Legend / Triumphs

Regarding Phogoth, the Untamed


My Queen,

Abomination. The Untamed. Spawn of Crota. That's what we called him.

Phogoth was a creature bred for one purpose: destruction. The Hidden Swarm kept this Ogre alive through foul rituals of rebirth, chained up in the Summoning Pits, its unnatural existence a reminder of the threat the Swarm poses.

Yet, seeing its visage has sparked an unexpected emotion within me: pity.

I, too, know the pain of having to lead an existence you no longer want. The monster should have died and been forgotten. Instead, it had to live a life of indentured servitude. Sometimes, I feel the same. Though duty is my oath and privilege, I can't help but feel trapped by the endless cycle of the fight. Will it all be worth it in the end? Will I ever know peace?

Perhaps the Nightmares are weighing on me more than I'd care to admit, as these thoughts flood my mind and cloud my judgment. Even still, I remain steadfast in our mission, my Queen. Your endless support drives me, and for that, I am thankful.

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Rare Earned by 37% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 12
  • Original Triumph Added in Season 8
  • API ID: 148777050

Version History


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