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Egzotyczne / Broń kinetyczna / Combat Bow

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Źródło: nagroda w przepustce sezonowej

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Bezpośrednie trafienia strzałami stazy zamrażają nieprzyjaciół i spowalniają wrogich Strażników. Strzały stazy, który trafiają w elementy otoczenia, tworzą kryształy stazy.


Siła rażenia
Damage Falloff  
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Prędk. przeładowania
Reload Time  
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Kierunek odrzutu
Czas naciągnięcia 580
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Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Salwa rozwiązań dowolnego problemu.

Przykucam, opierając kolana o ziemię. Mój świat stał się bólem, żarem, nieskoordynowanym ruchem, wstrętnym hałasem. Osłaniam oczy przed odłamkami, przyciskam ucho do ramienia, aby uciszyć wycie moich wrogów.

Za wiele – za wiele tego wszystkiego. Moje trzęsące się palce macają w poszukiwaniu strzały. Kładę jedną, niebieską, na cięciwie i zamykam się na świat.

Biorę gwałtowny wdech i wstaję.

Jeśli trafiają we mnie pociski, nie czuję ich. Naciągam cięciwę, aż napina się wzdłuż mojego ciała i na chwilę…

Tworzę spokój.

Moje palce, ręka, ramiona łuku, cięciwa – wszystko złączone w jedność. Równe części tworzące idealną całość.


Iluzja pęka, gdy zwalniam cięciwę.

Palce odskakują rozchylone. Moja ręka drży. Ramiona łuku odginają się gwałtownie, cięciwa brzęczy, strzała przecina powietrze. Wszystko w ruchu, wezbrane chaotycznym impetem.

A na polu bitwy jest tylko bezruch – piękny, spokojny bezruch – tam, gdzie niegdyś stali moi wrogowie.

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Season 20 Icon
Behold, the new exotic of choice for Stasis Subclasses all across the system!

This thing is a work of art. The fact it generates Stasis Crystals when Hail Barrage hits the ground means that every subclass can take advantage of, amongst other things:
- Whisper of Shards buffing Grenade energy regen on shattering a Stasis Crystal, and this thing one-taps its own Crystals. Pair that with the 5 you make at max Hail stacks and everyone can take full advantage of this WITHOUT Glacier Grenade, especially Warlocks (who previously could only generate crystals via said grenade, and now enjoy even more opportunity to spam Stasis buddies);
- Whisper of Chains buffing damage resist near a crystal or frozen target - and you can use the wall generated by hail as cover as well;
- Whisper of Fissures, since you get a lot of Crystals to work with to shatter.

Osmiomancy Warlocks will especially appreciate this as a means to finally gain consistent access to Crystals, as will Behemoths who have a much better way to generate Crystals to work with besides Headstone. Hunters too can take advantage of this with Shatterdive and freezing targets to make Shards.

The catalyst adds draw speed when you freeze something, and from what I can tell from the description that doesn't have to be from this weapon. Seriously, so much synergy with Stasis subclasses.

I cannot speak for PvP, but I'm assuming that a weapon that gets a guaranteed freeze off a single kill is pretty good.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
TL;DR, it's Glacier Grenade spam, the bow.
- Opens up consistent access to stasis crystals, even moreso than headstone weapons.
- Gives the benefits of Glacier Grenades without needing to run them. So you can now mix up builds.
- If you kill five things quickly, it's like having glacier grenade spam.
- You have tactical choices with how to use the charges: each charge gives more crystals and/or freeze potential.
- How close or far you shoot them can even change how concentrated or dispersed the crystals are.
- Shooting an enemy pointblank with multiple charges does feel like a slight waste of potential damage or crowd control, but it's a small downside in the grand scope of things.

If you love Stasis and wanted to run a build that needs consistent Stasis Crystals, consider this bow.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
This thing was decent on release, but because it had issues when using Whisper of Fissures it never really took off. As of season 22 that's been fixed, kills from whisper of fissures now count as Verglas kills, procing hail barrage.

The amount of crystal generation Verglas provides makes it a top pick for a stasis build. It does falloff pretty hard once you hit master difficulty or above though.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 20 Icon
For PvE
This bow works wonders with the Stasis Subclass. Functionally, you have a glacier grenade after a few kills that can be fired whenever and be stowed without losing it. My recommendation is to invest in fragments and aspects that let you maximize the shards these create. Things like Chains (DR near a shard), Shards (shatter crystals for grenade regen), Rime (stasis shards give overshields), and Fissures (turns shards into explosive 'barrels') maximize the utility of theses stasis crystals. Hunter Shatterdive and Titan Cryoclasm can also be useful general ad clear and clearing crystals. It is pretty easy to freeze or slow opponents with the barrage and it's very easy to chain kills and crystals.

For PvP
It's a bit iffy in PvP. Lightweight bows fire fast intrinsically, but suffer from two issues: lower accuracy (need to really aim your shots) and requiring the minimum of a crit and a body shot (precision bows can double body). Given the fast-paced nature of PvP at times, it can be difficult to gauge where the hail barrage will go when you're firing it from the hip (I would have loved a paintable area similar to Salvation's Grip). Freeze and Slow aren't nearly as potent in PvP comparatively and coupled with the fast paced movement, it may not be as easy to utilize the barrage as a freeze or slow. Odds are the hip-fire will only serve as a way to either create some cover or as a method to regen your grenade (Shards), melee (via Hunter Grim Harvest Aspect), or an Overshield (Rime). Realistically, A headstone Lunulata-4b would be better since it's instantly casted right where you land the crit final blow and it can actively block an opponent's ghost (denying a rez). At the end of the day, you need to work for the special perk this thing offers vs something like Ticuu's that just gives it to you for using the bow normally.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
TLDR for this bow is that freeze spam is really good for making hard stuff easier and you can do a insane amount of synergy with the crystals this thing creates.
Without the catalyst (speeds up draw time after freezing) i'd say its 4 stars but with it: easy 5 stars
Freeze after kill is good in pvp but cryostesia does it better
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Kills from shattering the stasis crystals give you more stasis crystal arrows. Hip fire spam and become stasis trinity ghoul coating the room in crystals as long as you have adds. Oh also, major kills generate 2 arrows.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
+ Super easy to generate a lot of Stasis Crystals which perfectly fit most of Stasis builds
+ Even if you look only on the usefulness of the bow, it does a really good job of being powerful outside of Stasis builds
- You need to be at least okay with shooting, because without the use of it's perk, it's mostly just a bow
- A little clunky if you wanna shoot crystals far away
In general - really useful exotic for Stasis builds. It's a Stasis damage type, generates tons of crystals which synergizes insanely with different aspects and shards. Full package exotic, nothing much to say. Most of higher PvE content will be scared of this bow.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
This weapon is good, but a little pointless. It doesn´t deal good damage but lets you spawn lots of stasis crystals. In easier content atleast, I wouldn´t brig this weapon to >heroic content as it simply doesn´t do enough to justify using your exotic slot. Its not terrible, don´t get me wrong but every headstone wepon performs similarly while not blocking your exotic slot. If you´re hellbent on using a stasis primary, Wicked Implement is simply better.
Verglas' is amazing in everything up to heroic, but after that it falls off a cliff (which is true for 70% of weapons tbh).
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 25 Icon
The amount of Crystals this weapon makes is absurd.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 23 Icon
VERGLAS CURVE,A breathtakingly beautiful exotic stasis bow
I know it didn't really powerful at first,but in this season
Bungie give it a very suitable optimization
"kills from whisper of fissures now count as Verglas kills, procing hail barrage"
this is VERGLAS CURVE actually coveted optimization
So now on VERGLAS CURVE is not only just be a beautiful toy
It's also can be very powerful
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 25 Icon
Fun as all hell, but falls off really hard in harder activities.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Mediocre base damage but the exotic perk it cracked to the sauce and has tons of potential.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 20 Icon
I can't believe there would come a day that I can use another stasis exotic weapon besides Ager's Scepter. This bow fucking slaps! With Whisper of Rending, it can deal up to 60k damage with stasis surge on a frozen target. That is quite nuts for a primary weapon with great range and unlimited ammo! Not only that, it's an ad clear machine if you can hit your shot and place the crystals well. This bow and Osmiomancy Gloves are made for each other, although I am sure it also has great synergy with Stasis Hunter and Stasis Titan as well, thanks to the ability to create crystal. Right now (Season 20), Stasis users might feel like they get shafted due to the nerf of elemental shards, but thanks to this bow, I can still enjoy running stasis subclass. Be sure to have this weapon and the catalyst ready in your vault, you won't regret it!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
I’m not exactly sure how I feel about this bow, it’s amazingly amazing.
PVE: Less payoff per burst than Cryosthesia; however can be used further and can be better when stacked. While it lacks anti barrier like Wish Ender, but it being stasis allows it to be able to slow and freeze so it can definitely handle champions. Way more synergy than the ol’ sidearm, this is because it creates crystals, not just a freezing beam. I’d use this over Cryosthesia in higher end content, even if you aren’t using a stasis subclass.

PvP: A Cryosthesia bow, while that does sound good, a sidearm just simply is so much better in PvP when it comes to alt functions(Final Warning, Devils Ruin, Cryosthesia)

PvX: great for envoys and ad clear, interesting choice for invading.

Final Thoughts: quite excellent, it’s similar in function and effectiveness to Cryosthesia; but as how it is able to push further ranges and has a innate advantage because of that. Cryosthesia is the better option for low end content, but this is definitely the choice for high end content.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Bit of a necropost, but in PvE, this bow is just straight up better than Cryosthesia.

- Creates crystals on miss, which is the correct way to use this weapon. Cryo misses, and you've wasted the beam.
- Has extremely comfortable gameplay loop, like using a Stasis Ticuu. Cryo has a clumsy reload loop in comparison.
- Hits much harder than Cryo does.
- Has great splash damage thanks to Crystals and them being created by a Bow (more dmg). Whisper of Fissures makes it even better.
- Keeps its exotic perk active regardless of switching weapons.
- You don't have to commit to the freeze. Very comfortable, as you can switch between regular bow and Glacier nade bow on a whim. Cryosthesia, on the other hand, is completely locked in when you activate the perk, or forget to activate it.

Some things here you've already mentioned, but all in all, it's a lot more effective and is probably one of the best Stasis weapons in the game, bar Ager's Scepter.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 20 Icon
This weapon paid off my college loans, got me a nice place in California USA, and bought me a lambo. GOATED wep that just lets you shit out stasis crystals
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
People say the bow has built in Whisper of Rending.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Feels pretty bad in PvP due to the lower damage and slower reload speed in comparison to other bows. The perks don't really shine that much and there are better bows for PvP.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago