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크보스토브 7G-02

Legendary / Kinetic Weapon / Auto Rifle

낡아 빠졌지만 정확한 고대의 전쟁 병기입니다. 당신을 기다리고 있었던 건지도 모르겠네요.

출처: 창백한 심장 탐험


적응형 프레임

적응형 프레임

균형 잡힌 손잡이로, 안정적이고 튼튼합니다.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Speed
Reload Time  
Aim Assistance
Inventory Size
Airborne Effectiveness
Recoil Direction
Rounds Per Minute 600
Magazine 41
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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크보스토브 7G-02

"정말 오랫동안 당신을 찾아 헤맸어요."

1일 차.

세상은 죽었지만, 사후의 고요함에는 평화가 깃들어 있다. 나는 수 마일의 황량한 길을 덮은 층층의 재 사이로 민들레가 자라나는, 이 죽은 세상에 태어났다.

673일 차.

한때 물이 흐르던 협곡이 있는 너른 땅이 있다. 땅을 깎아 만든 운하에는 버려진 배와 수많은 시체가 가득 널려 있다. 다수의 메마른 시체 사이로 꽃이 피어난다. 이 세상의 분해를 구성하는 각 요소에는 그 목적이 있다. 물은 흐르고, 도시는 썩고, 꽃은 피어난다. 그러나 나는 여전히 내 목적을 찾고 있다.

1,857일 차.

바다는 광활하고 외로운 곳이다. 바다 깊은 곳에서도 생명이 번성하지만, 내가 찾는 생명은 아니다. 나는 죽음에서 살아남아—죽음을 찾아 헤맨다. 어쩌면 내 목적은 물 밑에 있을지도 모르지만, 어둡고, 외로운 곳이라… 아직 그곳을 보고 싶지 않다. 아직은 지평선이 훨씬 많으니까.

6,231일 차.

부주의하게 행동하다 누군가가 들판 건너편에서 쏜 총을 맞았다. 총알은 내 의체를 깨뜨렸을 뿐이지만, 내 몸은 빙글빙글 돌고 흔들렸다. 누가 그랬는지, 왜 내가 표적이 되었는지도 알 수 없다. 죽은 척을 했더니 아무도 공격하러 오지 않았다. 나는 아홉 날 동안 무성한 풀밭에 누워 있었다. 다섯째 날에 비가 내렸다. 개미들과 친해졌다. 그들은 생존자들이다.

36,725일 차.

이 세상은 죽었지만 삶은 귀환을 겁박한다. 언제 내 목적을 이룰지 모르겠으나, 나는 내가 누군지 안다. 나는 인류의 무덤을 떠도는 유령이다. 소명을 가진 고스트.

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Season 24 Icon
This gun is hardly going to set the world on fire. Its a static roll, Kinetic Adaptive Auto Rifle earnt as part of one of the many collectable gathering secrets in the Pale Heart, in the same release that reintroduces its exotic big sibling with its fancy bullet richochets.

But its great all the same.

Khvostov has been in the game ever since New Light. However, the common roll is as busted as its rarity - no perks whatsoever, the glass of its sight cracked, and no way to infuse it. This one however, has far more going for it.
- It's infusable, being a Legendary, meaning you can take it wherever you want.
- It's Enhanceable, meaning you can give it a weapon level, enhanced perks, and a memento (the Lost one looks particularly slick - too bad I only have the one and am saving it).
- Its got the Dealers Choice Origin trait causing kills to give a smidge of Super energy, and it synergises with other Pale Heart weapons and can get Overcharge and Dragonfly from this Episodes Artifact.
- It has a selection of barrels and mag perks - do you want a super stable experience, or rapid reloads from empty?
- It has a selection of column 3 or 4 perks. Pick your poison - what ability energy do you want to get back? Do you want damage, or orb generation? Not exactly a show stopping line up, but it has a lot of utility available to it.
- Its a classic weapon now properly available to use into the future - and also if you want to sub out the exotic version for a different weapon.

The only downside is it doesn't have the best base recoil, but add a counterbalance mod and you'll be fine and dandy. But, er... probably not the best call to bring it into PvP, eh?

It was there at the beginning, and now, here it is at the end. Don't keep it waiting.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
add meatball back when :(
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I doubt anyone is gonna say the grape flavored Khvostov is the best auto rifle in the game. It's probably not even the best auto rifle in its season. But I find it an absolute joy to use, a reliable workhorse that offers massive utility in its unusual 3 choices in 3 columns. Plus the origin trait gives it a mini Thresh effect, letting you build up Super just a tad bit faster. Add on a Counterbalance mod to get the recoil to a comfortable 75, adjust the perks to match your build, and you're off to the races. You're not gonna come out in first all the time, but you'll never be in the lower half.

Honestly the only thing I would change is I wish it had Frenzy instead of Multikill Clip, but I guess we gotta draw the line somewhere.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I just like auto rifles..
it's got some goofy perks but it's ok.. I love it
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Grape Khvostov fails to meet any meta standards in modern lineup of weapons.

Weapons Pairings: Still Hunt and Pale Heart heavies.
-Still hunt is the only real exotic pairing I would ever use this weapon with. Since this weapon is in the primary slot and kinetic it allows us to use it with Still hunt, and offer smoother Transcendent charge.

Build Pairings - Generally I would build this gun to funnel as much energy into double stacked aspect class builds.
Hunter: Class
- Hunters Ascension allows class ability spam for easy add clear around yourself. Though they don't need as much assistance in generation from the Strategist perk, the high stability uptime is really nice.

Titan: Melee
-Pugilist is the only option imo. Until titans are offered a way to build other then Concentration spam for power, I can't recommend this enough.

Warlock: Class
Warlocks have a simular option to hunter but more passive buff then burst by providing bugs and a little flame buddy with Pheonix dive spam. While the Stability buff wont feel as permanent, the added uptime on the flame buddy will be greatly appreciated.

The weapon feels really average to poor due to higher recoil and no option of recoil barrel despite having 3 options. It has an initial heavy right kick followed by a vertical recoil when firing. Counter-balance only makes it feel worse (to me) as it straightens the initial trigger pull out but the 2nd half of the mag will pull hard left. Mag options are ok. Alloy mag offers faster empty reload, and Steady Rounds gives an option to improve weapon feel. Extended mag sadly still hurts reload a lot which falls short when considering 3rd and 4th collum perk options.

3rd collum has a wide variety of options for build synergy. This 3rd collum options will be one of 2 notable reasons to pick this weapon as in an ability spam build, this could fit decent.

4th collum is where this weapon really fell short for me. I was hoping that this would have shoot to loot as that would have fit better then the options we had and I know the exotic has this. None the less, the 2 options we get are Multi-kill Clip and Attrition Orbs. While I love Attrition Orbs on some rapid fire frame style weapons, this is not a rapid fire. This means you will need to hit a larger amount of bullets on a medium size mag making it just not worth it. Multi-Kill Clip feels like the default because of this which does have 1 major notable dyssynergy. Demolitionist reload function will not proc Multi-Kill Clip meaning this weapon loses a lot of value on grenade-based builds. 

This brings me to the #1 reason to why I use this weapon: Dealer's Choice. When stacking these weapons this adds a TON of value to the weapon. 3% BONUS super energy per kill when stacking 3 of these weapons makes this a powerhouse in super generation. I only really recommend this weapon in instances where you would utilize this perk to the max as it becomes almost like a Bad Juju auto rifle, only with permeant super generation and multi-kill clip instead of a rampage effect.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Its a good rifle, not the best but its satisfying to use but the rolls are definitely meh, if it had frenzy it probably would be a bit higher but i work with what i have.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
THE perfect jack of all trades type gun, variable perks for added customisation as well as INSANE max handling at 75.

However, since the range is really mid to low tier, this gun suffers from having to get up close or hit 95% crit dmg to work effectively in the crucible.

Aside from that small setback, it is still a great auto rifle.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
(season 24)
The legendary Khovostov is by no means a show-stopper. It's a static role and is earned through an (admittedly obnoxious) quest line. It's perks are solid but not groundbreaking. The choices between strategist, puglist or demolitionist combined with an inherent thresh -like effect make it something that can fit on almost any build for low-mid tier content. attrition orbs kind of sucks, so multikill clip is the way to go.


despite being a comfortably okay weapon, it's my absolute favorite in the entire expansion so far, and maybe my favorite ever. I'd be lying if I said a part of that wasn't the symbolic part of it (y'know like our journey coming full circle and stuff) But I think it's also because this weapon just feels fantastic. The high flexibility and good stat package make this thing a total workhouse that's just a joy to use -- the true definition of a "primary" weapon. People are complaining about the recoil on here, but I personally found it very manageable with hammer-forged and steady rounds. Counterbalance stock is not needed, but what mod you choose to use really is inconsequential (sweaty confetti, anyone? :P). In terms of pvp, idrk i don't play pvp -- but I hear autos are good right now, so it's probably not the worst?

overall, The Khovostov is a jack of all trades, master of none weapon that will exceed in most content barring the most end of endgame (contest raids,gms, anything lower than -10 basically (at that point just use the exotic version)) and will serve as a consistent and fun blast to the past while doing so.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Space M4 goes brrrr once more.

On paper this thing should suck. Its recoil impulse is bouncy, it being a legendary adaptive frame means your DPS will always just be kind of average, and none of the traits are particularly impressive on any weapon. Somehow, maybe just by charm, it still feels right. It feels really cool to use in PvP and in PvE it recalls memories of a better time for Bungie and gaming as a whole. I guess there's not much else to say.

I haven't committed to getting the Exotic variant just yet, mostly because I'm just having so much fun blasting things with this version. If you have TFS, I highly recommend doing the little collectible challenge to get this gun. It just feels... good.
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 25 Icon
It truly has been waiting for you.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Favorite looking weapon in the entire game. I wish it was craftable just so I could give it 100 recoil direction and maybe a better secondary perk but other then that I love it.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago