Siła rażenia | 29 | ||||
Zasięg | 64 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Stabilność | 45 | ||||
Szybkość dobycia | 37 | ||||
Prędk. przeładowania | 46 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Asysta celowania | 44 | ||||
Pojemność ekwipunku | 45 | ||||
Przybliżenie | 16 | ||||
Lotna skuteczność | 10 | ||||
Kierunek odrzutu | 80 | ||||
Pocisków na min | 450 | ||||
Magazynek | 36 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
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„Bar to świetne miejsce na rozwiązywanie sporów. Wszyscy idą tam, żeby zdjąć maskę” – Włóczęga
– Wiesz... – rzekł Cenric, muskularny Odrodzony z nabrzmiałą żyłą na czole. – Zawsze miałem cię za podejrzanego typka, ale po paru kolejkach na twój rachunek zaczynam cię lubić, Włóczęgo.
Wszyscy się zaśmiali. Trzymający nogi na barze Włóczęga uśmiechnął się. Przez ramię miał przewieszony wymownie karabin.
– Prawdziwy z ciebie krasomówca – odparł. – Ciekawe, czy szepczesz takie czułe słówka swojemu kumplowi, lordowi Rience'owi?
W barze zapadła cisza. Żyła na czole Cenrica zaczęła drgać.
– Słuchaj, nikt tu nie sieje fermentu – odezwał się Jaak. – Trzymamy się z dala od Rience'a, tak jak chciałeś.
– Zabawne. Ciebie też widziałem w tej dolinie. I Ottona, i Ayrina, i Thalię... – spojrzał po kolei na każde z nich. – Najwyraźniej moje oczy mnie zwodzą.
Cenric odsunął swój stołek. – Jak chcesz coś powiedzieć, to powiedz to wprost.
– Cóż, Cen... może i mam przekrwione oczy, ale to... – popukał się po nosie. – Jest bez zarzutu. Potrafię wyczuć szczura – pociągnął nosem. – Tu jest ich całe stado.
Cencric poderwał się. Jego żyła wyglądała, jakby miała eksplodować. Włóczęga zdjął nogi z baru i sięgnął szybko po karabin. – A wiesz, co robimy ze szczurami, brachu.
The curated roll of Subsistence + Onslaught (the roll that has replaced the original Rampage + Onslaught) is what to shoot for in general PvE play. If you’re serious about turning this into your go-to add-clear primary for endgame encounters (why wouldn’t you? This gun is sex incarnate) then Enlightened Action + Onslaught is the combo you want. Subsistence is great, sure, but in higher level encounters when you’re burning a mag to take out a single red-bar chump, you’re going to be feeling that slow base reload a lot, especially so if you’re running extended mag.
Enter Enlightened Action. Just a couple hits, crit or non-crit, and you’re mitigating both your low reload AND your poor handling, not to mention stacking reload with Onslaught which for the uninitiated incrementally raises your reload speed ON TOP OF your RPM. So whenever you need to focus a Champ or Major in a Nightfall, your reload stays at a crisp speed as opposed to what you’d experience with Subsistence.
I cannot recommend this weapon enough, especially after the Auto Rifle damage buff this season. I was fortunate enough to get what I consider to be the god roll day one of the season, in Arrowhead, Extended Mag, Enlightened Action, Onslaught, and a Reload MW, an absolute bullet hose.
It also has some viability in PvP as well, particularly in its access to Keep Away, which is always S tier. Don’t have much else to say, Onslaught is great here too but TTT is also good for consistency, the gun’s 5/5 ranking honestly here is feel, otherwise it performs at about equal level with the other premier 450’s, like Braytech Werewolf.
In just a handful of Gambit games over the past week, I got 6 engrams that I turned into 6 Breaknecks, and got Subsistence/Onslaught and Dynamic Sway/Kinetic Tremors. Definitely still farming for a better Kinetic Tremors roll (Enlightened Action/Kinetic Tremors ought to work well).
Didn't play Gambit at all for a few seasons, but now that I'm "forced" to, I guess it isn't really that bad. Doing a single quick Gambit game at the end of each day's session is actually kinda fun.
However, as long as there's Onslaught in Trait 2, a roll without a reload perk is still all right.
This is because Onslaught has reload speed on kill built in! It's not stated on the description, but it's a very significant reload speed buff (feels similar in speed to Outlaw).
In PvE, the loss of Rampage is dearly missed, but in exchange not only does Onslaught no longer require it to function, but its just a straight dps increase rather than its old nerfed state. On top of that, Breakneck can now roll with column 3 perks like Subsistence (endless lead in general PvE), Feeding Frenzy (for mulching more than 2 adds at once, which basically maxes reload on its own), Pugilist (for Melee builds AND can be paired with Demolitionist) and Enlightened Action (for higher end content with beefier targets). If Onslaught isn't your speed for whatever reason, Kinetic Tremors is right there and still really good, alongside Demolitionist.
Another change is that this gun is now PvP viable due to random rolls. 450 autos are very viable at the moment, and this is Kinetic slot as opposed to Ammit AR2 which gives it more viability. Column 3 has Dynamic Sway Reduction, Eye of the Storm, Keep Away, and Under Pressure. Column 4 offers Moving Target, Tap the Trigger, and Onslaught ofc. This gun has some insane consistency options for PvP, so I would definitely think about it when picking your fully automatic options this season.
This gun was fun before, but now its just straight up super sexy META. Plus with the recent changes to how new weapons are introduced you can go focus for this right now, and stack multiple perks if you rank reset. Go on. Do it. Play Gambit you cowards, and recieve the best kinetic 450 auto in the game.
I think KT is the way to go here over onslaught. I dont think the frame benefits much with onslaught here.. it feels better on ros Arago or Summoner for sure.
KT thrives in high end content. I combo it with buried bloodline on a void build - you can proc KT and swap and have the tremors supporting you while still doing damage with your secondary. If you are running pugilist, I believe kills with KT will activate Pugilist..
On pre-buff Onslaught, even with Rampage stacks increasing, the damage per shot actually dropped with each kill. This is because Onslaught used to change the damage per shot to the higher RPM archetypes' lower damage profile. A 600rpm AR with Rampage x1, or a 720rpm AR with Rampage x2, still does less damage per bullet than a 450rpm at base, hence the damage drop.
The damage now remains consistently high as Onslaught stacks up, so it's -stronger in every way- compared to before the season release, not to mention it frees up the other Trait Perk slot for something like Subsistence or Enlightened Action.. or even Dynamic Sway Reduction/Eye of the Storm if you want to take it for a spin in PvP 6v6 modes (has a different feel from Ammit AR2, but a good range roll is just as lethal).
welp this is the one and its perfect and have subsistence with onslaught and its like slapping on a 100 round mag and going trigger happy
Since Onslaught doesn't reduce damage with rpm increase anymore, this thing can easly shred ads on ads.
For PVE, gotta look for some reload perks, best to pick are Enlighted Action, Subsitence or either Keep Away for bonus stability.
Thank you for being back, even thought you had me to reset Gambit rep twice, before dropping perfect.