I see the world for the first time. This world. It is lovely. It will be lovelier when we are together.
That is my first thought, and it is both question and desire. When "we" are together? I do not know who you are. But when we are together, I wil ...
You are clean, white bones, washed up on a forgotten shore. Three ribs, six knuckles, two femurs, and a sacrum. The bone is porous and old. Empty of marrow. You were not laid to rest. Was there anyone to mourn you? I can't know. But you are caught be ...
My Ghost, my shadow, my self. You didn't lead me here. You didn't say, "I have something to show you," and trek me across the world to see it. You just said, "let's go," and I went with you.
Why? Because the world was new in my reborn eyes, and I w ...
You're small. You're so small. I should have protected you. I hold you in my hands, these last pieces of you, but you're gone. There's no love, no Light, left for me to hold. Only these last pieces.
My Ghost. My heart. You are my heart. You were my ...
It wasn't a dream. Dead men don't dream. But I still talk about it like one because how else are people gonna understand? No one else has come back. Not from a final death. Just me.
So I'll tell it like it was a dream and I was asleep.
Firstly, i ...
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