Defeat an opponent who just defeated an ally.
Land the final blow on the Guardian who last defeated you.
Land a final blow on an opponent who has damaged an ally.
Defeat an opponent within the first 20 seconds of a match.
Within three seconds of recovering a dropped ammo brick, use a Power weapon to defeat an opponent.
Defeat three opponents in a single life after having been defeated at least two consecutive times.
Defeat a Hunter attempting to dodge.
Defeat a Titan within 3 seconds of their deploying a Barricade.
Defeat a Warlock while they are within their active Rift.
In a single match, land at least one final blow with each class of weapon (Kinetic, Energy, Power) and ability (Melee, Grenade, Super).
Defeat an opposing Guardian using your Super while their Super is active.
Deal the most total damage to opponents in a single match.
Win a match in which your team always held the lead.
Win a match after having trailed by a significant margin.
Win a match in overtime.
Win a match with a large margin of victory.
Run over an opponent with your Sparrow.
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