Legend / Triumphs

Findings of Eido – 22




"After seeing Glint's evidence, I combed our archives for any mentions of headless bodies," Cryptarch Matsuo began.

"And I uncovered what I consider to be the oldest-known documentation of the Headless Ones!" He slid a vacuum-sealed piece of parchment across the desktop to Eido, who chittered in anticipation.

"As you can see," Matsuo continued with a self-satisfied smirk, "this report was written by a Golden Age scholar who describes himself a 'fourth grade' researcher."

"He calls this document a 'book report,'" Eido noticed. "There must have been a larger body of inquiry into the subject than we ever imagined!"

"Absolutely," Matsuo affirmed. "And this report identifies the individual who I believe discovered the very first Headless One…"

"A scientist named… Ichabod Crane!" Eido exclaimed with delight.

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Common Earned by 67.39% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 18
  • API ID: 3722410604

Version History


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