New Cosmetics in Season of Opulence

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Moments of Triumph 2019
Prismatic Inferno
The Imperial Menagerie
The Moon Stirs
The Tribute Hall
The Wolves Unleashed
Flick of the Wrist
I could do this all day.
Meditative Moment
Center yourself.
Stylish Sit
Well, now you're just showing off.
You all know I'm trying, right?
Hip Bump
We've got style.
Link Up
Together, we're stronger.
Quick Hug
That's the stuff.
Silly Handshake
Keep your wrist loose.
Static Shock
Heh, heh, heh.
Shadow of Earth Shell
For Ghosts loyal to the Shadow of Earth.
Solstice Hymnal
Warriors of peace who yet bear swords.
The Emperor's Chosen
All will be eclipsed by your glory.
Árma Mákhēs
Ride gloriously toward sweet victory.
EV-37 Voidstreak
Fueled by the Void.
Lightning Rider
Guilty as charged.
The Pacesetter
"Gotta keep the wolves exercised somehow." —Shiro-4
But You
But then they… But then you…
Giddy Laugh
Oh-ho-ho-ho! Ee-hee-hee-hee! OO-HUU-HUU-HUU!
Time Out
Hold up!
You Go Ahead
I just gotta catch my breath.
Default Shader
Restores your gear to its default colors.
Remove Armor Glow
Restore the original appearance of your Solstice armor set.
Unnamed Item #2863148329