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Season 12

Helm of Righteousness
Legendary / Titan / Head / Helmet
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Gauntlets of Exaltation
Legendary / Titan / Arms / Gauntlets
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Plate of Transcendence
Legendary / Titan / Chest / Chest Armor
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Greaves of Ascendancy
Legendary / Titan / Legs / Leg Armor
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Temptation's Mark
Legendary / Titan / Class Item / Titan Mark
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid

Season 8

Exotic / Energy / Trace Rifle
Source: An Exotic quest or challenge.
Accrued Redemption
Legendary / Kinetic / Combat Bow
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Sacred Provenance
Legendary / Kinetic / Pulse Rifle
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Reckless Oracle
Legendary / Energy / Auto Rifle
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Zealot's Reward
Legendary / Energy / Fusion Rifle
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Ancient Gospel
Legendary / Energy / Hand Cannon
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Prophet of Doom
Legendary / Energy / Shotgun
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Omniscient Eye
Legendary / Energy / Sniper Rifle
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Ancient Believer
Legendary / Shader
Equip this shader to change the color of your gear.
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid
Inherent Truth
Legendary / Emblem
Source: "Garden of Salvation" Raid


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