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인형술사의 통제

경이 / Intrinsic

무모한 채찍이 향상됩니다. 투사체가 더 공격적으로 멀리까지 대상을 추적합니다. 대상을 구속하면 직조 사슬 갑옷을 획득합니다.

Community Research

Improves Drengr's Lash and grants Woven Mail for 10 seconds upon Suspending enemies.

When used with a Barricade:
Drengr's Lash creates 2 additional Lashes. Lashes gain stronger seeking capabilities and travel ?% farther.

When used with Thruster:
Created Strand Knot is launched towards nearby enemies with some tracking. Detonates and Suspends nearby targets on contact.
Last Updated 2024-09-28


Puppeteer's Control

Puppeteer's Control

Improved Drengr's Lash. Gain Woven Mail when suspending targets.
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