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선봉대의 설욕

기본 / Origin Trait

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Community Research

Weapon Kills restore 10 HP.
Last Updated 2024-02-29
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Season 24 Icon
This origin trait isn't a game changer, and its presence in action is very subdued, but it's far from useless. While it heals significantly less than Unrelenting (65HP, with an immediate regen kickstart too, vs VIndication's 10HP), it activates *far* more frequently, on every kill, unlike Unrelenting requiring 3 adds or 2 players; weapons you're going to use to clear adds rapidly will thus heal you rapidly, and you're guaranteed a small health bump with every kill (with this weapon) in the Crucible, which - unlikely as it may be - can be the difference between winning a 2v1 or 3v1 or not. Plus, Vindication is an origin trait, meaning it doesn't take up a trait slot.

If a weapon has multiple trait options and Vanguard's Vindication is one of them, unless the weapon is for a very specialized role the other trait fits better, Vindication is a safe bet that probably won't let you down. Probably.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago