Season 9
Clock Cleaner
Legendary / Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
Fist of Fury
Legendary / Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
Flash Kick
Legendary / Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
Perfect Ten
Legendary / Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
The Kellbreaker
Legendary / Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants with a skull-smashing head butt.
Source: Season Pass Reward
Sure Shot
Legendary / Hunter Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
Nail on the Head
Legendary / Titan Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
En Garde
Legendary / Warlock Finisher
[Finisher] : Finish critically wounded combatants.
Source: Eververse
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