Season 25
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Coldheart. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 24
Vast Expanse
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Microcosm. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 23
Augmented Apotheosis
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Divinity. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 22
Ceremonial Arsenal
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of The Navigator. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 19
Cold Cheer
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Ager's Scepter. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 18
Felsic Pyroclasm
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Prometheus Lens. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Wavesplitter. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Theoretical Endothermics
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Coldheart. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 17
Springtime Scales
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Ager's Scepter. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 15
Symbol of Rule
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Ager's Scepter. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 14
Ashen Icon
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Ruinous Effigy. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 13
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Divinity. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 11
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Ruinous Effigy. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 8
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Divinity. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 4
Haetae's Judgment
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Prometheus Lens. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Pride of Omolon
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Coldheart. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 2
Eye of Osiris
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Prometheus Lens. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked on all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Prometheus Lens. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked on all characters on your account.
Source: Eververse
Season 1
Exotic / Weapon Ornament
Equip this Weapon Ornament to change the appearance of Coldheart.
Source: Eververse
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