Legend / Triumphs

Legion Lost – 14




"Thank you for speaking with me," Eido said cheerfully. The Psion bowed its head, and Eido did the same.

"I've conducted an interview with Empress Caiatl already. But I am hoping that you could further illuminate the subject."

Eido felt a soft, blooming sensation in the forefront of her mind. Gracious acquiescence.

"I am searching for information about the Headless Ones, and—"

The thought of a creature without a head sent up a spike of adrenaline, a flash of sickening terror that burst in Eido's mind so violently that she jumped. The Psion's own thoughts only compounded its fear. Eido's eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm—"

Screaming. Purple flames pouring from empty eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I—"

Screaming. A burst of confetti.

"I didn't mean to—"

Screaming. Candy. Candy everywhere.

"To upset you."

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Common Earned by 69.72% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 18
  • API ID: 3705633023

Version History


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