Legend / Triumphs

Drawn Blades

Defeat targets with weapons from the Season of the Witch (Eleatic Principle, Kept Confidence, Brya's Love, The Eremite, Semiotician, and Locus Locutus) or the Red War era (The Showrunner, Deadpan Delivery, Persuader, and Nightshade).

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Rare Earned by 47.71% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 22
  • API ID: 3133617928

Version History


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Defeat targets with weapons from the Season of the Witch (Eleatic Principle, Kept Confidence, Brya's Love, The Eremite, Semiotician, and Locus Locutus) or the Red War era (The Showrunner, Deadpan Delivery, Persuader, and Nightshade).",
    "name": "Drawn Blades",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/7d0604b93416ac4c8aa9a4611a491565.png",
    "iconSequences": [
        "frames": [
        "frames": [
    "hasIcon": true
  "scope": 0,
  "objectiveHashes": [],
  "recordValueStyle": 0,
  "forTitleGilding": false,
  "shouldShowLargeIcons": false,
  "titleInfo": {
    "hasTitle": false
  "completionInfo": {
    "partialCompletionObjectiveCountThreshold": 0,
    "ScoreValue": 0,
    "shouldFireToast": true,
    "toastStyle": 1
  "stateInfo": {
    "featuredPriority": 2147483647,
    "obscuredName": "",
    "obscuredDescription": "",
    "completeUnlockHash": 0,
    "claimedUnlockHash": 0,
    "completedCounterUnlockValueHash": 0
  "requirements": {
    "entitlementUnavailableMessage": ""
  "expirationInfo": {
    "hasExpiration": false,
    "description": ""
  "intervalInfo": {
    "intervalObjectives": [],
    "intervalRewards": [],
    "originalObjectiveArrayInsertionIndex": 0,
    "isIntervalVersionedFromNormalRecord": false
  "rewardItems": [],
  "anyRewardHasConditionalVisibility": false,
  "recordTypeName": "Triumphs",
  "presentationNodeType": 3,
  "traitIds": [],
  "traitHashes": [],
  "parentNodeHashes": [
  "hash": 3133617928,
  "index": 6215,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false