Complete Vanguard Ops.
Navigate to the Vanguard destination in the Director and find the Vanguard Ops playlist and launch.
Complete Pathfinder nodes.
You can view the Pathfinder from the Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit Director screens.
Commend other players in Vanguard Ops.
You can give other players commendations during the mission summary.
You can bring up the mission summary early by pressing [Back] during the end-of-mission countdown.
Learn about the Crucible from Lord Shaxx.
You can find Lord Shaxx at the Courtyard in the Tower.
The Crucible is where Guardians hone their skills by engaging in player vs. player combat.
Learn about Gambit from the Drifter.
You can find Drifter at the Annex in the Tower.
Gambit is a 4v4 competitive co-op game mode. Collect Motes and bank them to summon a Primeval. First team to destroy their Primeval wins.
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