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Salvation's Edge


25 Triumph Points

Salvation's Edge

Complete any version of the "Salvation's Edge" raid.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
25 Triumph Points

Master Difficulty "Salvation's Edge"

Complete "Salvation's Edge" raid on Master difficulty.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed


Complete "Salvation's Edge" within the first 48 hours of release.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
5 Triumph Points

At All Costs

Complete all encounters in the "Salvation's Edge" raid without any member of your fireteam dying or returning to orbit.
"Salvation's Edge" raid completed
15 Triumph Points

Once More, Together

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of clanmates.
"Salvation's Edge" raid completed
10 Triumph Points

Electrostatic Force

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Arc subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points

Endless Abyss

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Void subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points

Scorched Grasp

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Solar subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points

Frozen Over

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Stasis subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points

Threads of Fate

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Strand subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points


Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a full fireteam of Prismatic subclasses.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
10 Triumph Points

Unified Front

Complete all encounters in "Salvation's Edge" with a fireteam made entirely of the same Guardian class.
Substratum encounter completed
Dissipation encounter completed
Repository encounter completed
Verity encounter completed
Witness encounter completed
15 Triumph Points

Fragmented Truths

Loot all hidden chests in the "Salvation's Edge" raid.
Hidden chests looted
Hidden chests looted
10 Triumph Points

Scenic Route

Complete the "Scenic Route" challenge.
10 Triumph Points

Touch and Go

In Substratum, complete the encounter without any player acquiring an additional stack of Resonance before the rest of the fireteam has gained a stack of Resonance.
10 Triumph Points

At Capacity

Complete the "At Capacity" challenge.
10 Triumph Points

Changing Tactics

In Dissipation, complete the encounter while only using Resonance from alternate wings to charge conductors.
10 Triumph Points

Balanced Diet

Complete the "Balanced Diet" challenge.
10 Triumph Points

Singular Torment

In Repository, complete the encounter with only one player killing Tormentors.
10 Triumph Points

Varied Geometry

Complete the "Varied Geometry" challenge.
10 Triumph Points

Equal Distribution

In Verity, complete the encounter without depositing on the same statue twice in a row.
10 Triumph Points

Coordinated Efforts

Complete the "Coordinated Efforts" challenge.
10 Triumph Points

Careful Calculation

In Zenith, complete the encounter without any player exceeding 2 stacks of any resonant energy.
50 Triumph Points

Ignited Light

Complete all encounter challenges on Master difficulty.
Scenic Route
At Capacity
Balanced Diet
Varied Geometry
Coordinated Efforts

"Salvation's Edge" Patterns Collected

Collect "Salvation's Edge" weapon patterns.

"Salvation's Edge" Lore Book Unlocks

Unlock the "Salvation's Edge" lore book.


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