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전설 / 물리 무기 / Grenade Launcher

"수호자, 전투의 열기가 뜨거워지면 어느샌가 적절한 선택을 내리게 될 거야." —샤크스 경

출처: 빛 속으로
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분당 발사 수 90
탄창 1
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Blue PVE
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
자동 장전 총집
+ 재결합
28.69% of Rolls
자동 장전 총집
+ 치명적인 무기
17.35% of Rolls
자동 장전 총집
+ 광폭
4.52% of Rolls
충격 증폭기
+ 재결합
4.29% of Rolls
+ 재결합
3.55% of Rolls
폭파 전문가
+ 재결합
3.34% of Rolls
야심찬 암살가
+ 재결합
2.66% of Rolls
충격 증폭기
+ 치명적인 무기
2.39% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 199.2K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 25.5%
  • 16.8%
  • 14.0%
  • 13.3%
  • 11.3%
  • 10.3%
  • 8.5%
  • 42.2%
  • 26.5%
  • 21.1%
  • 10.1%
  • 56.6%
  • 9.8%
  • 8.7%
  • 8.6%
  • 8.0%
  • 6.0%
  • 2.0%
  • 44.8%
  • 26.3%
  • 10.9%
  • 5.2%
  • 4.8%
  • 4.0%
  • 3.8%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 201.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 201.8K+ copies, 43.0K+ (21.3%) were fully masterworked.
폭발 반경
22.0% of Rolls
재장전 속도
25.2% of Rolls
25.5% of Rolls
투사체 속도
27.1% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 113.4K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
빠른 접근 슬링
45.9% of Rolls
13.4% of Rolls
자유형 손잡이
11.9% of Rolls
공기 역학
7.5% of Rolls
이카루스 손잡이
5.1% of Rolls
조준 조정기
4.6% of Rolls
상쇄 개머리판
4.3% of Rolls
3.9% of Rolls

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TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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"수호자, 전투의 열기가 뜨거워지면 어느샌가 적절한 선택을 내리게 될 거야." —샤크스 경

카이아틀 여제가 차렷 자세로 줄지어 서 있는 군단병들 사이를 천천히 걸었다.

"대단하군, 발루스 살라딘." 군인들이 들을 수 있도록 여제가 목소리를 키웠다. "자네의 훈련 덕분에 강철 전쟁 야수가 제국의 엄니 역할을 제대로 할 수 있게 되었다."

카이아틀은 대형 선두로 돌아가 고개를 끄덕였다. 살라딘의 묵직한 목소리가 울려 퍼졌다. "방어구와 무기는 벗어서 보관하도록. 다음 훈련은 맨손 격투 훈련이다. 해산."

군인들이 흩어지자, 여제의 목소리가 부드러워졌다. "훌륭한 병사들을 휘하에 두었어. 그런데도… 만족스럽지 않은가 보군."

"몇 년 전, 황혼의 틈에서 병사들이 내 명령에 불복한 적이 있다." 살라딘이 대답했다.

"무모한 공격을 지시했나?" 여제가 물었다.

살라딘은 고개를 저었다. "그 반대다. 후퇴 명령이었지."

"이제 와 생각해 보니, 그 명령은 실수였다." 살라딘의 말이 이어졌다. "병사들이 불복하지 않았다면 우린 패배했겠지."

"강철 전쟁 야수는 군체부터 클로비스 브레이까지 어둠을 기반으로 한 전술에 대해 훈련했다. 같은 상황이 닥쳤을 때 그만큼 맹렬하게 빛에 맞설 확신이 녀석들에게도 있길 바랄 뿐이다." 살라딘이 말을 끝맺었다.

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Season 23 Icon
it's The Mountaintop
ALH/demo + recomb for an on-demand mini-nuke in ability-focused builds
ALH + frenzy for general use
overflow + anything for shenanigans but ambitious + like OFA, rampage, or frenzy for add clear
pairs nicely with a rocket launcher with reconstruction in DPS rotations :) (even though maybe using something else would probably still be better)
and you can rocket jump with it :)
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Got mine with Hard launch, Spike grenades, Impulse, and Recombination and this thing is crazy. These perks are perfect with impulse giving you a HUGE reload boost and recombination turning this into a mini rocket. Ez S-Tier weapon. Also, ROCKET JUMPINGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
For movement, Sticky grenades! It is hella useful for people who want to have more control on their skate or rocket jump.

For normal gameplay, spike grenades/implosion with ALH + recomb/vorpal/frenzy will all serve you very well in rotations.
But all boils down to playstyle.
Recomb for big chunk damage on orange bars and champs, Vorpal for consistency on the same above and Frenzy for extended combat phases.
Remember all these perks can be enhanced in TFS too!

In PVP, this is more of your opening weapon then clean up with a HC or to finish a fight.
No it doesn't one shot anymore.
If you intend to use it hardcore in PVP, impulse amplifier is a must for fast rocket speed to tag people.

Edit: Just to update, the best barrel and mag roll now is Hard Launch and Implosion rounds.
With Hard Lunch and Spike grenades at a very close second.
And the best masterwork will be anything EXCEPT blast radius which actually reduces damage instead.

Go to the youtubes and just type mountain top implosion and you will have all the info you need.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Just an FYI based on damage testing the ideal roll is with implosion rounds and hard launch. implosion rounds does 1-3% more damage than spike grenades, so either one is good. Main thing to look for is hard launch to lower the blast radius and increase direct damage! ALH/demo & frenzy/recombination are the rolls to look out for in my opinion. Also if the gun drops with a blast radius masterwork DON'T UPGRADE IT (R.I.P if its shiny and auto upgrades).
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Got a shiny 4/5 gold roll, Hard/Quick launch + HV/Impl rounds (no spike grenade, very sad) + ALH/Slick + Vorp/Recomb . It feels great and looks great. 10/10

For the people that have yet to get the pve god roll,
ALH + Frenzy for that +15% damage with +100 handling and reload when playing normally
ALH + Harmony for 20% damage with +15 handling after a kill
ALH + Vorpal for mini-bosses and boss damage rotations

Wouldn't recommend using MT in PvP but Impulse/ALH/Slick Draw(?) + Frenzy/Harmony would be interesting choices.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
thats a 5/5 my friend. implosion rounds with hard launch is the highest damage roll you can have. Bungie buffed implosion rounds and mountaintop has a unique interaction with it due to the micro-missile frame.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
That’s a perfect roll dude, I just got the exact same thing with velocity MW so it’s 5/5. Super happy with it but it’s not a shiny one
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Just a heads up, velocity masterwork does nothing. Only lowering blast radius increases the damage for both spike and implosion. So Handling masterwork is imo the best for autoloaders.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 23 Icon
It's as awesome as you were hoping it would be in PVE. ALH plus Recomb/Frenzy/Vorpal are all great rolls (even if some are situationally better than others).

Honestly as long as you have ALH in the 3rd column, there are no "bad" rolls for this weapon. So don't stress if you don't get a shiny Spike/ALH/Recomb during the first week...
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Let's be real, this together with The Slammer will be in the back pocket of speedrunners 24/7. I freaking love this thing. ROCKET JUMPING IS IN THE GAME BAYBEEEEEEE
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
ALH + Recomb for everything because it takes 8 shots of frenzy or vorpal to beat it

Not really interested in pure ad clear rolls. If I need heavy ad clear there are so many options in the game.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
I'm with you on ALH + Recomb, but for general play I'd take Vorpal over Frenzy.
Frenzy would help if you plan to manually reload this thing, but then what is ALH for?
Frenzy would be better paired with ambitious assassin.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
frenzy gives max handling as well. Which is huge for AL
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Idk man the Recombination even for general play is better imo just 2 kills with elemental damage weapon or abilities and you already surpassed vorpal and frenzy even if it's for only 1 shot your overall DPS is higher by default.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
The king of primary GL’s has returned. My go to for everything but disorienting adds.

ALH/Recomb is the roll. It’s nutty.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
impact grenade launchers will always be better than remote detonate grenade launchers, and the reintroduction of mountaintop proves that.

I really never had a use or interest in special ammo GL's because most of them didn't feel right, they're not really satisfying, needing to be pinpoint accurate to hit enemies to detonate, and the manual detonate feels clunky and needs you to be at medium or longer ranges with good timing to get a shot from those or the grenade flops away and detonates in mid air

but that all changed with reintroducing the mountaintop like man it's bloody satisfying using these now, the fact the projectile detonates ON impact like a real life grenade launcher is everything I wanted and man it's addicting to use, like bungie it took you years to introduce a new GL frame by reintroducing a old weapon back

and the fact you guys said your going to make more micro-missile/impact-detonate GL frames even more exciting, like man imagine a solar missile/detonate frame with a perk or origin trait that leaves scorch on impact, or a void one with repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds, that would be nutty and amazing.

but outside of my ramblings I think I found two perk combos that are great in any situation

- for using it as a main weapon go with one for all or rampage with impulse amplifier
- for utility you can go with autoloading holster with recombination or frenzy
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Very useful, not only in combat.

The reduced self damage plus the insane distance this thing can launch you vertically makes this a movement player's wet dream. Combine this with Shatterskating or Wellskating in between raid or dungeon encounters and you'll be waiting at the next checkpoint for your team to catch up for minutes.

If you're looking to use this thing in combat, I believe the less blast radius, the more damage this weapon deals for whatever reason, meaning with implosion rounds, this thing can perform as if you rolled spike grenades
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I hate to break it but this thing is hot trash in PvP, though in PvE it can be ok i guess...
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 23 Icon
There's plenty of interesting perks for whatever you plan on using this for.

- Impulse Amplifier/ALH + Frenzy if you plan on using this weapon to chunk down single targets - Auto-loading Holster if this'll be part of a DPS rotation, Impulse Amplifier if you plan on one-tricking this gun for damage because of the 0.85x reload scalar.
- Auto-loading Holster + Recombination for a pocket "Nuke this" button, though Overflow would also fit the bill.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
haven't tried in pvp yet, but an ambitious assassin + recomb roll is really nice :)
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
TL;DR, here's what I think is the PvE god roll: Quick Launch + Spike Grenades + Impulse Amplifier OR Auto-Loading Holster + Recombination + Handling/Reload/Velocity MW

Easily the best thing about the Mountaintop refresh is rocket jumping. I'm not a speedrunner so the mileage I'm gonna get from that feature is pretty minimal, but it's still a cool and fun thing to have in your back pocket for memes and laughs at the very least. Given how heavily Micro-Missile has been nerfed, I'd avoid bringing this thing into PvP.

As for general PvE play, it's... just OK if I'm being honest. It does do a very good job at single target burst damage, but with no access to AoE effects it's just not as good at ad clear as special weapons like wave frame GL's or even well-rolled primary weapons. If you do want to use it for ad clear, I recommend an Impulse Amplifier + Frenzy roll since Frenzy gets you to 100 reload speed along with it's 15% damage bonus and IA gives you a reload multiplier buff on top of that for the fastest possible reload and most damage uptime. Since it comes with 100 blast radius out of the box and you're getting to 100 reload from Frenzy, look for Quick Launch, Smart Drift Control, or Countermass for your barrel to get you the most help on other stats, and Spike Grenades or High-Velocity Rounds on your mag for either a slight damage bump or even more projectile velocity. If you do want to use this weapon as a designated workhorse and switch back-and-forth between mopping up ads and burning down beefier yellow bars, all of One For All (+35%), Adrenaline Junkie (+33.3%), and Rampage (+33.1%) give stronger damage bumps than Frenzy does, but just be aware that you'll probably be looking for reload help elsewhere, and you have to both ramp up and maintain these buffs getting a kill every 4-5 seconds. Ambitious Assassin is also an option instead of Impulse Amplifier because it functionally cuts down on your reloading time by 50%, but it only helps as long as you're getting kills so it's not much use if you're trying to burn down a single high health target. Demolitionist is also an interesting play since it allows you to double-dip with Indomitability, netting you 15% grenade energy per kill and allowing you to auto-reload when you throw your grenade as well. But, again, at the end of the day I think you're going to have a better time ad clearing with a strong subclass setup and either a well-rolled primary or purpose-built ad clear secondary like Forbearance.

The thing that's special and unique to this weapon is get access to Recombination on a Grenade Launcher. The only other guns to have access to this perk right now are Heritage and Succession, and I'd argue that it's likely easier to take advantage of nuking a big target with Mountaintop than it is with these other guns due to both the inherent range Micro-Missile enables coupled with the forgiveness of not needing to hit a crit. I also like Recombination more than Frenzy or Vorpal in this use case because even if you don't kill your target outright after one shot, it takes six follow-up shots from those +15% damage perks to catch up to the total damage you've done with a single double-damage shot plus a bunch more un-buffed follow-ups.

For a Recombination roll, I'd look to pair it with either Auto-Loading Holster or Impulse Amplifier again. Auto-Loading makes it a viable hot-swap panic button, so you're going to want as much handling as you can get (Quick Launch on the barrel and a Handling MW). Impulse Amplifier does make a bit less sense for use on a true secondary since the hope is to avoid wasting time reloading as much as possible, but the 15% reload speed buff is nice against the beefiest targets in activities like Onslaught to help the sustain DPS a little bit when I need it, and the increased projectile velocity helps with ease-of-use too. Since we're looking to maximize damage, it's worth remembering that there's a small increase in damage from special GLs when blast radius goes down so Hard Launch and Implosion Rounds are viable if that's what lands for you, but I would still lean towards Quick Launch and Spike Grenades if possible. Lead from Gold is theoretically good to help with ammo supply especially in activities where ammo drops are reduced, but I haven't found myself running dry that often. Overflow can act a bit like Auto-Loading too, but it's inconsistent if you're not finding a ton of ammo bricks.

At the end of the day, there are a lot of viable rolls for Mountaintop and some cool and fun things you can do with it, but I would recommend prioritizing other Brave weapons in your chase before you hunt for your god roll here. It's not bad in any way shape or form, but I just don't see it displacing Riptide, Pardon Our Dust, Scatter Signal, or the Supremacy as my go-to utility weapon. Either way, happy hunting!
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
I actually think this is right up there with the weapons you mentioned. (Riptide, Scatter Signal, Supremacy) The one off burst damage melts faster them some of those. Almost makes Fusion Rifles feel week imo at least with Recombination. Especially once you can put on Enhanced recombination it will only need 8 stacks for max damage. Also really strong in DPS with bait and switch damage rotation.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
first glowy version I got was lead/ambitious and OfA (and rampage but OfA is just a straight upgrade of it :P) and it's my favorite general use gl right now, however I do want a ALH and Recomb just to try it out. in terms of speedrunning so far (IMO) it's pretty alright since it's really good for vertical movement.. not much else to say in that aspect. (slight edit to add onto the speedrunning bit. through some testing and YT diving I've found some interesting stuff and because spoilers are for nerds all I will say is well/shatterskate then shoot and/or shoot 7 then skate, trust the random stranger on the internet)
for pvp........ it doesn't REALLY have anything going for it IMO but I don't like gl's in pvp, but it has impulse amplifier/ALH and maybe harmony? it just doesn't have anything outstanding for pvp however you can market garden on stasis titan so that alone warrants it a 5 star
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
It's best in slot for damage. Yeah Wilderflight does more but if you want to use an energy primary like Sunshot for ads, then you can put on Mountaintop and still have really strong damage. Check out Aegis' meta update for Into The Light
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago