Siła rażenia | 22 | ||||
Zasięg | 43 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Stabilność | 16 | ||||
Szybkość dobycia | 50 | ||||
Prędk. przeładowania | 21 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Asysta celowania | 33 | ||||
Pojemność ekwipunku | 34 | ||||
Przybliżenie | 14 | ||||
Lotna skuteczność | 20 | ||||
Kierunek odrzutu | 93 | ||||
Pocisków na min | 720 | ||||
Magazynek | 31 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks
It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.
Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.
TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Na zawsze w pamięci.
Byłam dzieckiem, gdy ojciec dał mi bestię wojny. Nazwałam ją Milos. Tak jak ja był młody i patrzył na świat szeroko otwartymi oczami, nie widząc tego, co było przed nim.
Mój ojciec był stale nieobecny – wymagały tego sprawy tronu – ale nigdy nie był nieuprzejmy, dlatego nie miałam do niego żalu. W tamtych czasach okazywał mi uczucia na odległość i nie szczędził wydatków, by zapewniać mi najlepszych nauczycieli i opiekunki. Obsypywał mnie ekstrawaganckimi podarunkami. Z tych prezentów Milosa ceniłam najbardziej.
Milos i ja byliśmy niemal nierozłączni. Spędzałam z nim każdą chwilę, na jawie czy śpiąc. Szkoliłam go. Karmiłam z własnego talerza. Nawet teraz, gdy zamykam oczy, czuję go zwiniętego w kłębek na mojej piersi, z głową schowaną w łapach. Jego płuca pęczniejące z każdym oddechem, gdy drzemał i śnił.
Czy to dziwne, że zaczęłam kochać go bardziej niż własnego ojca? Milos był moim stałym, wiernym towarzyszem.
Aż do dnia, gdy wróciłam z lekcji do mojego pokoju, a jego nie było.
Służąca wręczyła mi pozłacany list, napisany przez mojego ojca, który wyjaśniał, dlaczego kazał zabić Milosa. Podarłam pismo na strzępy. Łzy ciekły mi strumieniami po twarzy.
Gdy uniosłam wzrok, zobaczyłam, że służąca także łka. Zrozumiałam, że to ona została zmuszona dokonać tego czynu. Ujęłam jej dłonie w swoje i powiedziałam: „Przebaczam ci”.
Przysięgłam sobie, że Calus nigdy nie usłyszy ode mnie tych słów.
id also recommend a Demo/Repulsor roll for that extra goodness if you are running devour
If there is a PVE roll that I will recommend you not to get (and I don't understand why people recommend it) is Feeding Frenzy | Frenzy. Frenzys reload buff becomes redundant because of Feeding Frenzy, and then you are just stuck with a tedious to proc 15% damage buff, making it IN THIS CASE; a worse Rampage, and a harder to proc Golden Tricorn x1
Anyways, there are many fantastic PVE rolls on here such as:
Feeding Frenzy | Rampage
Feeding Frenzy/Demolitionist | Repulsor Brace
Demolitionist | Golden Tricorn
Demolitionist | Adrenaline Junkie
Demolitionist | Frenzy
I have that exact roll and trust me it slaps, and keeps on giving. In terms of consistency nothing better.
Jokes aside yes, when i tried it out in the dungeon i realised how good this roll is. Maybe 5x feeding frenzy is a little overdoing it, in harder content when you kill 1-2 ads in 1 clip still makes it reload incredibly fast, with enough damage taken aswell for its origin perk, it basically has no reload what so ever so you just keep shooting and shooting.
For example, FF/Ramp is good on normal activities where you can easily get 1 kill and then it snowballs into madness. But it requires 1 kill to even start the process. and getting that first kill can be anoying when you need to keep distance and rely on petty damage to get kills. Frenzy gives you an free 15% increase by just shooting stuff. Demo/frenzy is also a really good roll considering you get frenzy bonus alongside free grenades, but then again Demos free-reload almost becomes redundant aswell because you already reload fast enough were a grenade takes longer than reload.
Wish it had a better reload perk tho
As a void Warlock main this thing slaps. I have a demo frenzy roll I love. Volatile rounds is super easy to proc with a grenade kill, kills with this help with grenade energy, and for existing near enemies I get a 15% damage buff and reload speed buff. I like this over Funnelweb because of demo, even if I reload more often but Frenzy helps with that. Even without volatile flow this holds up. Demo AJ might work better, or even Demo Repuslor with my void set up, but this works more than fine.
demolitionist + adrenaline junkie
rampage + feeding frenzy
frenzy + feeding frenzy
the choice is yours.
I got two demo golden tricorns the 1st with extended or alloy mag, flute or corkscrew and a stability masterwork. This roll felt extremely jarring with snappy ADS but bad stability that pumping more stability made no difference, the reload was so bad that it’s really noticeable with echo of instability’s volatile rounds timer.
The 2nd has arrowhead ricochet and a reload masterwork and it doesn’t even feel like the same gun at all.
The small difference in reload can be felt especially with how reload mods work from the 0.85x modifier to the base speed and being against the clock from echo of instability’s short timer.
Arrowhead gives it a chunk of handling and sets your recoil direction perfectly even with the tiny stability stat it completely changes how the gun feels.
Ricochet rounds usefulness completely surprised me as rounds bouncing around a room can still tag volatile to enemies you weren’t even aiming at. Flared magwell or light mag for even more reload speed would probably be better though.
3/5 absolutely amazing weapon providing you have an absolutely cracked roll but it’s strengths lie mostly on a void subclass, It’s an absolute pain to farm considering the low odds of needing to get 100 recoil direction a faster reload and demo in the 3rd slot. The roll I have isn’t even a god roll but it took a disgusting amount of farming.
Haven't played with it in PvP quite yet, and not sure how good those perks would be in the PvP or the SMG in general.
My roll is Smallbore - Ricochet - Tunnel Vision - Adrenaline Junkie and this beast SHREDDS people in Crucible.
Still don't get my hands on the PvE roll of it, but if people say it's good, i agree with them. Demo with any kind of Frenzy is a good choice, so i want to grab something with this.
But trust me, with right roll this thing is good in PvP.
Demo allows you to amplify perks like Adrenaline Junkie, Golden Tricorn, and Repulsor Brace, or complement your standard damage perks in Frenzy or Rampage. Get your grenades back quicker, and circumvent the normally poor reload of Aggressive SMGs when you throw grenades. My personal pick is Demo/Repulsor Brace on a devour warlock build. Getting kills, not only full healing, but also getting a healthy overshield to bump. I feel immortal.
Demolitionist isn’t the only column 3 perk however, and while it is the biggest one, you still have some sizable options. Feeding Frenzy pairs well with the Bitterspite origin trait, letting you get past the normally slow reload. Well Rounded bumps the gun feel up when you’re using your abilities, and Steady Hands can let you hotswap to a heavy or special for a quick burst of damage a lot better. Tunnel Vision and Fragile Focus don’t get the highest marks for me. Tunnel Vision does help with gun feel, yes, but there isn’t much in column 4 that complements it. Fragile Focus can work, but not only do you have to be the aggressor, but that range perk is gone the second you’re caught.
This kinda leans into PvP and why I’m so “whelmed” by the gun there. Middling zoom, range is okay, and while it can work, there’s better in-slot options that do it easier in Ikelos SMG, Borrowed Time, and in the exotic class, Tarrabah.
This is just more of a PvE slayer, which hey. I’m pumped about. Unforgiven may end up in my loadout on a day one raid. Definitely consider it.