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Enigma Protocol


20 Triumph Points

Process Purged, Process Corrupted

Complete both variants of the Enigma Protocol activity.
Enigma Protocol
Enigma Protocol: Corrupted Data
10 Triumph Points

System Cracked

Destroy all available Network Security Nodes during a single run of Enigma Protocol.
Network Security Nodes destroyed
10 Triumph Points

Overclocked, Under Time

Complete Enigma Protocol in under {var:1771161717} minutes.
Complete Enigma Protocol
10 Triumph Points

Single Player

Complete Enigma Protocol by yourself, without leaving the activity.
Complete Enigma Protocol

Packet Retrieval

Extract all of the strange Queries from the Vex Confluxes in Enigma Protocol.


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    "description": "",
    "name": "Enigma Protocol",
    "hasIcon": false
  "nodeType": 1,
  "isSeasonal": false,
  "scope": 0,
  "objectiveHash": 736068228,
  "children": {
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    "records": [
        "recordHash": 1974455497,
        "nodeDisplayPriority": 0
        "recordHash": 202515134,
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        "recordHash": 3723908678,
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        "recordHash": 1681803976,
        "nodeDisplayPriority": 0
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    "metrics": [],
    "craftables": []
  "displayStyle": 0,
  "screenStyle": 0,
  "requirements": {
    "entitlementUnavailableMessage": ""
  "disableChildSubscreenNavigation": false,
  "categoryScoreUnlockValueHash": 0,
  "maxCategoryRecordScore": 70,
  "presentationNodeType": 1,
  "traitIds": [],
  "traitHashes": [],
  "parentNodeHashes": [
  "hash": 3567983470,
  "index": 1515,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false