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Cloud Strider Legacies


The Stargazer

One, two, three! Eyes on me, niños! It's Thursday, and you know what that means! That's right—it is Cloud Strider Day! What do the Cloud Striders do? Right again! They keep us all safe. And how do we tell them "Thank you?" By remembering them! Toda ...

Laminak Li

//SIGNAL DETECTED/PROTOCOL==TIGHTBEAM //STATUS==PRIORITY //ORIGIN RECOGNIZED==CR.STARGAZER Decrypting… //TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWS Excellent. Excellent. Boot sequence is go. System is yellow. //AMBIENT: THUMPING Oh, bother. That door is not going to ...

The Bluejay

One, two, three! Eyes on me, niños! It's Thursday, and you know what that means! That's right—it is Cloud Strider Day! What do the Cloud Striders do? Right again! They keep us all safe. And how do we tell them "Thank you?" By remembering them! Toda ...

Conrad Jain

NEOMUNA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CASE NO. PUBEND6067111-CJain-7 TRANSCRIPT | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE COUNCILPERSON SANGHA: Sentencing case PUBEND 6067111-CJain -7, Councilwoman Martella Sangha presiding. The accused has been found guilty of trespass ...

The Maelstrom

One, two, three! Eyes on me, niños! It's Thursday, and you know what that means! That's right—it is Cloud Strider Day! What do the Cloud Striders do? Right again! They keep us all safe. And how do we tell them "Thank you?" By remembering them! Toda ...

Sedderik Assur

//NEOMUNA ARCHIVE SYSTEMS/RECOVERY PROTOCOL //AUDIO LOG MAEL092751 //SECURITY==DELTA-DELTA //FILE DELETED PF0476-10-16 Restoring… //TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWS You're a good kid, Geist. Sorry for shooting you, but you gave me the business better than I ...

The Strider

One, two, three! Eyes on me, niños! It's Thursday, and you know what that means! That's right, it is Cloud Strider Day! What do the Cloud Striders do? Right again! They keep us all safe. And how do we tell them "Thank you?" By remembering them! Tod ...

Mikaela Julaha

NEOMUNA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PATIENT ID. MLJULAHA00027.1395 DATED //ERROR/ AUDIO TRANSCRIPT | CONFIDENTIAL AMMA JULAHA: Mom! MIKAELA JULAHA: Hey, baby. Oof! AMMA J.: We saw you on the feed. You were amazing! Does your arm hurt? MIKAELA J.: Thi ...


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