Legend / Collectibles

Raid Banner

Can be used before any raid encounter to allow fireteam members to gain Super energy and Heavy ammo.

Source: Purchase from Suraya Hawthorne

Part of Legend Entry

Associated Item

Raid Banner
Legendary / Consumable
Can be used before any raid encounter to allow fireteam members to gain Super energy and Heavy ammo.

Community Rarity

Basic Found by 100% of Guardians
including you but not you, yet

Version History


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Can be used before any raid encounter to allow fireteam members to gain Super energy and Heavy ammo.",
    "name": "Raid Banner",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/c3e315408bb063aac2133c0c52167d95.jpg",
    "hasIcon": true
  "scope": 0,
  "sourceString": "Source: Purchase from Suraya Hawthorne",
  "sourceHash": 2675385179,
  "itemHash": 3282419336,
  "acquisitionInfo": {
    "runOnlyAcquisitionRewardSite": false
  "stateInfo": {
    "requirements": {
      "entitlementUnavailableMessage": ""
  "presentationNodeType": 1,
  "traitIds": [],
  "traitHashes": [],
  "parentNodeHashes": [
  "hash": 610611696,
  "index": 9457,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false