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Pospolite / Origin Trait

Zadawanie obrażeń celom podczas strzelania bez celowania zwiększa szybkość dobycia, prędkość przeładowania i szybkość ruchu podczas celowania przez przyrządy.

Community Research

Scoring 4 Hip-Fire Hits within 4? seconds of each grants the following benefits for 4 seconds:
• 20 Range, Handling, and Reload Speed
• 0.9x Reload Duration Multiplier
• 1.5° larger Precision Aim Cone
• 10% decreased ADS Movement Speed Penalty

Scoring additional Hip-Fire Hits refreshes the buff duration.
Last Updated 2025-02-03
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Season 20 Icon
The way this perk is listed is confusing as all heck.
How it is worded makes you think that after you hip-fire the weapon, it'll start working when you aim down your sights. (Hip-fire first, then bonus stats while aiming down). This is wrong.

What it actually does is this:
- Around 20-35 handling
- 20 reload speed
- MOVING TARGET (increased movement speed while aiming down sights)

That last part on how it's worded is basically an equal (or worse) version of Moving Target, but the perk allows you to use it while hip-firing.

Truth told, this perk is pretty niche on the Spire weapons, and even then while "Yee-haw-ing" is fun, there's little reason to rely on the origin trait in PvE. The weapons themselves are already a workhorse for PvE.
The Terminal Horizon (LMG) and Wilderflight (Breach GL) could make use in PvE more, but not really something to bother about considering you've got perks that help with reloading already (and handling on them isn't as needed).
As for PvP, I Know that at least the Liminal Vigil (sidearm) and Long Arm (scout) are great with the bonus stats and movement speed, but that's considering you're surviving long enough while hip-firing to gain benefits from the trait.

All-in-all, it's okay as Tex Mechanica's first origin trait on their weapons, but don't rely on them too hard in any content other than PvP.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago