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Lendário / Arma cinética / Hand Cannon

"De um jeito ou de outro, estarei lá." – Derivante

Fonte: Temporada da Bruxaria


Armação Adaptável

Armação Adaptável

Uma empunhadura balanceada, sólida e resistente.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidade de recarga
Reload Time  
Assistência de mira
Eficiência no ar
Direção do recuo
Disparos por minuto 140
Carregador 10
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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This item is craftable. Hover over perks below to see the requirements to craft a roll with them.
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
Saque Rápido
+ Olho da Tempestade
22.21% of Rolls
Ventania Mortal
+ Olho da Tempestade
16.53% of Rolls
Ventania Mortal
+ Carregador de Baixas Múltiplas
6.23% of Rolls
Saque Rápido
+ Debulha
3.33% of Rolls
Troco Avulso
+ Ação Coletiva
3.04% of Rolls
Atributos para Todos
+ Carregador de Baixas Múltiplas
2.79% of Rolls
Saque Rápido
+ Carregador de Baixas Múltiplas
2.62% of Rolls
Troco Avulso
+ Pugilista
2.36% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 41.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
Crafted versions of this weapon below Level 10 are excluded.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 15.1%
  • 14.7%
  • 13.3%
  • 11.8%
  • 11.2%
  • 10.6%
  • 9.9%
  • 8.7%
  • 4.3%
  • 52.7%
  • 12.6%
  • 9.5%
  • 8.3%
  • 7.8%
  • 4.7%
  • 4.1%
  • 32.6%
  • 29.9%
  • 10.6%
  • 9.9%
  • 7.5%
  • 4.9%
  • 4.3%
  • 43.2%
  • 16.1%
  • 9.7%
  • 9.7%
  • 8.7%
  • 6.4%
  • 6.0%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 38.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 38.1K+ copies, 3.2K+ (8.5%) were fully masterworked.
54.4% of Rolls
Velocidade de recarga
17.2% of Rolls
14.5% of Rolls
13.7% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 25.8K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Carregador de Emergência
24.8% of Rolls
Ajustador de Mira
24.8% of Rolls
14.5% of Rolls
Contrabalanço de Coronha
10.7% of Rolls
Cabo de Ícaro
9.7% of Rolls
Bandoleira de Acesso Rápido
3.8% of Rolls
2.2% of Rolls
Readaptação Automática
2.2% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks

It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.

Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Confiança Preservada

"De um jeito ou de outro, estarei lá." – Derivante

O Derivante enxugou o suor da testa e tirou o sorriso do rosto. Seus ombros caíram quando ele desceu da plataforma na Dilapidada. A partida da Artimanha terminou com uma vitória suada. A próxima seria em alguns minutos. Isso era tudo o que lhe restava.

Ele pigarreou. Estava com a voz rouca.

Olhou para a massa rodopiante de egrégora e seus pensamentos se voltaram para Eris Morn. Eles encontraram conforto um no outro. Um pouco de compreensão. Mas como seria, ele se perguntou, quando toda aquela quitina irrompesse para fora dela? Qual tinha sido a sensação de devorar todos aqueles tributos que os Guardiões estavam oferecendo a ela em batalha? No Crisol? Na Artimanha?

Ele leu os relatórios. Viu as teorias na VanNet. Não confiava nelas. Mas confiava nela.

O Derivante assentiu para si mesmo e respirou fundo ao ouvir os Guardiões se reunirem atrás dele. Subiu na plataforma, jogando sua moeda de jade para o alto. Ela girou no ar, refletindo a luz antes de cair de volta na mão dele.

"Você já comeu olhos de Colmeia?", perguntou ele com um sorriso, girando o pulso e colocando a moeda de volta na manga.

"São bem suculentos. Estouram na boca, e você sente um arrepio descendo até… Hehe. Posso contar quando vocês ficarem mais velhos."

Ele deu uma piscadela. Os Guardiões o observaram em silêncio.

"Transmat começando!", gritou ele, e eles desapareceram em uma explosão de luz.

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Season 22 Icon
Definitely one of the hand cannons of all time.

We live in an era of Destiny where 140 hand cannons, the bread and butter of the sandbox, are a dime a dozen. Austringer? Godly. Fatebringer? Yes please. Spare Rations? Give me your money.

To really stand out amongst your peers, you gotta bring something special to the table, be it unique perks, jacked stats, or something totally different. Kept Confidence starts off on the right foot in a lot of ways. The gun's design is actually one of the best looking in the history of the franchise, it's Strand which synergizes with good ol' green Kool-Aid subclass and has beautiful tracer rounds, and handles and sounds like an absolute dream. What could go wrong?

The perks. Oh my lord, what happened?

Bungie as of late has had a habit of making the seasonal weapons either cracked out of their mind or a complete waste of space, and Kept Confidence sadly falls into the latter. No Kill Clip, no Snapshot, no Explosive Payload, a boatload of consistency perks for god knows why, and NO HATCHLING? WHO SANCTIONED THIS?

It's not all black clouds, though. Killing Wind/Eye of the Storm is a great PvP duo, and thankfully the gun does feel good so dueling is well-warranted. Multikill Clip and Pugilist are nice damage bonuses, but leave much to be desired for this kind of weapon. Collective Action is good for build synergy, but with the kick in the pants hand cannons got this season that makes them hit like semi trucks, it's not really necessary.

Yet another hand cannon falls to the wayside, to be lost in the sea of general mediocrity. Some lucky few will pick up this gun and make it their own, but for most of us, it's probably a pass. The one saving grace? It's craftable. Go get the pattern. And if you feel like being spicy or different, pull this thing out for a bit and give it a whirl. Even the underdogs deserve a day in the sun on occasion. But for me, I've got my boy Round Robin.

...After I get the damned patterns for it.

UPDATE: This was a bit of a kneejerk reaction to the very underwhelming rolls. The main point is the gun IS good and FEELS amazing, it just doesn't have anything to truly stand out. Still very solid for general use.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It's such a shame, this gun feels amazing, sounds crisp, and handles as smooth as butter. But Round Robin's perk pool is 10x better.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
A shame, a beautiful hand cannon with ugly perks.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Why was this perk pool allowed to exist
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
because pvp 123456789101234
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Fuckin goated in pvp, looks mediocre on paper but it actually kicks ass in practice with arrowhead break, accurized, killing wind, and eye of the storm.
It feels great, silk smooth, and is probably one of the better 140's
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Once you can craft it, it gets way better. Hammer forged, accurized, KW(or QD or AA) and eye with the enhanced range masterwork and it duels like a dream.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This gun is hot doo-doo on paper.

But, after playing with it in the Crucible for a few hours, I've gotta say, I might be changing my mind. I have 0 dueling perks at the moment (I've got Stats for All + Collective Action, lmao), but it feels really, really good. Smooth and responsive, even with my 40 handling and 46 stability. Idk what sauce they mixed into this, but I'm impressed. When you factor in the very weird origin perk, this thing feels like it was designed for dueling, not slaying out. The perks in the pool are almost entirely terrible, so much so that I'd entirely written this gun off just browsing the new stuff here on the site. But, after giving it a try...yeah, I think I'd craft this. Definitely needs to be Quickdraw/Killing Wind + Eye of the Storm, though.

PVE? Jesus, no. Why? What sick, twisted individual made you use this weapon in PVE? I would rate it lower but I was mousing too quickly and it's stuck at 2 now.

EDIT: I meant to give this one star for PVE, but was mousing over too quickly. It sucks for PVE. Seriously.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It's a shame that the other reviewers have seem to have written off this gun without even using it in game.

This gun feels great to fire, probably because the gun model is the exact same as Fatebringer (minus all the lights) with it's base stats being extremely close to base Fatebringer with the Handling having the most deviation (+10 more to Fatebringer). While the perks columns don't feature the HC staples of Explosive Payload or Slideshot, it does still offer dueling options like Quickdraw and Eye of the Storm with both perks having the potential for being enhanced for added benefits.

But let's talk about what this HC has that others don't. Air Assault and Gutshot Straight on a Strand gun. If you run something, say Cyrtarachne's Facade Hunter with Thread of Ascent you notice that the gun instantly meshes with the playstyle. Base Air Assault (no kills) w/ Icarus Grip and Thread of Ascent gives you 76 AE flat out. IF you manage to get a kill while standing on the ground prior to activating thread of ascent, you hit 100 AE. You can also run triple harmonic targeting and triple harmonic unflinching since you're already on the strand subclass giving you +10 AA and 40% Flinch Resist on top of what Woven Mail gives you in finch resistance thanks to the exotic helmet. Gutshot Straight is just there to help with higher chunk damage on body shots. It's 55.8 body damage vs 46.5 base body damage, which means you have a higher chance of cleaning up a kill (although 76-100 AE would probably let you hit crits in the air).

I'm gonna grind for the red borders on this gun. I will probably end up crafting a 1-2 rolls of it too. Maybe this isn't going to be the gun for everyone. BUT, don't let the negative reviews discourage you from actually trying the gun and seeing how it feels for yourself.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
You can argue about pvp, but I don't see how this is also 4 stars for pve.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
absolutely satisfying sound and aesthetic just wished it had more perks to use
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon

tbf, it is the first craftable HC with Quickdraw, so thats something for pvp, but lack of hatchling tanks this weapons synergy with strand for pve
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Clearly youve never used swarmers
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This gun is actually pretty decent in PvP, but it has a grand total of one good roll for it. In PvE, don't even think about using this thing. The perk synergy is practically nonexistent and individually the perks are hot garbage. I really want to know Bungie's thought process behind giving this gun the perks that they did, cause every other seasonal weapon has at least SOMETHING going for it.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Synergy is non-existent? If you play a void build Try loose change with collective action, along with the right artifact perks, and you have pretty much constant damage buff and wicked fast .reload.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This weapon is not called "Kept Confidence", it's called the Goon Cannon. I will not be accepting any other names (edit: except that one guy that called it Li'l Snappy, I like that).
It's not stellar, but it doesn't have to be. There's not much to say about it, other than people are being too mean to it. It's not Fatebringer, Austringer, Spare Rations or Rose, but it doesn't have to be. Gutshot and Invisible Hand let you turn your brain off a little, while Spare Change, Stats for All and Collective Action encourage you to turn it on. Thresh, Harmony and Pugilist are always their good ol' vanilla selves, while Killing Wind, Quickdraw and Eye of the Storm are there for John PvP. The only real knock against this thing is that Head Rush is basically a joke outside of absolute emergencies, but even then, it's not *useless*.
And finally, all of these are enhanceable. Eye and Quickdraw give more stats, Invisible Hand lingers even after you stop missing, and every other trait can be a little more.
Lots of you all have been too spoiled lately. Be nicer to the Goon Cannon.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Alrighty, i'm certainly more casual of a player. That said, this gun has legit made PVP fun again, well, to an extent. I have Hammer forged, tac mag, quickdraw, EotS. So not the god roll by any means at all.

BUT, this gun just FEELS nice, it's got really snappy visual recoil, meaning you can track targets much easier, it's got a punchy, good sounding firing sound. So while it isn't an Ace of Spades or a god roll Austringer, it just feels good to shoot.

Go get the pattern. and just go have some FUN with it. Or just focus it until you get a half decent roll. It doesn't need a 5/5 to feel cripsy.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Feel is a personal opnion, perk wise.. just no dont waste your time if you are looking for a hidden gem, its as bad as people tell you, if it feels good to you, sure go for it and make Lord Shaxx proud
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Okay, so, hear me out on this one: I don't think this is as bad as it looks at first glance.
Don't get me wrong, this thing isn't great for most situations, I'd say. Collective Action is an easy buff to keep up in the right builds, but that's about it.

I propose using Lucky Pants. Up to 600% damage makes any Hand Cannon shred and this is the first Adaptive Strand Cannon. As for perks, my personal godroll would probably be Killing Wind / Harmony. Killing Wind gives +50 Mobility on kill, which causes my Strand Hunter build to have 100 Mobility so I can have increased Threaded Specter uptime, and Harmony is just good for Lucky Pants because I tend to kill things with my other weapons while Out of Luck.

This Hand Cannon will synergize very well with a Lucky Pants build to see a lot of good stuff happen, but it is a shame how that's pretty much the only scenario I see myself using this. Its crucible potential is good as well, but I don't play that at all so that's whatever. I'm also impressed with Bungie's ability to not put Hatchling on this despite it being Strand; that gives Round Robin a unique niche for the timebeing (180 rpm Killing Wind/Hatchling Strand Cannon pls Bungo I beg).
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
excited for our first 140 strand hc only to find that it's absolute doo-doo
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It's really not that of a hand cannon man. If you are one of those people who follow the meta and dont do what everyone else does, then yes you'll hate it.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
One word to describe this gun CONSISTENT - hands down one of the best feeling PVP HC in d2 rn.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Lil snappy is what i call it
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I'm more of a 120 person for PvP however this has become my 3rd favorite 140 just barely behind Austringer and Ace of Spades, finally got it crafted so I'm using extended barrel, alloy mag, quickdraw and eye of the storm for the time being and it feels pretty good. will it replace my spare rations or ace? no not at all but that might be because I still have barely any time using it compared to the other 2. def will come back to edit once I have more hours using
Edit: I am back and in all honesty this is the most consistent hand cannon I've had the pleasure of using. currently using it on void warlock paired with The Recluse and Astocyte Verse and it feels so crispy. it honestly has shattered my expectation and it's not even fully crafted yet, 100% replaces my Austringer at this point lmao (atleast until I can craft an Austringer then we'll see if it still holds 2nd place)
quick PvE section: it's a 140... if you like 140's then might be worth it but personally I don't use hand cannons in PvE
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Perfect gun for PVP users than dont need perks, just a guns that feels gud to shoot.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
AMAZING GUN the feel is great
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I think people are underestimating the value of multikill clip, at least a little bit. With the buff to handcannon damage this season, it’s pretty consistent to one or two-shot red bars with handcannons now. MKC x3 is a 50% damage buff (tied with golden tricorn x2 for the highest damage boost you can get from a single buff) and from my experience, even in harder content (tested under-power in legend lost sectors) this handcannon will chunk down redbars in a handful of shots, and with MKC x3 you’ll have pretty solid kill-time even on more beefy orange-bar adds. It’s not optimal, but there really aren’t many 140 RPM handcannons well-built for PVE and yet I think Kept Confidence can stand on its own alright.

For PVP, I think people are shook because they don’t know what a good handcannon looks like without rangefinder. The quickdraw + eye of the storm combo you get for a level 1 crafted roll is actually SO good. Snappy, consistent, solid dueling option. I actually like this more than the killing wind roll.

Also, good god this lore hurts. Eris needs you, Drifter.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I mean perk pool sucks but idk man it just FEELS nice. has replaced my 4/5 spare rations
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
craftable 140 with gutshot straight in the kinetic slot? i'm never taking this off.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This weapon is insane for dueling. the perk combo of killing wind and eye of the storm has made it easy to land three kills in a row in situations where I should've been defeated. I know the perks aren't the best on paper but they just work. I would also like to note that I've noticed on this website that everyone always has to have arrowhead break. I don't get why everyone has to have arrowhead break as you can just slap counterbalance on it if it bothers you and you're not sacrificing 1st column benefits like extra range/stability. The point is coming from an austringer even when I had an ok roll I enjoyed this gun and you should seriously give it a try. 10/10 (This is one of the only gun reviews I've ever written if that's any indicator.)
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I rarely do reviews, so I'll break it down as quick as I can. I haven't got a PvE roll as of yet, but I guess to some degree it could be decent in PvE. In PvP however, is where this thing shines. Quickdraw or Killing wind with Eye of the Storm, you probably haven't felt a consistent hand cannon like this, and I say this as an avid Hand Cannon collector, missing only Warden's Law and Igneous. Thing is built to duel and it does it hella well.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago