뫼비우스 도관

경이 / Intrinsic

폭풍 결집을 활성화하면 주위의 모든 대상에게 번개를 소환하여 충격을 주는 동시에 아군을 증폭시킵니다. 전기 약화 효과를 받는 대상을 처치하면 소량의 폭풍 결집 에너지를 획득합니다.

Community Research

Upon casting Gathering Storm:
• Releases lightning at enemies within ? meters of you, dealing 650 [PVP: ?] damage and Jolting them
• You and allies within ? meters become Amplified

Lightning strikes (inconsistently) refund up to 50% Super Energy on Arc-Debuffed enemy Hits or Kills based on Enemy Rank :
• Tier 1 (T1) Minors: ?% on Hits | ? on Kills
• T2 Minors, T1 Elites: ?% | ?%
• T3 Minors, T2 Elites: ?% | ?%
• T4 Minors, T3 Elites, and higher: 25?% | ?%

Arc-Debuffed enemy Kills (inconsistently) grant additional Gathering Storm Super Energy:
• Minors: 1%
• Elites: 2.5%
• Players, Minibosses and higher: 4%

Inconsistencies are only(?) observed with Jolted enemies. Possibly due to killing enemies too fast after triggering Jolt's damage.
Last Updated 2024-12-12


Mobius Conduit

Mobius Conduit

Activating Gathering Storm calls down lightning.
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