Best in Class
Speak with Zavala in the Tower Courtyard. Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Best in Class
Claim your first Event Challenge, which can be accessed in your Quest tab. Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Best in Class
Deposit your Medallion at the Guardian Games podium in the Tower Courtyard. Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Best in Class
Speak with Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard. Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Best in Class
Complete a Supremacy match or a Guardian Games playlist activity to earn your first Medallion! Medallions are earned by comp... Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Best in Class
Medallions are earned by completing activities while your Guardian Games class item is equipped, or through Contender, Platin... Part of Quest "Best in Class"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Closing Ceremony
Visit the podium in the Tower Courtyard. Part of Quest "Closing Ceremony"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Once you've discovered all of the available recipes, masterwork Eva's Holiday Oven 2.1 in order to make it more efficient to ... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Dark Ether Cane and other ingredients. Elsie Bray can be found on Europa and prefers Starwort ... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Taken Butter and other ingredients. The Drifter can be found in the Tower Annex, and prefers D... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Chitin Powder and other ingredients. Eris Morn can be found on the Moon, and prefers Ascendant... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Cabal Oil and other ingredients. Ikora Rey can be found in the Tower Bazaar and prefers Travel... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Ether Cane and other ingredients. Ada-1 can be found in the Tower Annex, and prefers Hot Cross... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Cookie Delivery Helper
Bake cookies for allies using Vex Milk and other ingredients. Banshee-44 can be found in the Tower Courtyard, and prefers T... Part of Quest "Cookie Delivery Helper"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Drop In
Complete ANY of the following objectives to earn the Skimmer. Part of Quest "Drop In"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Forged Anew
Return to Lord Shaxx in the Tower. Part of Quest "Forged Anew"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Forged Anew
Complete matches in each New Territory. Earn bonus progress for wins. Part of Quest "Forged Anew"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Forged Anew
Complete a match in the New Territory playlist. Part of Quest "Forged Anew"
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Gather Blighted Wishing Glass and Dark Ether Tinctures to empower the portal in the Blighted Keep. Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Find and restore the three final lost Bones of Hefnd: - Seventh Bone: Within the maze, stride spanning a pitfall, light calls... Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Find and restore three more lost Bones of Hefnd: - Fourth Bone: In the snowfallen maze, through the broken wall, seek the ban... Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Find and restore three lost Bones of Hefnd: - First Bone: Across the bridge inside the first fort, before an arresting Knight... Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Complete the "Warlord's Ruin" dungeon in the EDZ. Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Medallion Case
Displays proof of your prestigious exploits during the Guardian Games. Earn Medallions by completing activities with your cl... Part of Quest "Medallion Case"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Congratulations, Guardian! You've achieved a Platinum score for the week! Continue earning glory for your class. Remember to... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Platinum score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the ... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Gold score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Gol... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Silver score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. When you reach the Si... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Bronze score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Br... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Congratulations, Guardian! You've achieved a Platinum score for the week! Continue earning glory for your class. Remember to... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Platinum score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the ... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Gold score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Gold... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Silver score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. When you reach the Si... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Bronze score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Br... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Congratulations, Guardian! You've achieved a Platinum score for the week! Continue earning glory for your class. Remember to... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Platinum score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the ... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Gold score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Gold... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Silver score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. When you reach the Si... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
Shoot to Score
Achieve a Bronze score for this week's activity in the Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall playlist. Once you reach the Br... Part of Quest "Shoot to Score"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
The Dawning has returned to the Tower. Seek out Eva Levante in the Courtyard to join the festivities. Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Return to Eva Levante in the Tower. Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Purchase an upgrade from Eva Levante. Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Return to Eva Levante to let her know Zavala has received his gift. Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Open your Event Card and claim your first Event Challenge. The Event Card can be acessed from the Quests tab, or Eva's vendor... Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Deliver your gift to Commander Zavala in the Tower Courtyard. Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
The Dawning
Use Eva's Holiday Oven to bake a gift for Commander Zavala. The oven can be found in your Inventory screen under Accessories... Part of Quest "The Dawning"
Legendary / Quest Step
Quest Step
51 - 100 of 128
Classified Items
Bungie has the ability to expose information in the API that, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to be seen. We call these items "classified".
Sometimes classified items eventually are revealed to be real, in-game items. However, they are usually just junk data that made it into the API that isn't intended to be seen.
We include these items in the database solely to provide a complete view of what is in the API files. You should not take the presence of this item as a guarantee of something coming
in a future update or attempt to analyze its presence too deeply. Doing so likely will only lead to disappointment.
Items are categorized as classified if any of these are true:
It was explicitly hidden in the API files.
It had no name in the API files.
It was marked as a dummy item in the API files.
Uncheck this checkbox to remove all such items, or remove any of the individual conditions above by using their filter under More Filters.