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완벽한 부유

일반 / Enhanced Trait

적정 지속 시간 동안 전투에 참여하면, 전투에서 벗어날 때까지 더 긴 시간 동안 공중 정확도가 증가하고 피격 반동이 감소합니다.

Community Research

After being in Combat for 6 seconds:
Grants 30 Airborne Effectiveness and 35% Flinch Resistance for 🡅 12 seconds.

Can activate while stowed. Dealing and receiving damage refreshes the buff duration.

For Pefect Float, being in Combat is defined as having either dealt or received damage within the last 🡅 3.5 seconds.

🡅 Buff duration is increased by 2 seconds. Allowed time between damage exchanges is increased by 0.5 seconds.
Last Updated 2023-02-12
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