Legend / Triumphs

High Seas, High Spirits

Celebrate with your crewmates using an emote at the end of successful Expedition and Ketchcrash activities.

Requires the first Swashbuckler upgrade from the Star Chart in the H.E.L.M.

Part of Legend Entry

Community Rarity

Exotic Earned by 2.17% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet


  • Added in Season 18
  • API ID: 1152134093

Version History


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Celebrate with your crewmates using an emote at the end of successful Expedition and Ketchcrash activities.\n\nRequires the first Swashbuckler upgrade from the Star Chart in the H.E.L.M.",
    "name": "High Seas, High Spirits",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/a964075f07e3cab87e2c4a847e1f7f49.png",
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    "completeUnlockHash": 0,
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        "intervalObjectiveHash": 0,
        "intervalScoreValue": 6
        "intervalObjectiveHash": 0,
        "intervalScoreValue": 4
        "intervalObjectiveHash": 0,
        "intervalScoreValue": 2
    "intervalRewards": [
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        "intervalRewardItems": []
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        "intervalRewardItems": []
    "originalObjectiveArrayInsertionIndex": 0,
    "isIntervalVersionedFromNormalRecord": false
  "rewardItems": [],
  "anyRewardHasConditionalVisibility": false,
  "recordTypeName": "Triumphs",
  "presentationNodeType": 3,
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  "hash": 1152134093,
  "index": 3844,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false