Legend / Triumphs

Ghost Community Theater Presents


The Ghost Community Theater presents:

One Brave Ghost Versus the Death from Outer Space

A four-and-a-half-act play
Written and directed by Didi, Ghost of Marcus Ren

Marcus Ren............................................Hero's Ghost
Didi the Ghost.....................................Guardian Hero
Enoch Bast...........................................................Oryx
Pixie, Ghost of Ariadne Gris............................Ir Halak
Sweeperbot.....................................................Ir Anûk
Ghost, Ghost of Enoch Bast....Ghostly Shade of Crota

See the play that Commander Zavala calls, "An insensitive and disrespectful travesty of a production, with truly abominable prop design—an insult to the art of papier-mâché."

The eponymous Ghost himself calls it: "Is this supposed to be me? Oh… oh no…"

Ghost, the Ghost of Tyra Karn, calls it: "A four-and-a-half-act structure? But that makes no… Stories do have rules, you know! You can't… What constitutes 'half' an… You know what? I don't need to entertain this nonsense."

Ophiuchus, the Ghost of Ikora Rey, calls it: [judgmental silence].

Lord Shaxx calls it: "Undeniably enthusiastic, I'll grant you that. But is the dialogue meant to come across so… sexually charged?"

Ghost, the Ghost of Tyra Karn, calls it: "I've been thinking about it, and I really do think it would be worthwhile for you to learn the basics of narrative composition. Sit down, we're doing this now."

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Legendary Earned by 11.69% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 12
  • Original Triumph Added in Season 4
  • API ID: 4287282853

Version History


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