
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
My favourite kinetic. Aiming super fast, great stability, No reloading required. One shot, one kill. Also faster and somehow more agile than Trinity Gouhl for example.
For PvP it lacks Impact I think.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 11 Icon
It's a kinetic hush, need I say more?
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Absolutely bonkers for PvE. Sympathetic Arsenal is honestly just broken on this weapon. Basically gives your energy and heavy weapons autoloading holster. Combined with quick draw and the 10% damage buff vs adds all you gotta do is swap to this bow, pop 1 add, knock a second arrow then boom you've got a fully locked and loaded energy and heavy weapon.

PvP though? it's a bow. it has vorpal but... it's a bow.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 23 Icon
sympathetic arsenal and quickdraw has some potential.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 14 Icon
My good snowboard sniper. With natural string, helical fletching, archers tempo and sympathetic arsenal it makes a damn good weapon. Nearly masterworked accuracy and placed minor spec and it SHREDS. Oh is that some cabal over there? No just some corpses with arrows through their skull. Fallen over there? No just more corpses. Hey is that some taken? Bah you're seeing things there's nothing here. Best bow so far!
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 22 Icon
I have ~15k kills on one of the Whispering Slabs I have. This is in big part because I prefer Lightweight Bows over Precision, and this is in part because of Hip-Fire shenanigans.

I find Hip-Fire Grip to be notably effective on a couple of weapon archetypes. Bows are one of them since they are not affected by bloom in the same way that traditional weapons are. I find that Hip-Fire Grip + Freehand Grip allows for surprising accuracy. In short to mid ranges, that allows me to fight without aiming down sights. Under all cases, this simply allows me to shoot and keep my radar up. In PvP keeping your radar up is good enough that it's a Hunter exotic.

Ok, so let's take a step back and look at other aspects of this weapon. Because there are four bows in the game (currently) that can roll with Hip-Fire Grip. The other three could compete with equal or greater perks. For one thing, Whispering Slab is the only one of the three to be in the Kinetic/Top slot. So you have an advantage there. While the 3rd column may be a bit lacking with only Archer's Tempo and Hip-Fire Grip being the most notable perks here, the 4th column has some good hits. Sympathetic Arsenal allows you to essentially negate the reload on your Energy + Power weapons. Depending on the setup, that may be a great benefit to have. The other perks are mostly dependent on preference.

I'm *barely* not giving this bow a 5/5 in PvE because I figure that nowadays you could have a better 4th column perk, but I think I'm asking too much with that. PvP I will solidly put as a 4/5 because while it is great to use a bow without removing the radar, I feel it does lack a little bit in long range combat. At that point, you would be better using the bow... as a bow instead of a yeehaw gun.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 19 Icon
its not bad
ive had far worse
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This thing is goofy with sympathetic arsenal. Hipfire + SA is really fun in pve, especially if you pair it with a breech GL. This + FL is way too much fun, highly recommend. Hipfire is nice for quickly swapping back and forth without needing to ADS but that is exactly what makes me think quickdraw might be better with a hipfire mod. Either way I'm so glad my gut told me to keep this in my vault all this time, I knew I'd figure out it's potential one day.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Initially I was unimpressed by this thing because it just looks silly. I figured bungie was just adding some filler to the Umbral decoder. However it performs exactly like a kinetic version of Arsenic Bite. And it’s a bow in the kinetic slot and that is a feat in and of itself. If you can get past how it looks like a kids toy you will appreciate the performance for PvE content. Solid aim assist, stability, nice scope and precision damage.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
This bow is unique in that it is a lightweight frame weapon that can roll Killing Wind, making it a huge boost to maneuverability
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 11 Icon
PVE: sympathetic arsenal is great on this bow - running it with ruinous effigy is one of my favorite pve builds for lower tier content right now. I prefer quickdraw on this bow, or perhaps rangefinder (although i don't have a roll with rangefinder yet).
PVP: hipfire grip or quickdraw is great for running with erianna's. Bows, especially lightweights, are too niche outside of a few specific blinting loadouts. So not much more to say here.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 11 Icon
This is the bow I've always wanted. I've mained the vow on my hunter for over a year now, but could never use my excellent secondary specials. Now I can! Pretty much every perk on this is good. Just make sure you get elastic string for that sweet sweet 540 draw time and your in business!

Also probably my fav sight in destiny history.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
I got Swashbuckler + Archer's Tempo. Very good PvE performance, but I hate the sight because it's so damn bright compared to stuffs around you that it's hard to focus on the enemies.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
I got Swashbuckler + hipfire grip, This thing is a monster!!!
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
I enjoy this in pve its great with demolitionist! it just looks really funny i laugh every time its on my back in the tower LOL!!
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 15 Icon
I've loved this bow since it was added. It also looks very unique.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
with hipfire grip and opening shot this becomes a hipfire machine, definitely recommend for pvp
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 11 Icon
It's very comfy with a good roll.

No real downsides, and it looks cool.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 21 Icon
With a lightweight frame this bow feels to appeal to a certain type of bow users. As I am not used to or particularly like lightweight frame bows I'll still try to give it a fair rating.

The bow has solid perks to choose from for every game mode. At its core however the stats are pretty low, particularly the impact, accuracy and stability. This is very noticable in Crucible as you need 3 bodyshots per kill (against a enemy with full health). The scope at the bow makes it harder to ADS and shoot accurately and I personally had better luck using hipfire. In Gambit it is alright in clearing ads but not particularly useful for invading. In PvE it can be quite good at clearing ads but you may need to roll perks and use mods against elites and bosses.

Overall it is a decent bow at best in my eyes but again, with it being a lighweight frame it is very dependent on personal taste and playstyle. I don't like the bow very much but maybe you do.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
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