Pospolite / Origin Trait

Ożywianie sojuszników lub pokonywanie nieprzyjaciół ciosami kończącymi przeładowuje tę broń i przygotowuje awaryjne uzupełnienie amunicji na następny raz, gdy w tej broni skończy się amunicja.

Community Research

Reviving allies or performing Finishers prepares an Emergency Reload.

Emergency Reload refills the Magazine from reserves the next time it is emptied.
Last Updated 2024-07-30
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This is one of those origin traits you can't help but like a lot.
- Finishers are easy to do in PvE (solo or in a fireteam)
- Saving Allies (in both PvE and 3v3 Elimination) is always worth it when trying to survive
- The basic idea of a free reload and bonus reload allows you to decide when to shot your weapon or save the next shot for later
- It stacks with reloadable ammunition perks, such as Ambitious or Envious Assassin, allowing weapons like Rockets to have a total of four rockets on standby (3 from envious assassin with quick enough kills using a primary, then the reserved one after a finisher or revive).
- The origin trait icon looks neat with it being a ghost. :D

The only negative I'd imagine anyone having is if you'd rather not get close and personal with finishers all the time for your reloads (some people rather just keep distance against enemies).
Or that you can't always revive your teammates if they get caught in the open (or if you end up getting downed).
I also see this being risky to do in the 3v3 Eliminations or Trials, mostly because the other team could be very aggressive and pin you down before you can revive your teammate(s).

Honestly, of the weapon choices, the Rocket Launcher and the Waveframe GL benefit from this trait the most, giving overflowing ammo. The SMG can make use of it for surprise attacks up to 52 shots (60 with Extended Mag), but you're always reloading your SMG (or have subsistence) which isn't a problem for primary weapons.
As for the Glaive, it shoots fast and has great defense, and pretty much gets the same benefit as Judgement of Kelgorath, with a total of 8-10 in the mag. It's difference is the archetype and personal aesthetic choice.

Honestly, even though it's just a reloading and reserve origin trait, it's a very nice origin trait for a very cool dungeon.
You'll want those extra shots when you fight the creatures of the deep.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago