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Básico / Trait

Proporciona um breve período de maior estabilidade e precisão na puxada inicial do gatilho.

Community Research

Starting to fire the weapon grants the following benefits for 0.6 seconds:
• 40 Stability
• 50% decreased Recoil
• 10% decreased Accuracy Cone Size

Fusion Rifles Only Receive 25% of the benefits .

[Controller-Only] Weapon fires the instant trigger pressure is applied.
Last Updated 2024-07-30
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Season 8 Icon
Its ok, but can be really good for high recoil guns.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 24 Icon
Old but reliable. For the first half-second after beginning to fire a true automatic weapon (which this perk is 99% restricted to), its Stability, accuracy and overall recoil control are drastically improved; while it doesn't do any extra damage, this perk is invaluable in the Crucible on certain weapons and rarely useless otherwise, even when it shares a column with a damage trait, since while damage traits are still viable and sometimes powerful in the Crucible, all of them are harder to activate by nature.

This perk's reliability is already self-evident, being like an inverted, quick-and-dirty Dynamic Sway or Zen Moment, making the weapon immediately start out more stable and accurate for a short burst instead of becoming so over time with sustained fire. With SMG's, especially the very rapid Lightweight family of SMG's, this perk turns them into a near-recoilless laser pointer for that half-second; the faster-firing the weapon archetype, the more bullets you can output before that bonus wears off. Useful thing to remember is that the perk's bonus resets the instant you stop firing, meaning you can proc it continuously by feathering the trigger - however, you shouldn't outright tap-fire like your gun is semiautomatic, since even if you use your scroll wheel, automatic weapons will shoot slower that way. Again, if you catch an unaware opponent in the Crucible, feather it; give them a quick burst, and if they survive, give them another.

Speaking of the Crucible, my only real problem with this perk (besides power creep - it's a *Season 1* non-damage trait) is that it's restricted a little too hard to the Crucible. There is absolutely no reason to use this in any PvE activity aside from maybe, like, a gun in Gambit you want to be good at killing adds *and* players without having to switch to another; even traits like Zen Moment or Dynamic Sway are useful for sustained-damage situations, and Moving Target can be combined with on-headshot(-kill) traits to make activating them more easy. If Tap the Trigger did *anything* tangible in PvE, this review would be four stars.

Also the "increases trigger sensitivity on digital-trigger controllers" is a funny detail I hope they never get rid of. It's cute.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago