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일반 / Enhanced Trait

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Community Research

Dealing non-Precision Direct damage grants the following benefits for 0.55 seconds:
• 20% increased Precision Bonus (complicated, see specific damage increases below)
• 3% increased Aim Assist Cone size

Precision damage increases by weapon type/frame:
• Pulse Rifles: Adaptive: 7.1%, Aggressive Burst: 10%, Heavy Burst: 9.5%, High-Impact: 8.74%, Lightweight: 6.3%, Rapid-Fire: 10.3%
• Sidearms: Adaptive Burst: 8.46%, Heavy Burst: {We don't have a Death by Scorn}%

[Bug] Heavy Burst Hand Cannons: 7% increased Weakspot damage.

The distinction between Weakspots and Critspots is complicated and we might write an explainer blog post about it eventually. For the purposes of PvP, the two are equivalent.

🡅 Passively grants 5 Stability.
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