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Pospolite / Class Ability

Tworzy małą barierę, znad której można wyglądać podczas celowania przez przyrządy. Zwiększa prędkość przeładowania, stabilność i zasięg broni. Odciąga ogień wroga, gdy chowasz się za tą barierą.

Community Research

Only usable while on the ground.

Grants 20% Damage Resistance during the cast animation and keeps you crouched after.

Creates a short, curved, see-through Barricade that blocks all projectiles fired at it.

Lasts 20 seconds, has 500 HP, has 90% Damage Resistance against non-Boss PVE Combatants, and ?% Damage Resistance against Bosses.

Enemies that pass through the Barricade continuously receive ? non-lethal damage every ? seconds. PVE Combatants that pass through the Barricade are temporarily disoriented.

Barricade taunts PVE Combatants that are in front of it and within ? meters.

Grants the following benefits to you and allies while standing behind it:
• 10% increased Damage Falloff Distance
• 50% Flinch Resistance
• 30 Stability
• 100 Reload Speed with a 0.9x Reload Duration Multiplier
• 80% Splash Damage Resistance against PVE Combatants
Last Updated 2025-02-08
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